Your search returned 15 results.

Studies of psychosocial risk : the power of longitudinal data / ed. Michael RutterPiece-Analytic Level: Continuities and discontinuities : conceptual issues and methodological considerations • Modelling reality : some comments • Structural equation modelling of measurement processes in longitudinal data • Data gathering and data analysis for prospective and retrospective longitudinal studies • Causal paths, chains and strands • Logotudinal approaches to intergenerational studies : definition, design and use • Intergenerational longitudinal research : conceptual and methodological considerations • Studying the impact of ordinary life a developmental model, research plan and words of caution • Normative life events as risk factors in childhood • School effects : the use of planned intervention to study causal processes • School experiences as risk / protective factors • Delinquent development : theoretical and empirical considerations • Studying changes with individuals : the causes of offending • Logitudinal and systemic approaches in the study of biological high- and low-risk groups • Follow-up of biological high-risk groups • A person-process-context approach • Statistical modelling of longitudinal data • Individual and variable-based approaches to longitudinal research on early factors • Longitudinal strategies, causal reasoning and risk research : a commentary • Longitudinal data in the study of causal processes : some uses and some pitfallsPublication: New York : Cambridge University Press, 1988Description: 392 p.Availability:

Psychotherapy for children and adolescents : evidence-based treatments and case examples / John R. WeiszPublication: New York : Cambridge University Press, 2004Description: 528 p.Availability:

Plano Bullying : como apagar o bullying da escola / eds. Luís Fernandes; Sónia SeixasPublication: Lisboa : Plátano, 2012Description: 192 p. + 1 cd\rom com materiais editáveisAvailability:

A maldade humana : fatalidade ou educação? / org. Armanda Matos, et al.Piece-Analytic Level: Prevenção da delinquência e do comportamento anti-social • Promoçãop do bem-estar com um programa de enriquecimento emocional • O papel da familia no desenvolvimento dos compartamentos pró-social e agressivo • Maldade ou transtorno? tratamento dos problemas mais dificeis de saúde mental do adolescente com a terapia funcional familiar • Ética e deontologia na avaliação neuropsicologica de adultos idosos : problemas, novos delemas, algumas respostas • O desenvolvimento do comportamento criminoso e anti-social da infância à idade adulta • O desenvolvimento do comportamento criminoso e anti-social da infância à idade adulta • Maldades da juventude : dados de um estudo português • Contributos para a comprensão das bases neurobiologicas dos disturbios de personalidade anto-social, incluindo a psicopatia • Influências genéticas na aggressaõ e nos comportamentos pró-sociais em crianças e adolescentes • Maltrato infantil : entre um destino e uma historia • Deficiência, castigo divino :repercussões educativos • O triunfo de caim : a ética como um desafio à naturesa humana? • A normalização da maldade : uma nova perspectiva acerca das raizes psicológicas do ódio colectivo • A libertação do malPublication: Coimbra : Almedina, 2008Description: 360 p.Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca ISPACall number: C2 MATO/A1 (1).

The Jack-Roller : a delinquent boy's own story / Clifford R. ShawPublication: Chicago : University Of Chicago Press, 1996Description: XIX, 205 p.Availability:

Helping children cope with disasters and terrorism / Annette M. La Greca ; Wendy K. Silverman ; Eric M. Vernberg ; Michael C. RobertsPublication: Washington : American Psychological Association, 2002Description: XVII, 446 p.Availability:

Handbook of life-course criminology: emerging trends and directions for future research / eds. Chris L. Gibson, Marvin D. KrohnPiece-Analytic Level: Life-course perspectives and prisoner reentry • Crime prevention and intervention over the life course • Preventing substance use, delinquency, violence, and other problem behaviors over the life-course using the communities that care system • Pandora's box: the consequences of low self-control into adulthood • Getting out: a summary of qualitative research on desistance across the life course • Desistance from crime: a review and ideias for moving forward • How work affects crime - and crime affects work - over the life course • Under the protective bud the bloom awaits: a review of theory and research on adult-onset and late-blooming offenders • Social networks and delinquency in adolescence: implications for life-course criminology • Social capital, the life-course, and gangs • Adolescent-limited offending • Adolescent time use, companionship, and the relationship with the development • The impact of schools and education on antisocial behavior over lifecourse • Neughborhood influences on antisocial behavior during childhood and adolescence • Enhanced susceptibility to context: a promizing perspective on the interplay of genes and the social environment • Genetic and environmental influences on the development of childhood antisocial behavior: current evidence and directions for future research • The biology of childhood crime and antisocial behavior • Development of antisocial behavior during childhoodPublication: Gainesville : Springer, 2014Description: 341 p.Availability:

Evidence-based psychotherapies for children and adolescents / Edited by Alan E. Kazdin, John R. WeiszPiece-Analytic Level: Concluding thoughts : present and future of evidence-based psychotherapies for children and adolescents • Narrative therapy for hispanic children and adolescents • Brief strategic family therapy for hispanic youth • Behavioral treatment for enuresis • Development of evidence-based treatments for pediatric obesity • Behavioral family systems therapy for adolescents with anorexia nervosa • Empirically supported pivotal response interventions for children with autism • Early and intensive behavioral intervention in autism • Multisystemic teratment of serious clinical problems • Antisocial behavior in children and adolescents : the oregon multidimensional treatment foster care model • Anger control training for aggressive youth • Problem-solving skills training and parentmanagement training for conduct disorder • The incredible years parents, teachers, and children training series : a multifaceted treatment approach for young children with conduct problems • Parent-child interaction therapy for oppositional children • A cognitive-behavioral training program for parents of children with attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder • Primary and secondary control enhancement training for youth depression : applying the deployment-focused model of treatment development and testing • Interpersonal psychotherapy for depressed adolescents • Cognitive-behavioral therapy for adoelscent depression : comparative efficacy, mediation, moderation, and effectiveness • Cognitive-behavioral group treatment for adolescent depression • Parental involvement in the treatment of anxious children • Child-focused teratment of anxiety • Ethical issues in child and adolescent psychosocial teratment research • The frontier of evidence-based practice • Developmental issues and considerations in research and practice • Context and background of evidence-based psychotherapies for children and adolescentsPublication: New York : Guilford Press, 2003Description: XIX, 475 p.Availability:

Encyclopedia of criminology and deviant behavior / ed. Clifton D. BryantPublication: Philadelphia : Brunner-Routledge, 2001Description: 4 vol.Availability:

The effects of parental dysfunction on children / Ed. Robert J. MacMahon, Ray DeV. PetersPiece-Analytic Level: Children of parents with intellectual disabilities • Children of substance-abusing parents : current findings from the focus on families project • Helping children with fetal alcohol syndrome and related consitions : a clinician's overview • Growing up in an alcoholic dfamily : structuring pathways for risk aggregation and theory-driven intervention • Understanding the association between parent and child antisocial behavior • Learning and intimacy in the families of anxious children • Preventing depression in children through resiliency promotion : the preventive inteervention project • A longitudinal study of aggressive and withdrawn children into adulthood : patterns of parenting and risk of offspring • Familial factors and substance use disordersPublication: New York : Kluwer Acedemic, Plenum Publishers, 2002Description: 229 p.Availability:

Drugs and crime deviant pathways / Serge Brochu, Candido da Agra, Marie-Marthe CousineauPiece-Analytic Level: Deviant pathways of alcoholic and drug-addicted patients • The backgroud of illegal drug abuse : a german view • Black Women's path ways to involvement in illicit drug distribution and sales : an exploratory ethnographuc analysis • Flexing crack in Toronto : a deviant pathway for poor, homeless drug users • Drug \ crime pathways among cocaine users • Deviant youth trajectories : adoption, progression and regression of deviant lifestyles • Deviant trajectories at the turning point between adolescence and adulthood • Developmental trajectories leading to delinquency and substance use in adolescence : results from Quebec studies • Ethnographic space-time : culture of resistance in a dangerous place • drug addiction and drug dealing - from trajectories to careers : the status of the question in social sciences in France • The study of psychological self-organization processes in deviant pathways : contributions of the biogram method • The complex structures, processes and meanings of the drug \ crime relationshipPublication: Burlington : Ashgate, 2002Description: 252 p.Availability:

Delinquência infanto-juvenil: uma abordagem desenvolvimentista em criminologia / Roziméri Aparecida RigonPublication: Lisboa : Editorial Juruá, 2012Description: 229 p.Availability:

Comportamento anti-social e crime : da infância à idade adulta / ed. António Castro FonsecaPiece-Analytic Level: Diferenças individuais no desenvolvimento do comportamento anti-social : o contributo dos estudos longitudinais • Estará o crime nos genes? : Revisão crítiva de estudos de género e de adoptados • Genética do comportamento e conduta anti-social : perspectivas desenvolvimentistas • Vinculação e comportamentos anti-sociais • Violência na televisão e desenvolvimento do comportamento agressivo : o papel da aprendizagem social • Comportamento anti-social nos jovens : o modelo dos objectivos de aumento da reputação • Predisposição para problemas do comportamento na infância e na adolescência : análise de um modelo desenvovimentista • O desenvolvimento da delinquência : uma perspectiva interaccionista • O estudo de desenvolvimento da delinquência de Cambridge : principais resultados dos primeiros 40 anos • Comportamento anti-social : técnicas e instrumentos de avaliação • Dos indicadores de risco aos mecanismos de causalidade: análise de alguns percursos cruciais • Comportamento anti-social : contributos culturais, vivenciais e temperamentaisPublication: Coimbra : Almedina, 2004Description: 461 p.Availability:

Comportamento anti-social : escola e família / Editado por Isabel Alberto ; António Castro Fonseca ; Cristina P. Albuquerque ; António Gomes Ferreira ; José RebeloPublication: Coimbra : Centro de Psicopedagogia da Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra, 2003Description: 361 p.Availability:

The APSAC handbook on child maltreatment / Edited by John E.B. Meyers, Lucy Berliner, John Briere, C. Terry Hendrix, Carole Jenny, Theresa A. ReidPublication: Thousand Oaks : Sage, 2002Description: XVI, 582 p.Availability:
