A sua pesquisa recuperou 64 resultados.

Obras de Edmund Husserl : 1. fundamentação da lógica e doutrina da ciência : investigações lógicas / dir. Pedro M. S. AlvesPublicação: Coimbra : Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Coimbra, 2005Descrição: 277 p.Disponibilidade:

O pensamento tornado dança : estudos em torno de George Steiner / Org. Ricardo Gil SoeiroNível de parte analítica: Ouvir Steiner : o código de Pasternak • George Steiner : fragmentos sobre un pensador de (la) excepción • La parole souffle sur notre poussiére : essai sur l'oeuvre de George Steiner • La obra de George Steiner : la lectura del hombre • El arte de preguntar : sobre no passion spent y grammars of creation, de George Steiner • The educational relevance of George Steiner's literary and philisophic thought • We come after : the holocaust in Steinerian thought, 1952-1971 • Um Steiner nietzschiano? : breves apontamentos sobre Errata : an examined life • Estará o divino nos recortes e nos pormenores? a questão da mobilidade em Geprge Steiner e Aby M. Warburg • O homem como fim em si? : de Kant a Heidegger e Jonas • Steiner e a incandescência da tragédia • Quase a nossa incerta : George Steiner e a hermenêutica radical • Lições de George Steiner • Apresentação de George Steiner • O pensamento tornado dança: George Steiner e livros que ensinam a dançarPublicação: Lisboa : Roma Editora, 2009Descrição: 239 p.Disponibilidade:

O pensamento incontido / Bernard GibelloPublicação: Lisboa : Climepsi, 1999Descrição: XVI, 206 p.Disponibilidade:

Numerical reasoning in judgments and decision making about health / Ed. Britta L. Anderson, Jay SchulkinNível de parte analítica: Conclusion • Do the numbers help patients decide?: ethical and emprirical challenges for evaluating the impact of quantitative information • A review of theories of numeracy: psychological mechanisms and implications for medical decision making • Rational healthcare • Anticipating barriers to the communication of critical information • Using visual aids to help people with low numeracy make better decisions • Numeracy and genetic screening • Application of numeracy in diabetes mellitus chronic disease care • Patient numeracy: what do patients need to recogniza, think, or do with health numbers • Physicians understanding and use of numeric information • Collective statistical illiteracy in health • Measuring numeracyPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014Descrição: 313 p.Disponibilidade:

Migrantes e saúde mental : a construção da competência cultural / coord. Chiara Pussetti ; co-aut. Júlio F. Ferreira, Elsa Lechner, Cristina SantinhoPublicação: Lisboa : Alto-Comissariado para a Imigração e Minorias Étnicas, 2009Descrição: 260 pDisponibilidade:

The mental models theory of reasoning : refinements and extensions / Walter Schaeken, et al.Nível de parte analítica: Training effects in deductive reasoning : a theory-based review • A mental model theory of informal argument • Models of cause and effect • Extensional reasoning about changes • The mental models theory of relational reasoning : premises relevance, conclusions phrasing and cognitive economy • Modeling something that is believed to be false : the compotition of scripots and models in linear reasoning • Mental models and falsification : it depends on the task • Rethinking the model theory of conditionals • Wether, although, and other conditionals • Representation, pragmatics and process in model-based reasoning • Memory retrieval and content effects in conditional reasoning : a developmental mental models accountPublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007Descrição: 234 p.Disponibilidade:

Manual de competências académicas / coord. Margarida Vaz Garrido, Marília PradaNível de parte analítica: Divulgação cientifica: desenvolvimento e apresentação de comunicações em formato oral e poster • Divulgação cientifica: preparação de relatórios, projetos ou artigos cientificos • Conhecer os métodos quantitativos e qualitativos e suas aplicações em Ciências Sociais e Humanas • Como planear a investigação? • Pensamento crítico: antes de se aprender a testar ideias é preciso aprender a ter ideias • Ética em contexto académico • Resolver conflitos e aprender com problemas • Trabalho em equipa • Comunicação adequada e assertiva • Organização pessoal e gestão do tempo • O ensino superior como um espaço de formação multifacetada • Transição para o ensino superior: dessafios e estratégias • O desenvolvimento de competências pessoais e académicas no contexto do ensino superiorPublicação: Lisboa : Sílabo, 2016Descrição: 449 p.Disponibilidade:

Lectura conjunta, pensamiento en voz alta y conprensión lectora / António José Césarde Almeida GonzalezPublicação: Salamanca : Universidad de Salamanca, 2008Descrição: 288 p.Disponibilidade:

La pensée hors langage : à la rencontre d'adolescents autists / Frédérique Papy, Georges Papy, Adriana SchulerPublicação: Paris : Bayard, 1995Descrição: 258 p.Disponibilidade:

La conversación infinita : encuentros con la escritura y el pensamiento / Borja HermosoPublicação: Madrid : Siruela, 2023Descrição: 259 pDisponibilidade:

Introdução aos cuidados gerontopsiquiátricos / Pierre CharazacPublicação: Lisboa : Climepsi, 2004Descrição: 156 p.Disponibilidade:

Interacções entre pares [Texto Policopiado] : contributos para a promoção do desenvolvimento lógio e do desempenho estatístico, no 7º ano de escolaridade / Carolina CarvalhoPublicação: Lisboa : Universidade de Lisboa, 2001Descrição: 533 p.Disponibilidade:

Insight and creativity in problem solvingNível de parte analítica: Insight and creative thinking processes: routine and special • Toward an integrated theory of insight in problem solving • The shifting sands of creative thinkng: connection to dual-process theory • The shifting sands of creative thinking: connection to dual-process theory • Reasoned connections: a dual-process perspective on creative thought • When distracting helps: evidence tha concurrent articulation and irrelevant speech can facilitate insight problem solving • Incubating and cueing effects in problem-solving: set aside the diffiult problems but focus on the easy ones • Incubation and suppression processes in creative problem solving • When analytic thought in challenged by a misunderstandingPublicação: London : Routledge, 2018Descrição: 169 pDisponibilidade:

In two minds : dual processes and beyond / Jonathan St. B. T. Evans, Keith FrankishNível de parte analítica: Reason and intuition in the moral life : a dual-process account of moral justification • In two minds about rationality? • What zombies can't do : a social cognitive neuroscience approach to the irreducibility of reflective consciousness • Cognitive and social cognitive development : dual-process research and theory • The two systems of learning : an architectural perspective • Thinking across cultures : implications for dual processes • Dual process models : a social psychological perspective • Dual-process theories : a metacognitive perspective • Intuitive and reflective inferences • The magical number two, plus or minus : dual-process theory as a theory of cognitive kinds • An architecture for dual reasoning • Systems and levels : dual-system theories and the personal-subpersonal distinction • Distinguishing the reflective, algorithmic, and autonomous minds : is it time for a tri-process theory? • How many dual-process theories do we need? One, two, or many? • The duality of mind : an historical perspectivePublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009Descrição: 369 p.Disponibilidade:

Hypothetical thinking : dual processes in reasoning and judgment / Jonathan St B. T. EvansPublicação: Hove : Psychology Press, 2007Descrição: 206 p.Disponibilidade:

How we reason / Philip N. Johnson-LairdPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2006Descrição: 573 p.Disponibilidade:

Heuristics and biases : the psychology of intuitive judgment / Thomas Gilovich, Dale Griffin, Daniel KahnemanNível de parte analítica: Theory-driven reasoning about plausible pasts and probable futures in World politics • Heuristics and biases in application • Clinical versis actuarial judgment • The calibration of expert judgment : heuristics and biases beyond the laboratory • Do analysts overreact? • Assessing uncertainty in physical constants • Understanding misunderstanding : social psychological perspectives • When less is more : counterfactual thinking and satisfaction among olympic medalists • Like goes with like : the role of representativeness in erroneous and pseudo-scientific beliefs • The hothand in basketball : on the misperception of random sequences • Intuitive politicians, theologians, and presucutors : exploring the empirical implications of deviant functionalist metaphors • How good are fast and frugal heuristics? • Feelings as information : moods influence judgments and processing strategies • The use of statistical heuristics in everyday inductive reasoning • Remarks on support theory : recent advances and future directions • Unopacking, repaking, and anchoring : advances in support theory • Support theory : a nonextensional representation of subjective probability • Individual differences in reasoning : implications for the rationality debate? • The affect heuristic • Two systems of reasoning • Counterfactual thought, regret, and superstition : how to avoid kicking yourself • Norm theory : comparing reality of its alternatives • When presictions fail : the dilemma of unrealistic optimism • Ambiguity and self-evaluation : the role of ideosyncratic trait definitions in self-serving assessments of ability • Resistance of personal risk perceptions to debiasing interventions • Durability bias in effective forecasting • Robability judgment across cultures • Inside the planning fallacy : the causes and consequences of optimistic time predictions • The weighting of evidence and the determinantes of confidence • Compatibility effects in judgment and choice • Sympathetic magical thinking : the contagion and similarity heuristics • Mental contamination and the debiasing problem • Inferential correction • Self-anchoring in conversation : why language users do not do what they should • Putting adjustment back in the anchoring and adjustment heuristic • Incorporating the irrelevant : anchors in judgment of belief and value • Imagining can heighten or lower the perceived likelihood of contracting a sideade : the mediating effect of ease of imagery • How alike is it? versus how likely is it? : a disjuntion fallacy is probability judgments • Representativeness revisited : attribute substitution in intuitive judgment • Extensional versus intuitive reasoning : the conjunction in probability judgment • Introduction - heuristics and biases : then and nowPublicação: New York : Cambridge University Press, 2002Descrição: 857 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of imagination and mental simulation / ed. Keith D. markman, William M. P. Klein, Julie A. SuhrNível de parte analítica: Preparedness, mental simulations, and future outlooks • On the consequences of mentally simulating future foregone outcomes : a regret regulation perspective • Mental contrasting of the future and reality to master negative feedback • Possible selves : from content to process • It's hard to imagine : mental simulation, metacognitive experiences, and the sucess of debiasing • Subjective proximity of future selves : implications for current identity, future appraisal, and goal pursuit motivation • On the excessive rationality of tyhe emotional imagination : a two-systems account of affective forecasts and experiences • Imagining a rosy future : the psychology of optimism • Perspective taking : misstepping into others' shoes • Making it up and making do : simulation, imagination, and empathic accuracy • Two forms of perspective taking : imagining how another feels and imaging how you would feel • Simulated worlds : transportation into narratives • Daydreaming and fantasizing thought flow and motivation • Children's imaginary companions : what is it like to have an invisible friend? • It's hard to imagine : mental simulation, metacognitive experiences, and the sucess of debiasing • Counterfactual thinking : function and dysfunction • The counterfactual mind-set : a decade of research • Cognitive processes in counterfactual thinking • temporally asymmetric constraints on mental simulation : retrospection is more constrained than prospection • Episodic future thought : remembering the past to imagine the future • Hypnosis and memory : from Bernheim to the present • False memories : the role of plausibility and autobiographical belief • Implementation intentions : the mental representations and cognitive procedures of if-then planning • Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image : the distance dependence of representation • Mental imagery and implicit memory • Expertise and the mental simulation of action • Action representation and its role in social interactionPublicação: New York : Taylor & Francis, 2009Descrição: 476 p.Disponibilidade:
