A sua pesquisa recuperou 90 resultados.

Utility of gains and losses : measurement-theoretical and experimental approaches / R. Duncan LucePublicação: Mahwah, New Jersey : London : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2000Descrição: 331 p.Disponibilidade:

Thinking, reasoning, and decision making in autism / eds. Kinga Morsanyi, Ruth M. J. ByrneNível de parte analítica: How do individuals with autism think? • The dual process theory of autism • Decision-making processes of high-functioning adults on the autism spectrum • Analogical reasoning in autism: a systematic review and meta-analysis • Counterfactual and false-belief reasoning in individuals with autism • Pragmatic reasoning in autism • Reasoning and discourse coherence in autism spectrum disorderPublicação: London : Routledge, 2020Descrição: 161 p.Disponibilidade:

Thinking, fast and slow / Daniel KahnemanPublicação: London : Allen Lane, 2011Descrição: 499 p.Disponibilidade:

Thinking and deciding / Jonathan BaronPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000Descrição: 570 p.Disponibilidade:

Thinking : psychological perspectives on reasoning, judgment and decision making / David Hardman, Laura MacchiNível de parte analítica: On the assessment of decision quality : considerations regarding utility, conflict and accountability • Medical decision scripts : combining cognitive scripts and judgment strategies to account fully for medical decision making • Belief and preference in decision under uncertainty • Cognitive mapping of causal reasoning in strategic decision making • Correspondence and coherence : indicators of good judment in world politics • More is not always better : the benefits of cognitive limits • Naive and yet enlightened : from natural frequencies to fast and frugal decision trees • The partitive conditional probability • Possibilities and probabilities • Verbal expressions of uncertainty and probability • Probabilities and pragmatics in conditional inference : suppression and order effects • Premise interpretation in conditional reasoning • Superordinate principles, conditions and conditionals • Generalising individual differences and strategies across different deductive reasoning domains • Individual differences in the development of reasoning strategies • A theory of hypothetical thinkingPublicação: Chichester : John Willey, 2003Descrição: XV, 376 p. : quadros, gráficosDisponibilidade:

Tempo de decisão: explicar preferências entre sequências / marc Scholten, Centro de InvestigaçãoPublicação: Lisboa : ISPA, Centro de Design e Comunicação, 2013Descrição: 1 disco óptico (DVD) : som, col.Disponibilidade:

Teaching, learning and assessing science 5-12 / Wynne HarlenPublicação: London : Paul Chapman Publishing, 2003Descrição: VIII, 257 p. : il., Tabelas, QuadrosDisponibilidade:

Swedish and Portuguese interacting in Swedish MNC's in Portugal : cultural issues and perspectives / Susana Telma GarridoPublicação: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2003Descrição: 85 p.Disponibilidade:

Superinteligência: caminhos, perigos, estratégias / Nick BostromPublicação: Lisboa : Relógio D' Água, 2019Descrição: 457 pDisponibilidade:

Social psychology : handbook of basic principles / ed. Arie W. Kruglanski ; E. Tory HigginsNível de parte analítica: Social action • Organizational behavior • Psychology and politics : the challenges of integrating levels of analysis in social science • Consumer behavior and marketing • Contributions of social psychology to clinical psychology : three views of a research frontier • Psychology and the law : reconciling normative and descriptive acoounts of social justice and system legitimacy • Cultural processes : basic principles • Inclusion and exclusion : implications for group processes • Dynamical social psychology : findings order in the floew of human experience • social psychology of leadership • The socialç psychology of intergroup relations : social categorization, ingroup bias, and outgroup prejudice • Social power • Grounding communication • The psychology of negotiation : principles and basic processes • Foundations of interpersonal trust • Attitude change • Self-interest and beyond : basic principles of social interaction • Self-regulation and the executive function : the self as controlling agent • The goal construct in social psychology • Basic human needs • Value • Social identity and self-regulation • The role of impulse in social behavior • Feelings and phenomenal experiences • Psychological distance • Decisons cvonstructed locally : some fundamental pronciples of the psychology of decision making • Standards • Principles of mental representation • The role of matacognition in social judgment • Causal explanation : from social perception to knowledge-based attribution • Knowledge activation • Information ecology and the explanation of social cognition and behavior • Automatic thought • The principles of social judgment • Expectancy • Prediction : the inside view • Social cognitive neuroscience : historical development, core principles and future promise • Visceral and somatic indexes of social psychological constructs : history, principles, propositions, and case studies • Evolutionary theory for social and cultural psychologyPublicação: New York : Guilford Press, 2007Descrição: 1010 p.Disponibilidade:

Social metacognition / ed. Pablo Briñol, Kenneth G. DeMarreeNível de parte analítica: Metacognition and psychological therapy • Metacognitive theory in consumer research • Metacognition in teams and organizations • Do you see what i see? : antecents, concequences, and remedies for biased metacognition in close relationships • Metacognition in stereotypes and prejudice • Embodied validation : our bodies can change and also validate our thoughts • Emotion and social metacognition • The experience of thinking : matacognitive ease, fluency, and context • Metacognition and the social animal • People's thoughts about their personal pasts and futures • Metacognitive processes in the self-regulation of goal pursuit • What do you think about who i am? : metacognition and the self-concept • Metacognition of bias regulation • Confidence considered : assessing the quality of decisions and performance • Dimensions of metacognitive judgment : implications for attitude change • Metacognitive determinants of attitude strength • Social metacognition : thinking about thinking in social psychologyPublicação: New York : Psychology Press, 2012Descrição: 368 p.Disponibilidade:

Social cognition : from brains to culture / Susan T. Fiske, Shelley E. TaylorPublicação: New York : McGraw-Hill, 2008Descrição: 540 p.Disponibilidade:

Searching for commonalities in human judgment : the parametric unimodel and its dual mode alternatives / Hans-Peter erb, Arie W. Kruglanski, Woo Young Chun, Antonio Pierro, Lucia Mannetti, Scott SpiegelDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: S1 ERSP14 (1). :

Resilience engineering : concepts and precepts / ed. Erik Hollnagel, David D. Woods, Nancy LevesonNível de parte analítica: Epilogue : resilience engineering precepts • States of resilience • Distancing through differencing : an obstacle to organizational learning following accidents • How to design a safety organization : test case for resilience engineering • Properties of resilent organizations : an initial view • Optimum system safety and optimum system resilience : agonistic or antagonistic concepts? • Learning how to create resilience in business systems • Erosion of managerial resilience : from Vasa to NASA • Taking things in one's stride : cognitive features of two resilient performances • Safety management in airlines • Organizational resilience and industrial risk • Structure for management of weak and diffuse signals • Is resilience really necessary? : the case of railways • Engineering resilience into safety-critical systems • Resilience engineering : chronicling the emergence of confused consensus • Incidents - markers of resilience of brittleness? • A typology of resilence situations • Complxity, emergence, resilience... • Defining resilience • Essential characteristics of resilience • Resilience : the challenge of the unstable • Prologue : resilience enginnering conceptsPublicação: Aldershot : Ashgate, 2006Descrição: 397 p.Disponibilidade:

Research in personnel and human resources management / Edited by Gerard R. Ferris ; Joseph J. MatocchioPublicação: Amsterdam : JAI, 2002Descrição: 380 p.Disponibilidade:

Recognizing, defining, and representing problems / Jean E. Pretz, Adam J. Naples, Robert J. SternbergDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: P2 DAVI/J1 (1). :

Rational choice in an uncertain world : the psychology of judgment and decision making / Reid Hastie, Robyn M. DawesPublicação: Thousand Oaks : Sage, 2001Descrição: 372 p.Disponibilidade:

Racionalidade quebrada [Texto Policopiado] : a racionalidade ecológica das heurísticas rápidas e frugais / José Miguel Pereira de OliveiraPublicação: Coimbra : Universidade de Coimbra, 2005Descrição: 471 p.Disponibilidade:

The psychology of learning and motivation / Edited by Brian H. RossPublicação: Amsterdam : Academic Press, 1997-Descrição: 43 vol.Disponibilidade:

Psychological investigations of competence in decision making / ed. Kip smith, James Shanteau, Paul JohnsonNível de parte analítica: The vice of consensus and the virtue of consistency • Representations of uncertainty and change : three cases studies with experts • Arguments and decisions • Designing for competence • Emergency decision making • Managing risk in social exchange • Competence in weather forecasting • The conversion decision in laparoscopic surgery : knowing your limits and limiting your risks • Introduction : what does it mean to be competente?Publicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004Descrição: 243 p.Disponibilidade:
