A sua pesquisa recuperou 9 resultados.

Studies of psychosocial risk : the power of longitudinal data / ed. Michael RutterNível de parte analítica: Continuities and discontinuities : conceptual issues and methodological considerations • Modelling reality : some comments • Structural equation modelling of measurement processes in longitudinal data • Data gathering and data analysis for prospective and retrospective longitudinal studies • Causal paths, chains and strands • Logotudinal approaches to intergenerational studies : definition, design and use • Intergenerational longitudinal research : conceptual and methodological considerations • Studying the impact of ordinary life a developmental model, research plan and words of caution • Normative life events as risk factors in childhood • School effects : the use of planned intervention to study causal processes • School experiences as risk / protective factors • Delinquent development : theoretical and empirical considerations • Studying changes with individuals : the causes of offending • Logitudinal and systemic approaches in the study of biological high- and low-risk groups • Follow-up of biological high-risk groups • A person-process-context approach • Statistical modelling of longitudinal data • Individual and variable-based approaches to longitudinal research on early factors • Longitudinal strategies, causal reasoning and risk research : a commentary • Longitudinal data in the study of causal processes : some uses and some pitfallsPublicação: New York : Cambridge University Press, 1988Descrição: 392 p.Disponibilidade:

Socioemotional development and health from adolescence to adulthood / ed. Lea Pulkkinen, Jaakko Kaprio, Richard J. RoseNível de parte analítica: Summary and future directions • Personality, work career, and health • Unemployment and psychological distress, and education as a resource factor for employment • Sense of coherence and optimism : a more positive approach to health • Identity formation, personal control over development, and well-being • Grandparents as resource factors in the family • parental work and children's behavior : the mediator roles of partner relationship and parenthood • Parental knowledge and family atmosphere in relation to children's socioemotional behavior • Emotion regulation and well-being • Genetic and environmental factors in girls and boys socioemotional behavior • Self-rated health : precursors and implications • Genetic and environmental influences on the initiation and continuation of smoking and drinking • Pubertal development and health-related behavior • Body size and overweight from birth to adulthood • Social behaviors and health in twins • Genetic and environmental influences on social behavior and health • The Jyvaskyla longitudinal study of personality and social development (JYLS)Publicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Descrição: 421 p.Disponibilidade:

Revising herself : the story pf women's identity from college to midlife / Ruthellen JosselsonPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1996Descrição: XII, 298 p.Disponibilidade:

Modeling longitudinal and multilevel data : practical issues, applied approaches and specific examples / ed. Todd D. Little, Kai U. Schnabel, Jürgen BaumertNível de parte analítica: Individual fit, heterogeneity, and missing data in multigroup structural equation modeling • Customizing longitudinal and multiple-group structural modeling procedures • Longitudinal and multigroup modeling with missing data • Multiple imputation in multivariate research • selectivity and generalizability in longitudinal research : on the effects of continuers and dropouts • Testing cross-group and cross-time constraints on parameters using the general linear model • Latent transition analysis as a way of testing models of stage-sequential change in longitudinal data • Modeling simulataneously individual and group patterns of ability growth or decline • Modeling true intraindividual change in structural equation models : the case of poverty and children's psychosocial adjustment • An introduction to latent growth models for developmental data analysis • Modeling multivariate change • A two-stage approach to multilevel structural equation models : application to longitudinal data • Multinivel analyses of grouped and longitudinal data • Modeling longitudinal and multilevel dataPublicação: Mahwah : London : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2000Descrição: VII, 297 p.Disponibilidade:

An introduction to clinical reasearch in psychiatry / Dan G. Blazer, Judith C. HaysPublicação: New York : Oxford University Press, 1998Descrição: 237 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of developmental research methods / Eds. Brett Laursen, Todd D. Little, Noel A. CardNível de parte analítica: Planned missingdata designs for developmental research • Dynamic systems • Epidemic models of the onset of social activities: applications to adolescents sexuality, smoking, drinking, and religious involvement • Evaluating gene-environment interplay • Meta-analysis in developmental science • Cluster analysis and latent class clustering techniques • Configural frequency analysis in developmental research • Actor-based model for network and behavior dynamics • Analysis of static social networks and their developmental effects • Applying the social reactions model to developmental research • Dyadic data analysis in a developmental context • Foundational issues in nonindependent data analysis • Multilevel structural equation modeling • Longitudinal mixture models and the identification of archetypes • Group-based trajectory modeling in developmental science • Nonlinear growth modeling • Growth curve modeling from a multilevel model perspective • Growth curve modeling from a structural equation modeling perspective • Foundational issues in the contemporary modeling of longitudinal trajectories • Hazzard, event history, and survival modeling • P-Technique factor analysis • Dynamic factor analysis and control of developmental processes • Foundational issues in intraindividual longitudinal analysis • Meditation models, for developmental data • Analyzing change between two or more groups: analysis of variance versus analysis of covariance • Autoregressive and cross-lagged panel analysis for longitudinal data • Analysis of experimental and quasi-experimental data: pin pointing explanations • Foundational issues in investigating development as interindividual variation • Peer ratings • Retrospective methods in developmental science • Collecting and analysing longitudinal diary data • The use of large-scale data sets for study of developmental science • Foundational issues in longitudinal data collection • Investigating factorial invariance in longitudinal data • The impact of scaling and measurement methods on individual differences in growth • Event frequency measurement • Tome-scale-dependent longitudinal designs • Accelerated longitudinal designs • Causal inference, identification and plausability • Foundational issues of design and measurement in developmental researchPublicação: New York : The Guilford Press, 2012Descrição: 788 pDisponibilidade:

Developmental contexts in middle childhood : bridges to adolescence and adulthood / ed. Aletha C. Huston, Marika N. RipkeNível de parte analítica: Experiences in middle childhood and children's development : a summary and integration of research • Effects of a family poverty intervention program last from middle childhood to adolescence • Effects of welfare and employment policies on middle-childhood school performance : do they vary by race/ethnicity and, if so, why? • Mandatory welfare-to-work programs and preschool-age children : do impacts persists into middle childhood • Continuity and discontinuity in middle childhood : implications for adult outcames in the UK 1970 Birth Cohort • Healthy mind, healthy habits : the influence of activity involvement in middle childhood • Low-income children's activity participation as a predictor of psychosocial and academic outcomes in middle childhood and adolescence • Out-of-school time use during middle childhood in a low-income sample : do combinations of activities affect achievement and behavior? • The relations of classroom contexts in the early elementary years to children's classroom and social behavior • School environments and the diverging pathways of students living in poverty • Educational tracking within and between schools : from first grade through middle school and beyond • The contribution of middle childhood contexts to adolescent achievement and behavior • Middle childhood life course trajectories : links between family dysfunction and children's behavioral development • Reciprocal effects of mother depression and children's problem behaviors from middle childhood to early adolescence • Genetic and environment influences on continuity and change in reading achievement in the Colorado Adoption Project • Middle childhood family-contextual and personal factors as predictors of adult outcomes • The significance of middle childhood peer competence for qork and relationships in early adulthood • Aggression and insecurity in late adolecent romantic relationships : antecedents and developmental pathways • Middle childhood : contexts of developmentPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Descrição: 455 p.Disponibilidade:

Comportamento anti-social e crime : da infância à idade adulta / ed. António Castro FonsecaNível de parte analítica: Diferenças individuais no desenvolvimento do comportamento anti-social : o contributo dos estudos longitudinais • Estará o crime nos genes? : Revisão crítiva de estudos de género e de adoptados • Genética do comportamento e conduta anti-social : perspectivas desenvolvimentistas • Vinculação e comportamentos anti-sociais • Violência na televisão e desenvolvimento do comportamento agressivo : o papel da aprendizagem social • Comportamento anti-social nos jovens : o modelo dos objectivos de aumento da reputação • Predisposição para problemas do comportamento na infância e na adolescência : análise de um modelo desenvovimentista • O desenvolvimento da delinquência : uma perspectiva interaccionista • O estudo de desenvolvimento da delinquência de Cambridge : principais resultados dos primeiros 40 anos • Comportamento anti-social : técnicas e instrumentos de avaliação • Dos indicadores de risco aos mecanismos de causalidade: análise de alguns percursos cruciais • Comportamento anti-social : contributos culturais, vivenciais e temperamentaisPublicação: Coimbra : Almedina, 2004Descrição: 461 p.Disponibilidade:

Attachment from infancy to adulthood : the major longitudinal studies / ed. Klaus E. Grossmann, Karin Grossmann, Everett WatersPublicação: New York : Guilford Press, 2006Descrição: 332 p.Disponibilidade:
