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A sua pesquisa recuperou 11 resultados.

Que sorte, ciganos na nossa escola! / coord. ed. Maria Helena Torres Chaves, Astrid Thorn-HilligPublicação: Lisboa : Centre Recherches Tsiganes, Secretariado Entreculturas, Presidência do Conselho de Ministros, Ministério da Educação, 2001Descrição: 333 p.Disponibilidade:

Os filhos de África em Portugal : antropologia, multiculturalidade e educação / Neusa Maria Mendes de GusmãoPublicação: Lisboa : Imprensa De Ciencias Sociais, 2004Descrição: 361 p.Disponibilidade:

Multicultural issues in literacy : research and practice / Edited by Arlette Ingram Willis ; Georgia Earnest García ; Rosalinda B. Barrera ; Violet J. HarrisNível de parte analítica: Pitfalls and potential : multicultural literature and teacher study groups • The implementation of a multicultural literacy program in fourth- and fifth-grade classrooms • Assessing and assisting performance of diverse learners : a view of responsive teaching in action • English as a second language, literacy development in mainstream classrooms : application of a model for effective practice • From the mountain to the mesa : scaffolding preservice teachers' knowledge about the cultural contexts of literacy • Multicultural views of literacy learning and teaching • Telling the people's stories : literacy practices and processes in a navajo community school • Fostering collaboration between home and school through curriculum development : perspectives of three appalachian children • Headwoman's blues : small group of culture, gender, and ability • Examining children's biliteracy in the classroom • Finding esmerelda's shoes : a case study of a young bilingual child's responses to literature • Giving voice to multicultural literacy reasearch and practicePublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003Descrição: VIII, 309 p. : il.Disponibilidade:

Jovens, migrantes e a sociedade da informação e do conhecimento : a escola perante a diversidade / M. Margarida Marques, Joana Lopes Martins, José Grabriel Pereira Bastos, Isabel Barreiros ; coord. Roberto CarneiroPublicação: Porto : Alto-Comissariado para a Imigração e Minorias Étnicas, 2005Descrição: 144 p.Disponibilidade:

Identity, diversity and intercultural dialogue / ed. Susana GonçalvesNível de parte analítica: The EU-Mercosur trade relations • The music in me foundation in the middle east music as a mean of developmental aid, fostering intercultural dialogue • Cooperation for development : education and culture • Dialogue between identities in a multicultural society : the case of israel • Human rights and citizenship education in teacher training • It's hard fun : identity, diversity and intercultural dialogue in the educational game the europeam house • Developing teacher competences in facilitationg content as language learning among bilingual students in the Danish mainstream classroom • a new impetus to intercultural learning : questioning concepts and practices • Advestisemnet as cultural product : values, practises and cultural symbols reproduced in the japanese commercials • Tourists guideboooks : tackiling cultural identities in translator training pedagogy : a polish-portuguese case study • Hungarian studies and intercultural communications studies • Cultures are always intercultural • The Asian hunter, the graduate junkie and the foolish dominator : three stories on cultural biases • talking about identity : who er we? what do we inherit? what do we cultivate? who are we becoming in integrated Europe? • The catholic as the other : forging British national identity • (Re)searching for social justice : revolution, evaluation, and solutions • The meaning of intercultural dialoguePublicação: Coimbra : Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra, 2008Descrição: 185 p.Disponibilidade:

Educação multicultural : teorias e práticas / Anabela PereiraPublicação: Porto : Asa, 2001Descrição: 127 p.Disponibilidade:

Educação de infância em Portugal : situação e contextos numa perspectiva de promoção de equidade e combate à exclusão / Coord. Teresa VasconcelosPublicação: Lisboa : Conselho Nacional de Educação, 2003Descrição: 289 p.Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para empréstimo: Biblioteca ISPACota: E3 CNE22 (1).

Developmental psychopathology / ed. Dante Cicchetti, Donald J. CohenNível de parte analítica: Stigma and mental illness : developmental issues and future prospects • Resilience in later adulthoofd and old age : resources and potentials for sucessful aging • Resilience in development : a synthesis of research across five decades • Competence and psychopathology in development • Dissociative disorders • Alcohol use and the alcohol use disorders : a developmental-biopsychosocial systems formulation covering the life course • developmental pathways to substance abuse • Life-course-persistent versus adolescence-limited antisocial behavior • The neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia : updated • The development and ecology of antisocial behavior in children and adolescents • Social anxiety and emotion regulation : a model for developmental psychopathology persepctives on anxiety disorders • Tourette's syndrome : a multifactorial, developmental psychopathology • Origuns of obsessive-compulsive disorder : developmental and evolutionary perspectives • Disorders of attention and impulse regulation • Autism spectrum disorders • Developmental disorders of language • Developmental approaches to children with mental retardation : a second generation? • The persisting effects of early experiences on psychological development • An ecological-transactional perspective on child maltreatment : failure of the averaje expectable environment and its influence on child development • Interparental discord, family process, and developmental psychopathology • The multiple determinants of parenting • Social support and developmental psychopathology • A developmental psychopathology approach to the prevention of mental health disorders • Taxometric methods : enhancing early detection and prevention of psychopathology by identifying latent vulnerability traits • A survey of dynamic systems methods for developmental psychopathology • Person-oriented research strategies in developmental psychopathology • The significance of autonomy and autonomy support in psychologycal development and psychopathology • Social cognition, psychological symptoms, and health : the model, evidence, and contribution of ego development • Psychoanalytic perspectives on developmental psychopathology • Probabilistic epigenesis of psychopathology • Understanding vulnerability and resilience from a normative developmental perspective : implications for racially and ethnically diverse youth • Cultural diversity in the development of child psychopathology • Development psychopathology from family systems and family risk factors perspectives : systems and family risk factors perspectives : implications for family research, practice, and policy • Schools, schooling, and developmental psychopathology • Peer relationshiops, child development, and adjustment : a developmentasl psychopathology perspective • Self-processes and developmental psychopathology • Attachment, stress, and psychopathology : a developmental pathways model • Joint attention, social competence, and developmental psychopathology • Emotions and developmental psychopathology • Developmental pathways • Comprehensive psychological assessment : a developmental psychopathology approach for clinical and applied research • Developmental issues in assessment, taxonomy, and diagnosis pf psychopathology : life span and multicultural perspectives • THe origins and development of psychopathology in females and males • Development epidemiology • What's in a name? : problems versus prospects in current diagnostic approaches • Development and psychopathologyPublicação: Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2006Descrição: 3 vol.Disponibilidade:

Deliberate practice in multicultural therapy / Jordan Harris ; Joel Jin ; Sophia Hoffman ; Selina Phan ; Tracy A: Prout ; Tony Rousmaniere ; Alexandre VazPublicação: Washington, DC : American Psychological Association, 2024Disponibilidade:

Caminhando para uma cidadania multicultural [Número Temático] / Organização Luiza CortezãoNível de conjunto: Educação, Sociedade & Culturas. Vol. 23, (2003)Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R4 (1). :

Adaptação social e escolar em contexto multicultural / Fernando Jorge RodriguesPublicação: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2001Descrição: 117 p.Disponibilidade:
