A world of babies : imagined childcare guides for seven societies / ed. Judy DeLoache, Alma Gottlieb Nível de parte analítica: Never leave your little one alone : raising an Ifaluk child • The view from the Wuro : a guide to child rearing for Fulani parents • Infants of the dreaming : a Warlpiri guide to child care • Making babies in a Turkish village • Gift from the goods : a Balinese guide to early child rearing • Luring your child into this life : a beng path for instante care • A parenting manual, with words of advice for puritan mothers • If Dr. Spock were born in Bali : raising a world of babiesPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000Descrição: 280 p.Disponibilidade:
Parenting representations : theory, research, and clinical implications / ed. Ofra Mayseless Nível de parte analítica: Why do inadequate parents do what they do? • Interplay of relational parent-child representations from a psychoanalytic perspective : an analysis of two mother-father-child triads • Intergenerational transmission of experiences in adolescence : the challenges in parenting adolescents • Good investments : foster parent representations of their foster children • Intergenerational transmission of dysregulated maternal caregiving : mothers describe their upbringing and childrearing • Like fathers, like sons? fathers attitudes to childrearing in light of their perceived relationships with own parents, and their attachment concerns • Maternal representations of parenting in adolescence and psychosocial functioning of mothers and adolescents • Modeling and reworking childhood experiences : involved fathers representations of being parented and of parenting a preschool child • The dual viewpoints of mother and child on their relationship : a longitudinal study of interaction and representation • Communicating feelings : links between mothers representations of their infants, parenting, and infant emotional development • Social cognitive appraches to parenting representations • Maternal representations of relationships : assessing multiple parenting dimensions • Sttudying parenting representations as a window to parents internal working model of caregivingPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Descrição: 460 p.Disponibilidade:
Formative experiences: the interaction of caregiving, culture and developmental psychobiology / eds. Carol M. Worthman, Paul M. Plotsky, Daniel S. Schechter, Constance A. Cummings Nível de parte analítica: Global perspectives on the well-being of children • Global perspectives on the well-being of children • Public health, education, and policy implications • The basic affectuve circuits of mammalian brains: implications for healthy human development and the cultural landscapes of ADHD • Social stress as a formative experience: neurobiology of conditioned defeat • Interpersonal violence as a mediator of stress-related disorders in humans • Social stress as a formative experience: neurobiology of conditioned defeat • Ethological vignette: social stress as a formative experience: neurobiology of consitioned defeat • The evolution of social play • The Lemelson case study considered from a biological point of view • Ethonographic case study : Anak PKI: a longitudinal case study of the effects of social ostracism, political violencem and bullying on an adolescent Javanese boy • Fear, fun, and the boundaries of social experience • Sex / gender, culture, and development : issues in the emergence of puberty and attraction • Can watching Oprah cause PTSD? • Maria: cultural change and posttraumatic stress in the life of a Belizean adolescent girl • Maria: cultural change and posttraumatic stress in the life of a Belizean adolescent girl • Good expectations: a case study of perinatal child-parent psychotherapy to prevent the intergenerational transmission of trauma • Dood expectations: a case study of perinatal child-parent psychotherapy to prevent the intergenerational transmission of trauma • Bofi foragers and farmers: case studies on the determinants of parenting behavior and arly childhood experiences • Ethnographic case study: Bofi foragers and farmer's and farmers: case studies on the determinants and parenting behavior and early childhood experiences • Formative relationships within and across generations • We are social - therefore we are: the interplay of mind, culture, and genetics in Williams Syndrome • Confluence of individual and caregiver influences on socioemotional development in typical and atypical populations • Sensitive periods in the behavioral development of mammals • The social environment and the epigenome • How experience interacts with biological development • From measurement to meaning in caregiving and culture • Plasticity and variation : cultural influences on parenting and early child development within and across populationsPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010Descrição: 587 p.Disponibilidade: