A sua pesquisa recuperou 6 resultados.

Understanding progress in reading research / Peter Mosenthal, co-aut. Michael KamilDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: E2 BARR/R1 (1). :

Reading comprehension and rauding theory by ronald p. carver / Michael KamilNível de conjunto: Contemporary Psychology, Vol. 27, nº 12 (1982), p. 958-959Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R1 (1). :

Handbook of reading research. vol 2 / compil. Rebecca Barr ; co-aut. Michael Kamil ; co-aut. Peter Mosenthal ; co-aut. P. PearsonNível de parte analítica: Understanding progress in reading research • Remediation • Secondary school reading • Teacher and school effects in learning to read • Grouping students for reading instruction • Teachers instructional actions • Comprehension instruction • Conditions of vocabulary acquisition • Beginning reading • Emergent literacy • Word meanings • Basic literacy skills in the workplace • Diagrams in the comprehension of scientific texts • Development of strategic readers • Cognitive and neuropsychological foundations of word identification in poor and normally developing readers • Perspectives on reading disability research • Individual differences in reading skills • Mental models and reading comprehension • Research on response to literature • Word recognition : changing perspectives • Development of the ability to read words • Typography and discourse • Computers in reading and writing • Classroom assessment of reading • Research on the reading-writing relationship : interactions, transactions, and outcomes • Expository text • Toward a model of acquiring procedures from text • Narrative representation and comprehension • Politics, policy, and reading research • Publishing industry and textbooks • Linguistic diversity and reading in american society • Literacy acts • Development of literacy in the industrialized nations of the west • Literacy and society with particular reference to the non-western world • Sense of being literate : historical and cross-cultural featuresPublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum, 1991Descrição: 1086 p.Disponibilidade: :
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: E2 BARR/R1 (1).

Handbook of reading research / ed. Michael L. Kamil, Peter B. Mosenthal, P. David Pearson, Rebecca BarrNível de parte analítica: Bilingual children's reading • Second.language reading as a case study of reading scholarship in the 20th century • The effects of other technologies on literacy and literacy learning • Literacy and technology : deitic consequences for literacy education in an information age • teaching teachers to teach reasing : paradigm shifts, persistent problems and challenges • Teacher research in the contact zone • Re-mediating reading difficulties : appraising the past, reconciling the present, constructing the future • College studying • Reading in the content areas : social constructivistic dimensions • The role of text in classroom learning • Integrated literacy instruction • Literaure-based reading instruction • What should comprehension instruction be the instruction of? • Spelling • Vocabulary instruction • Phonological awareness • Beginning reading instruction : research on early interventions • Emergent literacy : a matter (polyphony) of perspectives • Engagement and motivation in reading • research on respose to literature • Children's literature • Classroom language and literacy learning • Structural aspects of constructing meaning from text • Learning from text : a multidimensional and developmental perspective • Vocabulary processes • Phonological and lexical processes • The neurobiology of reasing and reading disability (dyslexia) • research synthesis : making sense of the accumulation of knowledge in reading • Discourse and sociocultural studies in reading • A case for single-subject experiments in literacy research • Verbal reports and protocol analysis • Ethnographic approaches to literacy research • Critical approaches • Narrative approaches • Undertakin historical research in literacy • Designing programmatic interventions • Making sense of classroom worlds : methodology in teacher research • Trends in reasding research in the United States : changing intelelctual currents over three decades • Literacy research in Latin America • Education in transition : trends in central and easter Europe • Reading research in the United KingdomPublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2000Descrição: 1010 p.Disponibilidade:

Formulating a research agenda about reading for understanding / Catherine Snow, Anne P. Sweet, Donna E. Alvermann, Michael L. Kamil, Dorothy S. StricklandDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: E2 ROLL1 (1). :

The effects of other technologies on literacy and literacy learning / Michael L. Kamil, Sam M. Intrator, Helen S. KimDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: E2 KAMI/M1 (1). :
