A sua pesquisa recuperou 20 resultados.

Understanding priming effects in social psychology / Daniel C. MoldemPublicação: London : The Guilford Press, 2014Descrição: 264 p.Disponibilidade:

Social psychology of consumer behavior / ed. Michaela WankeNível de parte analítica: The dynamics of self-regulation : when goals commit versus liberate • The impulsive consumer predicting consumer behavior with implicit reaction time measures • The persuasive power of regulatory fit • Taking the Target's perspective : the persuasion knowledge model • Normative influences on consuption and conservation behaviors • Television viewing and social reality effects and underlying processes • Cross-cultural issues in consumer behavior • When thinking is dificult : metacognitive experiences as information • The lexicon and grammar of affect as information in consumer decision making : the GAIM • Conditiioning as a source of liking : there is nothing simple about it • Compensatory reasoning in choice • Brands and susessful brand e extensions : a social psychology perspective on economic perspective on economic questions • The rational uncounscious : conscious versus unconscious thought in complex consumer choice • Psychological distance and consumer behavior : a construal level theory perspective • Social psychology and consumer psychology : an unexplored interface • What's social about consumer behavior?Publicação: New York : Psychology Press, 2009Descrição: 396 p.Disponibilidade:

Social psychology / Michael A. Hogg, Graham M. VaughanPublicação: Harlow : Pearson Education Limited, 2008Descrição: 648 p. + 1 cartão Student Acess KitDisponibilidade:

Social influence: direct and indirect processes / ed. Joseph P. Forgas, Kipling D. WilliamsNível de parte analítica: A side view of social influence • Determinants and consequences of cognitive processes in majority and minority influence • Self-categorization principles underlying majority and minority influence • Social influence effects on task performance: the ascendancy of social evaluation over self-evaluation • Attitudes, behavior, and social context: the role and group membership on social influence processes • Social influence and intergroup beliefs: the role of perceived social consensus • Revealing the worst first: stealing thunder as a social influence strategy • Resisting influence: judgemental correction and its goals • relationships throught the power of language • Memory as a target of social influence?: memory distortions as function of social influence and metacognitive knowledge • On being moody but influential: the role of affect in social influence strategies • Subtle influences on judgment and behavior: who is most susceptible? • Social power, influence, and agression • Automatic social influence: the perception-behavior links as an explanatory mechanism for behavior matching • Unintended influence: social-evolutionary processes in the construction and change of culturally-shared beliefs • Sucessfully simulating dynamic social impact: three levels of prediction • Increasing compliance by reducing resistance • Systematic opportinism: an approach to the study of tactical social influence • Social influence: introduction and overviewPublicação: Philadelphia : Psychology Press, 2001Descrição: 367 p.Disponibilidade:

Searching for commonalities in human judgment : the parametric unimodel and its dual mode alternatives / Hans-Peter erb, Arie W. Kruglanski, Woo Young Chun, Antonio Pierro, Lucia Mannetti, Scott SpiegelDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: S1 ERSP14 (1). :

The science os social influence : advances and progress / Ed. Anthony R. PratkanisNível de parte analítica: Resistance to influence • Self-defeating leader behavior : why leaders misuse their power and influence • Rumours influence : toward a dynamic social impact theory of rumor • Minority dissent, attitude change, and group performance • Groupthink asd social identity maintenance • On the development of the social response context model • Using social norms as a lever of social influence • Fleeting attention and compliance with requests • Emotional see-saw • The evolution of cognitive dissonance theory : a personal appraisal • Omega approaches to persuasion : overcoming resistance • Social influence analysis : an index of tactics • An invitation to social influence researchPublicação: New York : Psychology Press, 2007Descrição: 365 p.Disponibilidade:

Research in personnel and human resources management / Edited by Gerard R. Ferris ; Joseph J. MatocchioPublicação: Amsterdam : JAI, 2002Descrição: 380 p.Disponibilidade:

Psicologia social / Jacques-Philippe Leyens, Vincet Yzerbyt ; Bertrand Lalardy, Luísa PortoPublicação: Lisboa : Edições 70, 1999Descrição: 323 p.Disponibilidade:

Psicologia social / coord. Jorge Vala ; Maria Benedicta MonteiroPublicação: Lisboa : Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2000Descrição: 625 p.Disponibilidade:

The Oxford handbook of social neuroscience / eds. Jean Decery, John T. CacioppoNível de parte analítica: Epilogue • Ethical, legal, and societal issues in social neuroscience • The influence of video games on social, cognitive, and affective information processing • The social brain in adolescence and the potential impact of social neuroscience on education • Mutual benefits of using humanoid robots in social neuroscience • Functional magnetic resonance imaging of deception • The cognitive neuroscience of strategic thinking • Theory of mind deficits in neurological • Alexithymia from the social neuroscience perspective • Psychopathy from the perspective of social and cognitive neuroscience • Antisocial personality disorders • The Asperger Syndrome • Developmental disorders • Neural endophenotypes of social behavior in autism spectrum condictions • Stress, negative emotions, and inflammation • Social neuroscientific pathways linking social support to health • Physiological effects of social threat: implications for health • Pathways linking early life stress to adult health • Perceived social isolation : social threat vigilance and its implications for health • Cultural neuroscience: visualizing culture-gene influences on brain functions • Mechanisms for the regulation of intergroup responses: a social neuroscience analysis • Group processes: social dominance • Neural representation of social hierarchy • The neurobiology of primate social behavior • Language and communication • Social mechanisms in early language acquisition: understanding integrated brain systems supporting language • From emotion to notion: the importance of melody • The social regulation of emotion • Neural systems of interpersonal and interpersonal-self-esteem maintenance • Why rejection hurts: what social neuroscience has revealed about the brain's response to social rejection • Altruism • Social neuroscience of empathy • The mirror neuron system and imitation • The mirror neuron system and social cognition • Socioemotional functioning and the aging brain • Embodiment and social cognition • The neuroscience of moral cognition and emotion • Real-world consequences of social deficits: executive functions, social competencies, and theory of mind in patients with ventral front damage and traumatic brain injury • Using ERPs to understand the process and implications of social categorization • The origins of first impressions in animal and infant face perception • Impression formation: a focus on other's intents • Person perception • Intersecting identities and expressions: the compound nature of social perception • Hearing voices: neurocognition of the human voice • Staying in control: the neural basis of self-regulation and its failure • The prefrontal cortex and goal-directed social behavior • Uncounscious action tendencies: sources of un-integrated action • Note to self • An overview of self-awareness and the brain • Brain development during childhood and adolescence • Emotion regulation: neural bases and beyond • Odor-evoked memory • Emotion recognition • The neuroscience of personality traits: descriptions and prescriptions • The emotion-attention interface: neural, developmental, and clinical considerations • Attitudes • Emotion, consciousness, and social behavior • Processing social and nonsocial rewards in the human brain • Social neuroscience of evaluative motivation • The neurobiology of social bonding and attachment • Psychoneuroimmunology in vivo: methods and principles • Electromagnetic brain mapping using MEG and EEG • Essentials of functional magnetic resonance imaging • Social neuroscience: a neuropsychological perspective • The evolution of social cognition • Evolutionary basis of the social brain • The emergence of social neuroscience as an academic discipline • An introduction to social neurosciencePublicação: New York : Oxford University Press, 2015Descrição: 1099 pDisponibilidade:

Influência ; a psicologia da persuasão / Robert B. CialdiniPublicação: Lisboa : Sinais de Fogo, 2008Descrição: 292 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of the history of social psychology / Ed. Arie W. Kruglansky, Ed. Wolfgang StroebeNível de parte analítica: A history of culture in psychology • A history of social psychological research on gender • A history of justice and morality research • A history of social conflict and negotiation research • A history of intergroup relations research • A history of small group research • A history of relationship research in social psychology • A history of interdependence: theory and research • A history of social influence research • A history of attitudes and persuaion research • A history of social psychological research on aggression • A history of prosocial behavior research • A history of social judgment research • Motivation science in social psychology: a tale of two histories • A history of affect and emotion research in social psychology • The evolution of research methodologies in social psychology: a historical analysis • The social dimension of social psychology: a historical analysis • A history of social neuroscience • A history of evolutionary social psychology • A history of social cognition • The emergence of cognitive social psychology: a historical analysis • The importance of history to social psychology • The making of social psychologyPublicação: New York : Psychology Press, 2012Descrição: 532 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of motivation at school / ed. Kathryn R. Wentzel, Allan WigfieldNível de parte analítica: Commentary : what can we learn from a synthesis of research on teaching, learning, and motivation? • Teacher's self-efficacy beliefs • Motivation and learning disabilities • Emotions at school • Motivation and achievement in physical education • Understanding motivation in mathematics : what is happening in classrooms? • Reading motivation • Beliefs about learning in academic domains • Commentary : the role o environment in contextual and social influences on motivation : generalities, specificities, and causality • Achievement motivation in racial and ethnic context • Gender and motivation • School as a context of student motivation and achievement • Teacher expectations and self-fulfilling prophecies • Peers and motivation • Students relationships with teachers as motivationaol contexts • Parenting and children's motivation at school • Commentary : building on a strong foundation : five pathways to the next level of motivational theorizing • Motives to self-regulate learning : a social cognitive account • Engagement and disaffection as organizational constructs in the dynamics of motivational development • Situational and individual interest • Promoting self-determined school engagement : motivation, learning, and well-being • Self-worth theory : retrospection and prospects • Self-theories and motivation : students beliefs about intelligence • Goal-directed behavior in the classroom • Achievement goal theory : the past, present and future • Expectancy-value theory • Self-efficacy theory • An attributional approach to motivation in schoolPublicação: New York : Routledge, 2009Descrição: 686 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of innovative therapy / Edited by Raymond J. CorsiniPublicação: New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2001Descrição: XI, 754 p. : il.Disponibilidade: :

The handbook of attitudes / ed. Dolores Albarracín, Blair T. Johnson, Mark P. ZannaNível de parte analítica: Attitude research in the 21st Century : the current state of knowledge • Attitude theory and research : intradisciplinary and interdisciplinaryn connections • Social influence in attitudes and attitude change • Communication and attitude change : causes, processes, and effects • Individual differences in attitude change • Implicit abd explicit attitudes : research, challenges, and theory • Cognitive processes in attitude formation and change • The influence of affect on attitude • The structure of affect • The influence of attitudes on beliefs : formation and change • The influence of beliefs and goals on attitudes : issues of structure, function, and dynamics • Belief formation, organization, and change : cognitive and motivational influences • The influence of behavior on attitudes • The influenceof atitudes on behavior • The origins and structure of behavior : conceptualizing behavior in attitude research • The structure of attitudes • The measurement of attitudes • Attitudes : introduction and scopePublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005Descrição: 826 p.Disponibilidade:

European review of social psychology / Edited by Wolfgang Stroebe ; Miles HewstonePublicação: Hove : Psychology Press, 2011Descrição: 443 p.Disponibilidade:

The developmental psychology of planning : why, how, and when do we plan? / ed. Sarah L. Friedman, Ellin Kofsky ScholnickPublicação: New Jersey : London : LEA, 1997Descrição: XII, 382 p. : quadros, gráficosDisponibilidade:

Bilans et perspectives en psychologie sociale / dir. Robert-Vincent Joule, Pascal HughetNível de parte analítica: De la psychologie sociale développementale à l'influence sociale dans les tâches d'aptitudes • Pensée ethnique et rapports de type domestique ou de type sauvage : L'ontologisation des minorités • L'infra-humanisation comme symptôme de racisme subtil • La valeur sociale des personnes • Comment fait-on pour expliquer ce qui est inexplicable? contrôle, déficit cognitif et croyances • Les méfaits de la compétion : comparaison sociale et focalisation dans l'apprentissagePublicação: Grenoble : Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 2006Descrição: 208 p.Disponibilidade:

Advances in experimental social psychology / ed. Mark P. ZannaPublicação: San Diego : Elsevier, 2008Descrição: 343 p.Disponibilidade:
