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A sua pesquisa recuperou 6 resultados.

Resilience in education: concepts, contexts and connections / Marold Wosnitza, et al.Nível de parte analítica: Resilience in education: emerging trends in recent research • Promoting resilience: a european curriculum for students, teachers and families • Making it real and making in last!: sustainability of teacher implementation of a whole-school resilience programme • Enhancing teacher resilience: from self-refelction to professional development • Enhancing teacher resilience through face-to-face training: insights from the ENTREE project • Using online modules to build capacity for teacher resilience • Finding a place for resilience in teacher preparation • Teacher championship of resilience: lessons from the pathways to resilience study, South Africa • An exploratory interview study of university teacher resilience • Teacher resilience in adverse contexts: issues of professionalism and professional identity • Teachers narratives of resilience: responding effectively to challenging behavior • Early career teachers in rural schools: plotlines of resilience • Exploring canadian early career teachers' resilience from an evolutionary perspective • The interplay between the motivation to teach and resilience of student teachers and trainee teachers • A multidimensional view of pre-service teacher resilience in Germany, Ireland, Malta and Portugal • Great southern lands: making space for teacher resilience in South Africa and Australia • How does apprentice resilience work? • (Re)conceptualising teacher resilience: a social-ecological approach to understand teachers' professional worlds • Resilience in education: an introductionPublicação: Cham : Springer, 2018Descrição: 340 p.Disponibilidade:

Os novos líderes : a inteligência emocional nas organizações / Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, Annie MacKeePublicação: Lisboa : Gradiva, 2003Descrição: 307 p.Disponibilidade:

3. Livro
Inteligência emocional : uma abordagem prática / Paulo MoreiraPublicação: Lisboa : Manuscrito, 2024Descrição: 373 p.Disponibilidade:

GRIT: o poder da paixão e da perseverança / Angela DuckworthPublicação: Amadora : 20|20 Editora, 2016Descrição: 348 p.Disponibilidade:

Foundations of sport and exercise psychology / Robert S. Weinberg ; Daniel Gould Publicação: Champaign : Human Kinetics, 2019Disponibilidade:
