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Developmental psychopathology / ed. Dante Cicchetti, Donald J. Cohen

Ligado a: Stigma and mental illness : developmental issues and future prospectsLigado a: Resilience in later adulthoofd and old age : resources and potentials for sucessful agingLigado a: Resilience in development : a synthesis of research across five decadesLigado a: Competence and psychopathology in developmentLigado a: Dissociative disordersLigado a: Alcohol use and the alcohol use disorders : a developmental-biopsychosocial systems formulation covering the life courseLigado a: developmental pathways to substance abuseLigado a: Life-course-persistent versus adolescence-limited antisocial behaviorLigado a: The neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia : updatedLigado a: The development and ecology of antisocial behavior in children and adolescentsLigado a: Social anxiety and emotion regulation : a model for developmental psychopathology persepctives on anxiety disordersLigado a: Tourette's syndrome : a multifactorial, developmental psychopathologyLigado a: Origuns of obsessive-compulsive disorder : developmental and evolutionary perspectivesLigado a: Disorders of attention and impulse regulationLigado a: Autism spectrum disordersLigado a: Developmental disorders of languageLigado a: Developmental approaches to children with mental retardation : a second generation?Ligado a: The persisting effects of early experiences on psychological developmentLigado a: An ecological-transactional perspective on child maltreatment : failure of the averaje expectable environment and its influence on child developmentLigado a: Interparental discord, family process, and developmental psychopathologyLigado a: The multiple determinants of parentingLigado a: Social support and developmental psychopathologyLigado a: A developmental psychopathology approach to the prevention of mental health disordersLigado a: Taxometric methods : enhancing early detection and prevention of psychopathology by identifying latent vulnerability traitsLigado a: A survey of dynamic systems methods for developmental psychopathologyLigado a: Person-oriented research strategies in developmental psychopathologyLigado a: The significance of autonomy and autonomy support in psychologycal development and psychopathologyLigado a: Social cognition, psychological symptoms, and health : the model, evidence, and contribution of ego developmentLigado a: Psychoanalytic perspectives on developmental psychopathologyLigado a: Probabilistic epigenesis of psychopathologyLigado a: Understanding vulnerability and resilience from a normative developmental perspective : implications for racially and ethnically diverse youthLigado a: Cultural diversity in the development of child psychopathologyLigado a: Development psychopathology from family systems and family risk factors perspectives : systems and family risk factors perspectives : implications for family research, practice, and policyLigado a: Schools, schooling, and developmental psychopathologyLigado a: Peer relationshiops, child development, and adjustment : a developmentasl psychopathology perspectiveLigado a: Self-processes and developmental psychopathologyLigado a: Attachment, stress, and psychopathology : a developmental pathways modelLigado a: Joint attention, social competence, and developmental psychopathologyLigado a: Emotions and developmental psychopathologyLigado a: Developmental pathwaysLigado a: Comprehensive psychological assessment : a developmental psychopathology approach for clinical and applied researchLigado a: Developmental issues in assessment, taxonomy, and diagnosis pf psychopathology : life span and multicultural perspectivesLigado a: THe origins and development of psychopathology in females and malesLigado a: Development epidemiologyLigado a: What's in a name? : problems versus prospects in current diagnostic approachesLigado a: Development and psychopathologyAutor secundário: Cicchetti, Dante, ed.;Cohen, Donald J.Idioma: Inglês.País: Estados Unidos.Publicação: Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2006Descrição: 3 vol.ISBN: 0471237361.Nota de conteúdo: Vol. 1: Theory and method. - 1084 p. Vol 3: Risk, disorder and adaptation. - 944 p Assunto - Nome comum: Psicopatologia da Criança e do Adolescente | metodologia | Desenvolvimento | Epistemologia | Cultura | Psicopatologia | Diagnostico | Emoção | Vinculação | Saude Mental | Prevenção | Escalas | Multicultural | Psicanalise | Stress Classificação: 3250 - Perturbações do Desenvolvimento e Autismo | 3210 - Perturbações Psicológicas Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:
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Livro Livro Biblioteca ISPA C2 CICC1 Disponível 17327
Livro Livro Biblioteca ISPA C2 CICC2 Disponível 17328

Vol. 1: Theory and method. - 1084 p. Vol 3: Risk, disorder and adaptation. - 944 p.

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