A sua pesquisa recuperou 7 resultados.

Progress in self psychology / Edited by Mark J. GehriePublicação: Hillsdale : Analytic Press, 2003Descrição: 371 p.Disponibilidade:

O pensamento tornado dança : estudos em torno de George Steiner / Org. Ricardo Gil SoeiroNível de parte analítica: Ouvir Steiner : o código de Pasternak • George Steiner : fragmentos sobre un pensador de (la) excepción • La parole souffle sur notre poussiére : essai sur l'oeuvre de George Steiner • La obra de George Steiner : la lectura del hombre • El arte de preguntar : sobre no passion spent y grammars of creation, de George Steiner • The educational relevance of George Steiner's literary and philisophic thought • We come after : the holocaust in Steinerian thought, 1952-1971 • Um Steiner nietzschiano? : breves apontamentos sobre Errata : an examined life • Estará o divino nos recortes e nos pormenores? a questão da mobilidade em Geprge Steiner e Aby M. Warburg • O homem como fim em si? : de Kant a Heidegger e Jonas • Steiner e a incandescência da tragédia • Quase a nossa incerta : George Steiner e a hermenêutica radical • Lições de George Steiner • Apresentação de George Steiner • O pensamento tornado dança: George Steiner e livros que ensinam a dançarPublicação: Lisboa : Roma Editora, 2009Descrição: 239 p.Disponibilidade:

Manuel de therapies psychosomatiques / compil. Sami-AliNível de parte analítica: Rorschach en clinique psychosomatique • Corps de l'anorexique : entre reel et imaginaire • Prise en change de jeunes enfants autistes sans langage • Psychotherapie en cancerologie • Imagination materielle : un autre abord de la pathologie organique • Danse et psychosomatique : l'art de prendre soin • Relaxation psychosomatique • Comprehension psychosomatique du patient • Dimension psychosomatique en psychiatrie • Pratique de medicin psychosomatique • Psychosomatique et dermatologie : de la theorie a la pratique • Presentation : la theorie relationnellePublicação: Paris : Dunod, 2001Descrição: XI, 335 p.Disponibilidade:

Factores associados às perturbações alimentares em grupo de estudantes de dança [Texto Policopiado] : estudo comparativo / Patrícia Magda Monteiro PascoalPublicação: Coimbra : Universidade de Coimbra, 2003Descrição: 282 p.Disponibilidade:

Empatia e alteridade: a figuração cinematográfica como jogo / José BogalheiroPublicação: Lisboa : Documenta, 2014Descrição: 526 p.Disponibilidade:

The Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert performance / ed. K. Anders Ericsson, Neil Charness, Paul J. Feltivich, Robert R. HoffmanNível de parte analítica: Modes of expertise in creative thinking : evidence from case studies • Social and sociological factors in the development of expertise • Aging and expertise • Artistic performance : acting, ballet, and contemporary dance • Development and adaptation of expertise : the role of self-regulatory processes and beliefs • The influence of experience and deliberate practice on the development of superior expert performance • Brain changes in the development of expertise : neuroanatomical and neurophysiological evidence about skill-based adaptations • Expertise and situation awareness • Tacit knowledge, practical intelligence and expertise • A merging theory of expertise and intelligence • Expertise in history • Mathematical expertise • Exceptional memory • Expertise in chess • Perceptual-motor expertise • Artistic performance : acting, ballet, and contemporary dance • Expert performance in sport : a cognitive perspective • Music • The making of a dream team : when expert teams do best • Decision-making expertise • Professional judgments and naturalistic decision making • Professional writing expertise • Expertise in software design • Expertise and transportation • Expertise in medicine and surgery • Historiometric methods • Time, budgets, diaries, and analysis of concurrent practice activities • Retrospective interviews in the study of of expertise and expert performance • laboratory studies of training, skill acquisition, and retentions of performance • Simulations for performance and training • Protocol analysis and expert thought : concurrent verbalizations of thinking during experts performance on representative tasks • Eliciting and representing the knowledge of experts • Task Analysis • laboratory methods for assessing experts and novices knowledge • Methods for studying the structure of expertise : psychometric approaches • Observation of work practices in natural settings • Professionalization, scientific expertise, and elitism :a sociological perspective • Expert systems : a perspective from computer science • Educators and expertise : a brief history of theorie and models • Studies of expertise from psychological perspectives • Expertise, talent, and social encouragement • Two approaches to the study of experts characteristics • An introduction to The Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert performance : its development, organization and contentPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Descrição: 901 p.Disponibilidade:

Ajudar a cair : no Centro Belmar da Costa / Djaimilia Pereira de AlmeidaPublicação: Lisboa : Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, 2017Descrição: 103 p.Disponibilidade:
