A history of intergroup relations research / John F. Dovidio, Anna-Kaisa Newheiser, Jacques-Phillippe Leyens Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: S1 KRUG3 (1). :
A history of implicit social cognition : where is it comming from? where is it now? where is it going? / B. Keith Payne, Bertram Gawronski Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: S1 GAWR1 (1). :
A history of culture in psychology / Yoshihisa Kashima, Michele J. Gelfand Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: S1 KRUG3 (1). :
His and her relationships? : a review of the empirical evidence / Emily A. Impett, Letitia Anne Peplau Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: S1 VANG1 (1). :
Heuristics and biases : the psychology of intuitive judgment / Thomas Gilovich, Dale Griffin, Daniel Kahneman Nível de parte analítica: Theory-driven reasoning about plausible pasts and probable futures in World politics • Heuristics and biases in application • Clinical versis actuarial judgment • The calibration of expert judgment : heuristics and biases beyond the laboratory • Do analysts overreact? • Assessing uncertainty in physical constants • Understanding misunderstanding : social psychological perspectives • When less is more : counterfactual thinking and satisfaction among olympic medalists • Like goes with like : the role of representativeness in erroneous and pseudo-scientific beliefs • The hothand in basketball : on the misperception of random sequences • Intuitive politicians, theologians, and presucutors : exploring the empirical implications of deviant functionalist metaphors • How good are fast and frugal heuristics? • Feelings as information : moods influence judgments and processing strategies • The use of statistical heuristics in everyday inductive reasoning • Remarks on support theory : recent advances and future directions • Unopacking, repaking, and anchoring : advances in support theory • Support theory : a nonextensional representation of subjective probability • Individual differences in reasoning : implications for the rationality debate? • The affect heuristic • Two systems of reasoning • Counterfactual thought, regret, and superstition : how to avoid kicking yourself • Norm theory : comparing reality of its alternatives • When presictions fail : the dilemma of unrealistic optimism • Ambiguity and self-evaluation : the role of ideosyncratic trait definitions in self-serving assessments of ability • Resistance of personal risk perceptions to debiasing interventions • Durability bias in effective forecasting • Robability judgment across cultures • Inside the planning fallacy : the causes and consequences of optimistic time predictions • The weighting of evidence and the determinantes of confidence • Compatibility effects in judgment and choice • Sympathetic magical thinking : the contagion and similarity heuristics • Mental contamination and the debiasing problem • Inferential correction • Self-anchoring in conversation : why language users do not do what they should • Putting adjustment back in the anchoring and adjustment heuristic • Incorporating the irrelevant : anchors in judgment of belief and value • Imagining can heighten or lower the perceived likelihood of contracting a sideade : the mediating effect of ease of imagery • How alike is it? versus how likely is it? : a disjuntion fallacy is probability judgments • Representativeness revisited : attribute substitution in intuitive judgment • Extensional versus intuitive reasoning : the conjunction in probability judgment • Introduction - heuristics and biases : then and nowPublicação: New York : Cambridge University Press, 2002Descrição: 857 p.Disponibilidade:
Heart and minds : an inreoduction to the role of affect in social cognition and behavior / Joseph P. Forgas, Carrie L. Wyland, Simon M. Lahan Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: S1 FSP10 (1). :
Handbook of the history of social psychology / Ed. Arie W. Kruglansky, Ed. Wolfgang Stroebe Nível de parte analítica: A history of culture in psychology • A history of social psychological research on gender • A history of justice and morality research • A history of social conflict and negotiation research • A history of intergroup relations research • A history of small group research • A history of relationship research in social psychology • A history of interdependence: theory and research • A history of social influence research • A history of attitudes and persuaion research • A history of social psychological research on aggression • A history of prosocial behavior research • A history of social judgment research • Motivation science in social psychology: a tale of two histories • A history of affect and emotion research in social psychology • The evolution of research methodologies in social psychology: a historical analysis • The social dimension of social psychology: a historical analysis • A history of social neuroscience • A history of evolutionary social psychology • A history of social cognition • The emergence of cognitive social psychology: a historical analysis • The importance of history to social psychology • The making of social psychologyPublicação: New York : Psychology Press, 2012Descrição: 532 p.Disponibilidade:
Handbook of social psychology. volume i . theory and method. third edition / compil. Gardner Lindzey ; co-aut. Elliot Aronson Nível de parte analítica: Program evaluation • Survey methods • Systematic observational methods • Attitude and opinion measurement • Quantitative methods for social psychology • Experimentation in social psychology • Organizations and organization theory • Symbolic interaction and role theory • Decision making and decision theory • Cognitive perspective in social psychology • Learning theory in contemporary social psychology • Major development in social psychology during the past five decades • Historical background of social psychologyPublicação: New York : Random House, 1985Descrição: 816 p.Disponibilidade:
Handbook of social psychology. vol 2. 4 ed / compil. Daniel Gilbert ; co-aut. Susan Fiske ; co-aut. Gardner Lindzey Nível de parte analítica: Evolutionary social psychology • Cultural matrix of social psychology • Social psychology and world politics • Opinion and action in the realm of politics • Understanding organizations : concepts and controversies • Psychology and law • Health behavior • Social justice and social movements • Intergroup relations • Social stigma • Social conflict • Small groups • Stereptyping, prejudice, and discrimination • Aggression and antisocial behavior • Altruism and prosocial behavior • Attraction and close relationships • Social influence : social norms, conformity, and compliance • Ordinary personology • Language and social behavior • Nonverbal communicationPublicação: Boston : Mcgraw-hill, 1998Descrição: 1085 p.Disponibilidade: