Social child / Anne Campbell, co-aut. Steven Muncer Nível de parte analítica: Concluding remarks • Youth crime and antisocial behaviour • Gender and the development of interpersonnal orientation • Sociomoral understanding • Agency and identity : a relational approach • Childrens perspective on the emotional process • Developmental origins of social understanding • Technology, media, and social development • Social life in the primary school : towards a relational concept of social skills for use in the classroom • Company they keep : friendship and their developmental significance • Families and social development : the 21st century • Cultural influences on development • Genes, environment, and psychological development • Evolution and development • Something happened : fission and fusion in developmental psychologyPublicação: Hove : Psychology Press, 1998Descrição: 418 p.Disponibilidade:
Methods and models for studying the individual : essays in honor of marian radke-yarrow / compil. Robert Cairns ; co-aut. Lars Bergman ; co-aut. Jerome Kagan Nível de parte analítica: Phenomena regained • Retrospective recall recalled • Prospective replication of developmental pathways in disruptive and delinquente behavior • Levels of longitudinal data differing in complexity and the study of continuity in personality characteristics • Typological approach to studying personality • Individual in context • Pattern-oriented approach to studying individual development • Value of extreme groups • Logic and implications of a person-oriented approach • Through categories toward individuals • Lawfulness in individual developmentPublicação: Thousand Oaks : Sage, 1998Descrição: 308 p.Disponibilidade:
Preventing antisocial behavior : interventions from birth through adolescence / compil. Joan Maccord ; co-aut. Richard Tremblay Nível de parte analítica: Need for longitudinal-experimental research on offensing and antisocial behavior • Intensive supervision of status offenders : evidence on continuity of treatment effects for juveniles and hawthorne ... • Theory-guided investigation : three field experiments • Sociocultural reasoning in behavior-disordered adolescents : cognitive and behavioral change • Experimental test of the coercion model : linking theory, measurement, and intervention • St. louis experiment : effective treatment of antisocial youths in prosocial peer groups • Interplay of theory and practice in delinquency prevention : from behavior modification to activity settings • Cambridge-somerville study : a pionneering longitudinal experimental study of delinquency prevention • Building developmental and etiological theory through epidemiologically based preventive intervention bias • Seattle social development project : effects of the first four years on protective factors and problem behaviors • Parent and child training to prevent early onset of delinquency : the montreal longitudinal-experimental study • Social interactions of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder : effects of methylphenidate • High/scope preschool program outcomes • Mother-child home program : research methodology and the real world • Infants at risk : the role of preventive intervention in deflecting a maladaptative developmental trajectory • Role of prevention experiments in discovering causes of children's antisocial behaviorPublicação: New York : Guilford, 1992Descrição: 391 p.Disponibilidade:
Education in community psychology : models for graduate and undergraduate programs / compil. Clifford O'donnell ; co-aut. Joseph Ferrari Nível de parte analítica: Undergraduate courses and graduate programs in community research and action : issues and future directions • Developing a graduate programe in community psychology : experiences at the university of waikato, new zealand • Interdisciplinary programs in community and applied psychology • Free-standing doctoral programs in community psychology : educational philosophies and academic models • Doctoral education in clinical-community psychology • Master's degree programs in community psychology : why, where and how • Undergraduate courses in community psychology : issues, paradigms, and experiences • Graduate programs and undergraduate courses in community research and actionPublicação: New York : Haworth Press, 1997Descrição: 107 p.Disponibilidade:
Stigma and sexual orientation : understanding prejudice against lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals / ed. Gregory M. Herek Nível de parte analítica: Bad science in the service of stigma : a critique of the cameron group's survey studies • Postmodern family : an examination of the psychosocial and legal perspectives of gay and lesbian parenting • Developmental implications of victimization of lesbian, gay, and bisexual youths • Internalized homophobia, intimacy, and sexual behavior among gay and bisexual men • Minority stress among lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals : a consequence of heterosexism, homophobia, and stigmatization • Civil liberties, civil rights, and stigma : voter attitudes and behavior in the politics of homosexuality • Authoritarianism, values, and the favorability and structure of antigay attitudes • Relationship between stereotypes of attitudes toward lesbians and gays • Do heterosexual women and men differ in their attitudes toward homosexuality? a conceptual and methodological analysis • Homophobia in the courtroom : an assessement of biases against gay men and lesbians in a multiethnic sample of .... • Unassuming motivations : contextualizing the narratives of antigay assailantsPublicação: Thousand Oaks : Sage, 1998Descrição: 278 p.Disponibilidade:
Careless society : community and its counterfeits / John Macnight Publicação: New York : Basic, 1995Descrição: 194 p.Disponibilidade:
Spirit of community : rights, responsabilities and the communitarian agenda / Amitai Etzioni Publicação: London : Fontana, 1995Descrição: 323 p.Disponibilidade: : Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: DR (1).
Psychology and community change : challenges of the future. 2 ed / e outros Kenneth Heller, co-aut. Richard Price, co-aut. Shulamit Reinharz, co-aut. Stephanie Riger, co-aut. Abraham Wandersman Publicação: Pacific Grove : Brooks / Cole, 1984Descrição: 421 p.Disponibilidade:
Addressing community problems : psychological research and interventions / compil. Ximena Arriaga ; co-aut. Stuart Oskamp Nível de parte analítica: Job-loss and work transitions in a time of global economic change • Promoting health and well-being through work : sciencfe and practice • Life contexts and outcomes of treated and untreated alcoholics • Involving schools and communities in preventing adolescent dating abuse • Violence among urban african american adolescents : the protective effects of parental support • Is housing the cure for homelessness? • Community stressors and racism : structural and individual perspectives on racial bias • Addressing community problems : an introductionPublicação: London : Sage, 1998Descrição: 265 p.Disponibilidade:
Piaget hoje : respostas a uma controversia / Michel Perraudeau Publicação: Lisboa : Instituto Piaget, 1998Descrição: 237 p.Disponibilidade: