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A sua pesquisa recuperou 2 resultados.

Mind, culture, and activity : seminal papers from the laboratory of comparative human cognition / compil. Michael Cole ; co-aut. Yrjo Engestrom ; co-aut. Olga VasquezNível de parte analítica: Just say no : responsibility and resistance • Why must might be right? observations on sexual herrschaft • Learning to be deaf : conflicts between hearing and deaf cultures • Wisdom from the periphery : talk, thought, and politics in the ethnographic theater of john millington synge • Politics of representation • Coordination, cooperation, and communication in the courts : expansive transitions in legal work • Mind in action : a functional approach to thinking • Mediation and automatization • Selling candy : a study of cognition in context • Low-income children's preschool literacy experiences : some naturalistic observations • Performance before competence : assistance to child discourse in the zone of proximal development • But it's important data! making the demands of a cognitve experiment meet the educational imperatives of the classroom • Functional environments for microcomputers in education • Kanji help readers of japanese infer the meaning of unfamiliar words • Organization of bilingual lessons : implications for schooling • Competence/incompetence paradox in the education of minority culture children • Students interactional competence in the classroom • Collective memory : issues from a sociohistorical perspective • Invention of writing and the development of numerical concepts in sumeria : some implications for developmental ... • Non-cartesian artifacts in dwelling activities : steps towards a semiotic ecology • Sound of the violin • Activity consciousness and communication • One developmental line in european activity theories • Early history of the vygotskian school : the relationship between mind and activity • Body analogy and the cognition of rotated figures • Looking for big bird : studies of memory in very young children • Sociolinguistic structure of word lists and ethnic-group differences in categorized recall • What's special about experiments as contexts for thinking • Concepts of ecological validity : their differing implications for comparative cognitive research • Plying frames can be dangerous : some reflections on methodology in cognitive anthropology • When isa context? some issues and methods in the analysis of social competencePublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997Descrição: 501 p.Disponibilidade:

Coming of age in postmodern america / Olga VasquezNível de conjunto: Human Development, Vol. 42, nº 2 (1999), p. 109-112Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R3 (1). :
