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key issues in criminal career research : new analysis of the Cambridge Study in delinquent development / Alex R. Piquero, David P. Farrington, Alfred BlumsteinPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007Description: 240 p.Availability:

how do crimininologists interpret statistical explanation of crime?: a review of quantitative modeling in published studies / David Weisburd, Breanne Cave, Alex R. PiqueroAvailability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: C6 PIQU2 (1). :

The handbook of criminal theory / Alex R. PiqueroPiece-Analytic Level: Qualitative criminology's contributions to theory • What international research has told us about criminological theory • Macro-level theory: a critical component of criminological exploration • Situational theory: the importance of interactions and action mechanisms in the explanation of crime • how do crimininologists interpret statistical explanation of crime?: a review of quantitative modeling in published studies • From theory to policy and back again • Biosocial bases of antosical and criminal behavior • Developmental and life-course theories of crime • Integrating criminological theories • Critical criminology • Deminist theory • Labeling theory: past, present and future • Cultural processes, social order, and criminology • Social learning theory • Strain, economic status, and crime • Control as an explanation of crime and delinquency • Environmental criminology • Routine activities, delinquency, and youth convergences • Social disorganization theory's greatest challenge: linking structural characteristics to crime in socially disorganizaed communities • A developmental perspective on adolescente risk-taking and criminal behavior • Contemporary biosocial criminology: a syematic review of the literature, 2000-2012 • Deterrence • Theory testing in criminology • Correlates of crime • Introduction: theory and contemporary criminologyPublication: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2016Description: 541 p.Availability:

Explaning the facts of crime: how the developmental taxonomy replies to Farrington's invitation / Alex R. Piquero, Terrie E. MoffittAvailability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: C6 FARR/D3 (1). :

Adolescent-limited offending / Alex R. Piquero, et al.Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: C6 GILB1 (1). :
