A sua pesquisa recuperou 17 resultados.

Thinking, fast and slow / Daniel KahnemanPublicação: London : Allen Lane, 2011Descrição: 499 p.Disponibilidade:

Thinking : psychological perspectives on reasoning, judgment and decision making / David Hardman, Laura MacchiNível de parte analítica: On the assessment of decision quality : considerations regarding utility, conflict and accountability • Medical decision scripts : combining cognitive scripts and judgment strategies to account fully for medical decision making • Belief and preference in decision under uncertainty • Cognitive mapping of causal reasoning in strategic decision making • Correspondence and coherence : indicators of good judment in world politics • More is not always better : the benefits of cognitive limits • Naive and yet enlightened : from natural frequencies to fast and frugal decision trees • The partitive conditional probability • Possibilities and probabilities • Verbal expressions of uncertainty and probability • Probabilities and pragmatics in conditional inference : suppression and order effects • Premise interpretation in conditional reasoning • Superordinate principles, conditions and conditionals • Generalising individual differences and strategies across different deductive reasoning domains • Individual differences in the development of reasoning strategies • A theory of hypothetical thinkingPublicação: Chichester : John Willey, 2003Descrição: XV, 376 p. : quadros, gráficosDisponibilidade:

Social psychology : handbook of basic principles / ed. Arie W. Kruglanski ; E. Tory HigginsNível de parte analítica: Social action • Organizational behavior • Psychology and politics : the challenges of integrating levels of analysis in social science • Consumer behavior and marketing • Contributions of social psychology to clinical psychology : three views of a research frontier • Psychology and the law : reconciling normative and descriptive acoounts of social justice and system legitimacy • Cultural processes : basic principles • Inclusion and exclusion : implications for group processes • Dynamical social psychology : findings order in the floew of human experience • social psychology of leadership • The socialç psychology of intergroup relations : social categorization, ingroup bias, and outgroup prejudice • Social power • Grounding communication • The psychology of negotiation : principles and basic processes • Foundations of interpersonal trust • Attitude change • Self-interest and beyond : basic principles of social interaction • Self-regulation and the executive function : the self as controlling agent • The goal construct in social psychology • Basic human needs • Value • Social identity and self-regulation • The role of impulse in social behavior • Feelings and phenomenal experiences • Psychological distance • Decisons cvonstructed locally : some fundamental pronciples of the psychology of decision making • Standards • Principles of mental representation • The role of matacognition in social judgment • Causal explanation : from social perception to knowledge-based attribution • Knowledge activation • Information ecology and the explanation of social cognition and behavior • Automatic thought • The principles of social judgment • Expectancy • Prediction : the inside view • Social cognitive neuroscience : historical development, core principles and future promise • Visceral and somatic indexes of social psychological constructs : history, principles, propositions, and case studies • Evolutionary theory for social and cultural psychologyPublicação: New York : Guilford Press, 2007Descrição: 1010 p.Disponibilidade:

Rational choice in an uncertain world : the psychology of judgment and decision making / Reid Hastie, Robyn M. DawesPublicação: Thousand Oaks : Sage, 2001Descrição: 372 p.Disponibilidade:

The psychology of evaluation : affective processes in cognition and emotion / ed. Jochen Musch, Karl Christopher KlauerNível de parte analítica: Motor compatibility : the bidirectional link between behavior and evaluation • The parallel worlds of affective concepts and feelings • What is primed by emotion concepts and emotion words? • Putting process into personality, apparaisal, and emotion : evaluative processing as a missing link • Beyond verbal self-report : priming methods in relationship research • A structural analysis of inderect measures of attitudes • The Hedonic marking of of processing fluency : implications for evaluative judgment • The constructive nature of automatic evaluation • On the acquisition and activation of evaluative information in memory : the study of evaluative learning and affective priming combined • The hidden vicissitudes of the priming paradigm in evaluative judgment research • Reverse priming : implications for the (un) conditionality of automatic evaluation • The meddling-in of affective information : a general model of automatic evaluation effects • Affective priming : findings and theories • The psychology of evaluation : an introductionPublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003Descrição: 411 p.Disponibilidade:

Pensar, depressa e devagar / Daniel KahnemanPublicação: Lisboa : Círculo de Leitores, 2012Descrição: 661 pDisponibilidade:

Orthography and rhyme judgement : the interplay between phonology and orthography on rhyme judgment / São Luis CastroNível de conjunto: Psychologica, Nº 34 (2003), p. 143-154Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R1 (1). :

The moral choices children attribute to adults and to peers : implications for moral acquisition / Herbert SaltzsteinNível de conjunto: European Journal of Psychology of Education, Vol. 28, nº 3 (2003), p. 295-307Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R4 (1). :

Hypothetical thinking : dual processes in reasoning and judgment / Jonathan St B. T. EvansPublicação: Hove : Psychology Press, 2007Descrição: 206 p.Disponibilidade:

Human Contingency Learning: Recent Trends in Research and Theory [Número Temático] / Tom Beckers, Jan de Houwer, Helena Matute(eds.)Nível de conjunto: The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Vol. 60, nº 3, 2007Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R5 (1). :

Heuristics and biases : the psychology of intuitive judgment / Thomas Gilovich, Dale Griffin, Daniel KahnemanNível de parte analítica: Theory-driven reasoning about plausible pasts and probable futures in World politics • Heuristics and biases in application • Clinical versis actuarial judgment • The calibration of expert judgment : heuristics and biases beyond the laboratory • Do analysts overreact? • Assessing uncertainty in physical constants • Understanding misunderstanding : social psychological perspectives • When less is more : counterfactual thinking and satisfaction among olympic medalists • Like goes with like : the role of representativeness in erroneous and pseudo-scientific beliefs • The hothand in basketball : on the misperception of random sequences • Intuitive politicians, theologians, and presucutors : exploring the empirical implications of deviant functionalist metaphors • How good are fast and frugal heuristics? • Feelings as information : moods influence judgments and processing strategies • The use of statistical heuristics in everyday inductive reasoning • Remarks on support theory : recent advances and future directions • Unopacking, repaking, and anchoring : advances in support theory • Support theory : a nonextensional representation of subjective probability • Individual differences in reasoning : implications for the rationality debate? • The affect heuristic • Two systems of reasoning • Counterfactual thought, regret, and superstition : how to avoid kicking yourself • Norm theory : comparing reality of its alternatives • When presictions fail : the dilemma of unrealistic optimism • Ambiguity and self-evaluation : the role of ideosyncratic trait definitions in self-serving assessments of ability • Resistance of personal risk perceptions to debiasing interventions • Durability bias in effective forecasting • Robability judgment across cultures • Inside the planning fallacy : the causes and consequences of optimistic time predictions • The weighting of evidence and the determinantes of confidence • Compatibility effects in judgment and choice • Sympathetic magical thinking : the contagion and similarity heuristics • Mental contamination and the debiasing problem • Inferential correction • Self-anchoring in conversation : why language users do not do what they should • Putting adjustment back in the anchoring and adjustment heuristic • Incorporating the irrelevant : anchors in judgment of belief and value • Imagining can heighten or lower the perceived likelihood of contracting a sideade : the mediating effect of ease of imagery • How alike is it? versus how likely is it? : a disjuntion fallacy is probability judgments • Representativeness revisited : attribute substitution in intuitive judgment • Extensional versus intuitive reasoning : the conjunction in probability judgment • Introduction - heuristics and biases : then and nowPublicação: New York : Cambridge University Press, 2002Descrição: 857 p.Disponibilidade:

Evolution and social psychology / ed. Mark Schaller, Jeffry A. Simpson, Douglas T. KenrickNível de parte analítica: Evolution and culture • Groups as adaptative devices : human docility and group aggregation mechanisms in evolutionary context • Evolutionary social influence • The evolution of aggression • The altruism puzzle : psychological adaptations for prosocial behavior • Evolution, relationships, and health : the social shaping hypothesis • Accuracy and bias in romantic relationships : an evolutionary and social psychological analysis • Evolutionary bases of prejudices • An evolutionary perspective on social identity : revisiting groups • Social functionalism and the evolution of emotions • The ecological approach to person perception : evolutionary roots and contemporary offshoots • When and why did the human self evolve? • Modeluar minds, multiple motives • The evolution of accuracy and bias in social judgment • Evolution in the new cognitionPublicação: New York : Psychology Press, 2006Descrição: 390 pDisponibilidade:

Everyday thinking : memory, reasoning, and judgment in the real world / Stanley WollPublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum Assciates, 2002Descrição: 640 p.Disponibilidade:

Causal models : how people think about the world and its alternatives / Steven SlomanPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005Descrição: 212 p.Disponibilidade:

Blackwell handbook of judgment & decision making / ed. Derek J. Koehler, Nigel HarveyNível de parte analítica: Judgment, decision making, and public policy • The psychology of medical decision making • Heuristics, biases, and governance • Judgment and decision-making accounting research : a quest to improve the production, vertification, and use of accounting information • Behavioral finance • Culture and decisions • Behavioral game theory • Group decision and deliberation : a distributed detection process • The connections between affect and decision making : nine resulting phenomena • Intertemporal choice • Decision under risk • Framing, loss aversion, and mental accounting • Internal and substantive inconsistencies in decision making • Context and conflict in multiattribute choice • Debiasing • Expertise in judgment and decision making : a case for training intuitive decision skills • Forecasting and scenario planning : the challenges of uncertanty and complexity • Twisted pair : counterfactual thinking and hinsight bias • A tale of tuned decks? : anchoring as accessibility and anchoring as adjustment • Judging covariation and causation • Hypothesis testing and evaluation • Perspectives on probability judgment calibration • Inside and outside probability judgment • Computational models of decision making • Wlaking with the scarecrow : the information-processing approach to decision research • Yet another look at the heuristics and biases approach • Fast ann frugal heuristics : the tools of bounded rationality • Social judgment theory : applying and extending Brunwick's probabilistic functionalism • Normatice models of judgment and decision making • Rationality and the normative / descritive distinctionPublicação: Malden : Blackwell, 2007Descrição: 664 p.Disponibilidade:

Assimilation and contrast in social psychology / ed. Diederik A. Stapel, Jerry SulsNível de parte analítica: Several answers to four questions : refelctions and conclusions • Contrast and assimilation in upward comparison : the intragroup dimensions • Contrast effects in knowledge activation : the case of inhibition effects due to competing constructs or goal fulfillment • Complementary contrast and assimilation : interpersonal theory and the social functions of contrast and assimilation effects • Set/reset and self-regulation : do constrast processes play a role in the breakdown of self-control? • Assimilation and contrast in counterfactual thinking and other mental simulation-based comparison processes • Assimilation and contrast as comparison effects : a selective accessibility model • In the mind of the beholder : the interpretation comparison model of accessibility effects • Mental construal processes : the inclusion / exclusion model • Assimilation and contrast effects of affect on judgment • Stereotypes and shifting standards : assimilation and contrast in social judgment • Contrasting models of assimilation and contrast • Psychological magnetism : a brief history of assimilation and contrast in psychologyPublicação: New York : Psychology Press, 2007Descrição: 342 p.Disponibilidade: :

Advances in experimental social psychology / Edited by Mark P. ZannaPublicação: Amsterdam : Academic Press, 2002Descrição: X, 455 p.Disponibilidade:
