Your search returned 9 results.

Sociocultural studies of mind / ed. James V, Wertsch, Pablo del Río, Amelia AlvarezPiece-Analytic Level: Tossing, praying, and reasoning : the changing architectures of mind and agency • Socio-cultural-historical psychology : some general remarks and a proposal for a new king of cultural-genetic methodology • The constitution of the subject : a persistent question • Observibg sociocultural activity in three planes : participatory appro+riation, guided participationm and apprenticeship • An approach to an integrated sensoriomotor system in the human central brain and a subconscious computer • Writing and the mind • The need for action in sociocultural research • Cultural-historical psychology and the psychological theory of activity : retrospect and prospect • Sociocultural studies : history, action, and mediationPublication: New York : Cambridge University Press, 1995Description: 252 pAvailability:

Sociocultural studies : history, action, and mediation / James V. Wertsch, Pablo del Rio, Amelia AlvarezAvailability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: D WERT5 (1). :

The need for action in sociocultural research / James V. WertschAvailability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: D WERT5 (1). :

Introduction communication, meaning, and development : interdisciplinary perspectives / Nancy Budwig, James V. Wertsch, Ina C. UzgirisAvailability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: D AADP1 (1). :

Culture communication and cognition / James V. WertschPiece-Analytic Level: The road to competence in an alien land : a Vygotskian perspective on bilingualism • Exploring Vygotskyan perspectives in education : the cognitive value of peer interaction • The tacit background of children's judgments • Diagnosing zones of proximal development • Language viewed as action • The implications of discourse skills in Vygotsky's developmental theory • The functional stratification of language and ontogenesis • Language acquisition as increasing linguistic structuring of experience and symbolic behavior control • The concept of internalization in Vygotsky's account of the genesis of higher mental functions • The zone of proximal development: where culture and cognition creat each other • Vygotsky's uses of history • Vygotsky's ideas about units for the analysis of mind • Intellectual origins of Vygotsky's semiotic analysis • Vygotsky's theory and the activity-oriented approach in psychology • Vygotsky : a historical and conceptual perspectivePublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1985Description: 379 p.Availability:

The creation of context in joint problem-solving / James V. Wertsch, Norris Minick, Flavia J. ArnsAvailability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: D ROGO2 (1). :

The concept of internalization in Vygotsky's account of the genesis of higher mental functions / James V. Wertsch, C. Addison StoneAvailability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: D WERT6 (1). :

Communication : an arena of development / ed. Nancy Budwig, Ina C. Uzgiris, James V. WerstchPiece-Analytic Level: Language and the construction of self • groundwork for a holistic view of the ontogenesis of representation • Verbal and nonverbal contributions to early representation : evidence from african american toddlers • Verbal and nonverbal contributions to early representation : evidenc e from african toddlers • Words don't tell all : some thoughts on early communication development • Infant conversant : language and nonlanguage processes in developing early communication • Preverbal communication : emergence of representative symbols • Language and communication - what develops? : determining the role of language practices for a theory of development • Emotion within situated activity • Intersubjectuvuty and alterity in human communication • Introduction communication, meaning, and development : interdisciplinary perspectivesPublication: Stamford : Ablex Publishing, 2000Description: 242 p.Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca ISPACall number: D AADP10 (1).

Communication : an area of development / ed. Nancy Budwig, Ina C. Izgiris, James V. WertschPiece-Analytic Level: Adolescent's public discussion and collective identity • Language and the construction of self • Groundwork for a holistic view of the ontogenesis of representation • Verbal and nonverbal contributions to early representation : evidence from african american toddlers • Words don't tell all : some thoughts on early communication development • Infant into conversant : language and nonlanguage processes in developing early communication • Preverbal communication : emergence of representative symbols • Language and communication - what develops? determining the role of language practices for a theory of development • Emotion within situated activity • Intersubjectivity and alterity in human communication • Communication, meaning, and development : interdisciplinary perspectivesPublication: Stamford : Ablex Publishing, 2000Description: 242 p.Availability:
