Peul / Pierre-Francis Lacroix Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: L MART/A1 (1). :
Perturbador mundo novo : história, psicanálise e sociedade contemporânea : 1492, 1900, 1992 / org. Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de São Paulo ; coord. Luiz Carlos Uchôa Junqueira Nível de parte analítica: O novo e a prática terapêutica em psicanálise • Psicanálise : cura ou investigação • Os caminhos do desejo • Heresia Rosiana • Do século XIX à época contemporânea : do infortúnio à boa sorte • O homem, um homem : do humanismo renacentista a Michel de Montaigne • Um itinerario da formação do homem brasileiro, do descobrimento à época contemporâneaPublicação: São Paulo : Escuta, 1994Descrição: 370 p.Disponibilidade:
Persuasive talk : the social organization of children's talk / Jenny Cook-Gumperz Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: L GREE1 (1). :
Perspectives on inquiry : representation, conversation and reflection / Arthur Bochner Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: L KNAP1 (1). :
Perspectives on activity theory / eds Yrjo Egestrom ; Reijo Miettinen ; Raija-Leena Punamaki Nível de parte analítica: Activity theory and individual and social transformation • The content and unsolved problems of activity theory • Knowledge as shared procedures • Activity in a new era • Society versus context in individual development : does theoory make a difference? • Cultural psychology : some general principles and a concrete example • Laws, logics, and human activity • Collapse, creation, and continuity in Europe : how do people change? • Activity theory and the concept of integrative levels • The relevance to psychology of Antonio Gramsci's ideas on activity and common sense • The expanded dialogic sphere : writing activity and authoring of self in Japanese classrooms • Improvement of schoolchildren's reading and writing ability through the formation of lçinguistic awareness • Play and motivation • Drama games with 6-year-old children : possilities and limitations • Activity formation as an alternative strategy of instruction • Activity theory and history teaching • Didactic models and the problem of intetextuality and polyphony • Metaphor and learniing activity • Transceding traditional achool learning : teachers' work and networks of learning • The theory of activity changed by information technology • Activity theory, transformation of work, and information systems design • Inovative learning in work teams : analysisng cycles of knowledge creation in practice • Object relations and activity theory : a proposed link by way of the the procesural sequence model • The concept of sign in the work of Vygotsky, Winnicott , and Bakhtin : further integration of object relations theory and activity theory • From addiction to self-governance • Psychomotor and socioemotional processes in literacy acquisition : results of an ongoing case study involving a nonvocal cerebral palsic young manPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999Descrição: 462 p.Disponibilidade:
Perceptual learning of nonnative speech constrasts : implications for theories of speech perception / David Pisoni, co-aut. Scott Lively, co-aut. John Logan Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: L GOOD/J1 (1). :
The perception of speech / Jennifer S. Pardo, Robert E. Remez Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: L TRAX1 (1). :