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A sua pesquisa recuperou 45 resultados.

Mind readings: introductory selections on cognitive science / ed. Paul ThagardPublicação: Cambridge : MIT Press, 1998Descrição: 344 p.Disponibilidade:

Mente, Cérebro e Educação / Joana RatoPublicação: Lisboa : Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, 2022Descrição: 96 p.Disponibilidade:

La naissance psychique [número temático] / org. Isabelle Kamieniak, org. Sesto-Marcello PassoneNível de conjunto: Revue Française de Psychanalyse vol. 71, nº 1 (2007)Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R9 (1). :

Introdução à neurociência : arquitectura, função, interacções e doença do sistema nervoso / Luis Bigotte de AlmeidaPublicação: Lisboa : Climepsi, 2010Descrição: 336 p.Disponibilidade:

The imitative mind : development, evolution, and brain bases / ed. Andrew N. Meltzoff, Wolfgang PrinzNível de parte analítica: Imitation, apraxia, and hemisphere dominance • The role of imitation in body ownership and mental growth • Is there such a thing as functional equivalence between imagined, observed, and executed action? • Cell populations in the banks of the superior temporal sulcus of the macaque and imitation • From minor neurons to imitation: facts and speculations • What is the body schema? • On bodies and events • Visuomotor coupligs in object-oriented and imitative actions • Goal-directed imitation • Imitation : common mechanisms in the observation and execution of finger and mouth movements • Experimental approaches to imitation • Seeing actions as hiearchically organizad structures: great ape manual skills • The imitator's representation of the imitated : ape and child • Ego function of early imitations • Notes on individual differences and the assumed elusiveness of neonatal imitation • Self-awareness, other-awareness, and secondary representation • Imitation and imitation recognition: functional use in preverbial infants and nonverbal children with autism • Elements of a developmental theory of imitation • An introduction to the imitative mind and brainPublicação: New York : Cambridge University Press, 2002Descrição: 353 pDisponibilidade:

The history of neuroscience in autobiography / ed. Larry R. SquirePublicação: San Diego : Academic Press, 1998Descrição: 559 p.Disponibilidade:

The history of neuroscience in autobiography / ed. Larry R. SquirePublicação: San Diego : Academic Press, 1998Descrição: 433 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of transcranial magnetic stimulation / eds. Alvaro Pascual-leone, Nick J. Davey, John Rpthwell, Eric M. Wassermann, Basant K. PuriPublicação: London : Arnold Publishers, 2002Descrição: 405 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of psychophysiology / Edited by John T. Caccioppo ; Louis G. Tassinary ; Gary G. BerntsonNível de parte analítica: Functional MRI : backgroud, methodology, limits, and implementation • General laboratory safety • Dynamic modeling • Biosignal processing • Salient method, design, and analysis concerns • Psychometrics • Environmental psychophysiology • Applicatyions of psychophysiology to human factors • The detection of deception • Psychophysiological applications in clinical health psychology • Psychophysiology in the study of psychopathology • Sleep and dreaming • Developmental psychophysiology : conceptual and methodological perspectives • Interpersonal processes • Emotion and motivation • Language • Cognition and the autonomic nervous system : orienting, antecipation, and conditioning • Motor preparation • Interoception • From homeostasis to allodynamic regulation • Psychosocial factors and humoral immunity • Psychological modulation of cellular immunity • Reproductive hormones • Stress hormones in osychophysiological research : emotional, behavioral, and cognitive implications • The sexual response system • The gastroinstestinal system • Respiration • Cardiovascular psychophysiology • The electrodermal system • The skeletomotor system : surface electromyography • The pupilary system • Neuropsychology and behavioral neurology • Positron emission tomography and fuctional magnetic resonance imaging • Ecent-related brain potentials : methods, theory, and applications • Psychophysiological sciencePublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000Descrição: 1039 p.Disponibilidade:

Fundamentos filosóficos da neurociência / M. R. Bennett, P. M. S. HackerPublicação: Lisboa : Instituto Piaget, 2005Descrição: 497 p.Disponibilidade:

Fundamentals of neural network modeling: neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience / Eds. randolph W. Parks, Daniel S. Levine, Debra L. LongPublicação: Cambridge : Bradford Book, 1998Descrição: 428 p.Disponibilidade:

From angels to neurones : art and the new science of dreaming / J. Allan Hobson, Hellmut WohlPublicação: Fidenza : Mattioli 1885, 2005Descrição: 199 p.Disponibilidade:

The foundations of remembering : essays in honor of Henry L. Roediger, III / ed. James S. NairneNível de parte analítica: Memory distortion : from misinformation to rich false memory • Learning form fictional sources • Toward analyzing cognitive illusions : past, present, and future • The cognitive neuroscience of emplicit and false memories : perspectives on processing specificity • Semantic relatedness effects on true and false memories in episodic recognition : a methodological and empirical review • Inducing false memories through associated lists : a window into everyday false memories? • The structure of semantic and phonological networks and the structure of a social network in dreams • Competition and inhibiion in world retrieval : implications for language and memory tasks • Individual differences in working memory capacity and retrieval : a cue-dependent search approach • Spontaneous retrieval in prospective memory • Attentional requirements of perceptual implicit memory • The effects of familiarity on reconstruction the order of information in semantic and episodic memory • Putting context in context • The effects of attention and emotion on memory for context • Unscrambling the effets of emotion and distinctiveness on memory • Making distinctiveness models of memory distinct • A brief history of memory and aging • Is explaned retrieval practice a superior form of spaced retrieval? : a critical review of the extant literature • Signal-detection theory and the neuroscience of recognition memory • Foxes, hedgehogs, and mirror effects : the role of general principles in memory research • Are there 256 different kinds of memory? • Roddy Roediger's memoryPublicação: New York : Psychology Press, 2007Descrição: 451 p.Disponibilidade:

Criatividade = Creativity / Allan Hobson, Sofia ArealPublicação: Lisboa : ISPA, 2013Descrição: 135 p.Disponibilidade:

Computational explorarions in cognitive neuroscience: understanding the mind by simulating the brain / Randall C. Oreilly, Yuko Munakata ; forew. James L. MacClellandPublicação: Cambridge : Bradford Book, 2000Descrição: 504 p.Disponibilidade:

Como sentimos : o que a neurociência nos pode - ou não - dizer sobre as nossas emoções / Giovanni FrazzettoPublicação: Lisboa : Bertrand, 2014Descrição: 350 p.Disponibilidade:

Color atlas of neuroscience: neuroanatomy and neurophysiology / Ben Greenstein, Adam GreensteinPublicação: Stuttgart : Thieme, 2000Descrição: 438 p.Disponibilidade:

The cognitive neuroscience of memory : an introduction / Howard EichenbaumPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2002Descrição: X, 370 p.Disponibilidade:

Cognitive neuroscience : the biology of the mind / Michael Gazzaniga, co-aut. Richard Ivry, co-aut. George MangunPublicação: New York : W.W. Norton & Company, 1998Descrição: 550 p.Disponibilidade:

Cerebro y conducta / Eric R. KandelDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: P3 KAND1 (1). :
