Putting context in context / krystal A. Klein, Richard M. Shiffrin, Amy H. Criss Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: P2 NAIR1 (1). :
Putting connectionism into perspective / e outros Rolf Pfeifer, co-aut. Zoltan Schreter, co-aut. Francoise Fogelman-Soulie, co-aut. Luc Steels Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: P2 PFEI/R1 (1). :
Public memories and their personal context / Norman Brown, co-aut. Steven Shevell, co-aut. Lance Rips Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: P2 RUBI/D1 (1). :
Psychosemantics : the problem of meaning in the philosophy of mind / Jerry Fodor Publicação: London : Mit Press, 1988Descrição: 171 p.Disponibilidade:
Psychophysical analysis of pain : a functional perspective / Daniel Algom Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: P2 GEIS/H1 (1). :
Psychology of reasoning : theoretical and historical perspectives / ed. Ken Manktelow, Man Cheung Chung Nível de parte analítica: The contextual character of thoght : integrating themes from the histories and theories of the study of reasoning • Constructing science • The proof of the pudding is in the eating : translating Popper's philosophy into a model for tersting behaviour • What we reason about and why : how evolution explains reasoning • Reasoning about strategic interaction : solution concepts in game theory • Coherence and argumentation • History of the dual process theory of reasoning • Some presursors of current theories of syllogistic reasoning • The history of mental models • Reasoning an rationality :the pure and the practical • The natural history of hypotheses about the selection : task : towards a philosophy of science for investigating human reasoning • Violations, lies, broken promises, and just plain mistakes : the pragmatics of counterexamples, logical semantics, and the evaluation of conditional assertions, regulations, and promises in variants of Wason's selection task • The psychology of conditionals • Rationality, rational analysis, and human reasoning • Reasoning and task environments : the Brunswikian appoach • The contextual character of thought : integrating themes from the histories and theories of the study of reasoning • Constructing science • The proof of the pudding is in the eating : translating popper's philosophy into a model for testing behaviour • What we reason about and why : how evolution explains reasoning • Reasoning about stretegic interaction : solution concepts in game theory • Coherence and argumentation • History of the dual process theory of reasoning • The history of mental models • Some precursors of current theories of syllogistic reasoning • Reasoning and rationality : the pure and the practical • The natural history of hypotheses about the selection task : towards a philosophy of science for investigating human reasoning • Violations, lies, broken promises, and just plain mistakes : the pragmatics of counterexamples, logical semantics, and the evaluation of conditional assertions, regulations, and promises in variants of wason's selection task • The psychology of conditionals • Rationality, rational analysis, and human reasoning • Reasoning and task environments : the brunswikian approach • The contextual character of thought : integrating themes from the histories and theories of the study of reasoningPublicação: Hove : New York : Psychology, 2004Descrição: X, 382 p.Disponibilidade:
The psychology of reasoning : refections on four decades of research / Jonathan St B. T. Evans Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: P2 MANK2 (1). :
The psychology of problem solving / Edited by Janet E. Davidson , Robert J. Sternberg Nível de parte analítica: Problem solving - large / small, hard / easy, conscious / nonconscious, problem-space / problem-solver : the issue of dichotomization • Analogical transfer in problem solving • The fundamental computational biases of human cognition : heuristics that (sometimes) impair decision making and problem solving • Feeling and thinking : implications for problem solving • Motivating self-regulated problem solvers • Comprehension of text in problem solving • The role of wotking memory in problem solving • Insights about insightful problem solving • Creativity : a source of difficulty in problem solving • Is sucess or failure at solving complex problems related to intellectual ability? • The acquisition of expert performance as problem solving : construction and modiating mechanisms through deliberate practice • Recognizing, defining, and representing problemsPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003Descrição: XI, 394 p.Disponibilidade: