A sua pesquisa recuperou 9 resultados.

Stress interventions versus positive interventions : apples and oranges? / Caroline Biron, et alDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: S2 CAME/K1 (1). :

International review of industrial and organizational psychology / Edited by Cary L. Cooper ; Ivan T. RobertsonNível de parte analítica: Learning at work : training and development • Virtual teams : collaborating across distance • My job is my castle : identification in organizational contexts • Workplace experiences of lesbian and gay employees : a review of current research • Work experience : a review and research agenda • Creating healthy workplaces : the supervisor's role • 25 years of tem effectiveness in organizations : research themes and emerging needs • Empowerment and performancePublicação: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 1985-Descrição: 19 vol.Disponibilidade:

International review of industrial and organizational psychology: 1989 / ed. Cary L.Cooper ; ed. Ivan T. RobertsonNível de parte analítica: Causal modelling in organizational research • Japanese management : a sun rising in the west? • Job analysis • Control in the workplace • Quality circles : a review and suggested future directions • Retirement : a psychological perspective • Coaching and practice effects in personnel selection • Cognitive style and complexity : implications for i/o psychology • Cognitive processes in industrial and organizational psychology • Burnout in work organizations • Selection interviewingPublicação: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 1989Descrição: 411 p.Disponibilidade:

International review of industrial and organizational psychology: 1990 / ed. Cary L. Cooper ; ed. Ivan T. RobertsonNível de parte analítica: Vocational guidance • Cognitive ilusions and personnel management decisions • Linking environmental and industrial/organizational psychology • Feedback systems in organizations • Ethics in the workplace : recent scholarship • Decision making in organizations • Cross-cultural issues in organizational psychology : emergent trends and directions for research in the 1990s • Managerial delegation • Laboratory vs. field research in industrial and organizational psychologyPublicação: New York : John Wiley, 1990Descrição: 331 p.Disponibilidade:

International review of industrial and organizational psychology: 1988 / ed. Cary L. Cooper ; co-aut. Ivan T. RobertsonNível de parte analítica: Recent developments in the study of personality and organizational behavior • Health promotion at work • Careers : a review of personal and organizational research • Psychological measurement : abilities and skills • Approaches to managerial selection • Construction of climate in organizational research • Theory building in industrial and organizational psychology • Leadership theory and research : a report of progress • Training and development in work organizations • Significance of race and ethnicity for understanding organizational behaviorPublicação: New York : John Wiley, 1988Descrição: 337 p.Disponibilidade:

Industrial and organizational psychology / ed. Cary L. CooperNível de parte analítica: Dimensional problems of criteria • Retranslation of expectations : an approach to the construction of unambiguous anchors for rating scales • Critical incident technique • Convergent and discriminant validation by the multitrait-multimethod matrix • Stamp collecting versus science : validation as hypothesis testing • Method variance as an artifact in self-reported affect and perceptions at work : myth or significant problem? • Outcomes of autonomous workgroups : a long-term field experiment • Concepts of culture and organizational analysis • Strategic contingencies : theory of intraorganizational power • Threat-rigidity effects in organizational behavior : a multilevel analysis • Stress at work and psychosomatic complaints : a caudal interpretation • Job demands, job decision latitude, and mental strain : implications for job redesign • Stress on the off the job as related to sex and occupational status in white-collar workers • Cybernetic framework for studying occupational stress • Occupational sources of stress : a review of the literature relating to coronary heart disease and mental ill health • Measurement of experienced burnout • Validity of the job characteristics model : a review and meta-analysis • Study of job characteristics and job dimensions as based on the position analysis questionnaire, paq • Job characteristics approach to task design : a critical review • Development and field evaluation of an interdisciplinary mesure of job design • Longitudinal field study of group work redesign • Performance testing : a rose among thorns? • Performance rating • Goal setting and task performance : 1969-1980 • Beyond attribution theory : cognitive processes in performance appraisal • Attribution of the causes of performance : a general alternative interpretation of cross-sectional research on ... • Split roles in performance appraisalPublicação: Aldershot : Edward Elgar Publishing, 1991Descrição: 561 p.Disponibilidade:

Industrial and organizational psychology / ed. Cary L. CooperNível de parte analítica: Effects of psychologically based intervention programs on worker productivity : a meta-analysis • Self-efficacy mechanism in human agency • Individual differences in skill learning : an integration of psychometric and information processing perspectives • On the relation between abilities, learning, and human performance • Team development : a true field experiment at three levels of rigor • Self-efficacy : toward a unifying theory of behvioral change • Application of social-learning theory to training supervisors through behavioral modeling • Employee attitudes and employee performance • Stability in the midst of change : a dispositional approach to job attitudes • Review and conceptual analysis of the employee turnover process • Social information processing approach to job attitudes and task design • Expectancy models of job satisfaction, occupational preference and effort : theoretical, methodological, and empirical... • Further evidence on the dynamic character of criteria • Patterns of leadership behavior related to employee grievances and turnover • Structure od unstructured decision processes • Participative decision making : a model, literature critique, and prescriptions for research • Path goal theory of leader effectiveness • Conceptual dimensions and boundaries of participation in organizations : a critical evaluation • Garbage can model of organizational choice • Constructs and assessment center dimensions : some trobling empirical findings • Assessment center in the measurement of potential for business management • Employment testing : old theories and new research findings • Signs, samples, and criteria • Validity of personnel decisions : a conceptual analysis of the inferential and evidential bases • Developmental of a general soluction to the problem of validity generalization • Dollar criterion -applying the cost : accounting to criterion construction • Criterion measurement and personnel judgments • Metaanalyses of validity studies published between 1964 and 1982 and the investigation of study characteristics • Impact of valid selection procedures on work-force productivity • Situational interview • Motivation and cognitive abilities : an integrative/aptitude-treatment interaction approch to skill acquisition • Toward a theory of task motivation and incentives • Motivation through the disign of work : test of a theoryPublicação: Aldershot : Edward Elgar Publishing, 1991Descrição: 695 p.Disponibilidade:

Employee assistance programs / Cary L. Cooper, Philip Dewe, Michael O'DriscollDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C7 QUIC1 (1). :

Cancer and the family / eds. Lea Baider ; Cary L. Cooper ; Atara Kaplan De-NourNível de parte analítica: Pictures into words : visual models and data in psychoanalysis • Parapraxes in the plays of william shakespeare • Kolya : antiphonal development between adult and child • Replacement child : variations on a theme in history and psychoanalysis • At the sources of the symbolization process : the psychoanalyst as an observer of early trauma • Recovery and adaptation • Michael - psychotherapeutic treatment in the context of residential treatment • Knowing and not knowing : some thoughts about insight • Wooden shell : the legend as representative of the early stage of development • Development and consequences of an aggressive symbiotic fantasy • Litle orphan anastasia : the analysis of an adopted russian girl • Good hour in child analysis and adult analysis • Where work is play for mortal stakes : the good hour in child analysis • Gustav mahler's choice : a note on adolescence, genius, and psychoanalysis • That's what my imagination says : a study of antisocial behavior in two boys • Aichhorn revisited • K.r. eissler : a selected bibliography • On hatred : with comments on the revolutionary, the saint, and the terrorist • Living in history band ego strength • In memoriam : dr. k.r. eissler, 1908-1999 • Role of the family in the ethical dilemmas of oncology • Cancer, medical ethics, and the family • Patient-family communication with physicians • Coping with cancer : religion as a resource for families • Religion, cancer, and the family • Family in terminal illness • Women at increased risk for breast cancer : family issues. clinical treatment, and research findings • Familial cancer and genetics : psychosocial and ethical aspects • Genetic counseling for cancer : a family issue • Communication of individualized cancer risk information within the family context • Deciding to have children after cancer • Sexual self-concept for the woman with cancer • Maternal problem-solving training in childhood cancer • My family and i are in this together : chindren with cancer speak out • Factors contributing to the psychosocial adjustment of parents of paediatric cancer patients • Different normal : reactions of children and adolescents to the diagnosis of cancer in a parent • Correlates of self-esteem among children facing the loss of a parent to cancer • Blowing away the myths about the child's experience with the mother's breast cancer • Model of family-centered intervention during palliative care and bereavement : focused family grief therapy, ffgt • Psychosocial adaptation following treatment : a family systems perspective on childhood cancer survivorship • Preventing affective disorders in partners of cancer patients : an intervention study • Beliefs about cancer causation and their influence on family function • Role of japanese families in cancer care • Culture, cancer, and the family • Cross-cultural comparison of social support among asian-american and euro-american women following breast cancer • Role of family support in cancer control • Cancer and couples - its impact on the healthy partner : methodological considerations • Family reorganization in response to cancer : a developmental perspective • Family processes and chronic illnessPublicação: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2000Descrição: 546 p.Disponibilidade:
