A sua pesquisa recuperou 6607 resultados.

Psicologia de la educacion / e outros Jesus Beltran, co-aut. Elena Garcia-Alcaniz, co-aut. Mariano Moradela, co-aut. Francisco Calleja, co-aut. Victor SantiustePublicação: Madrid : Eudema, 1992Descrição: 662 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of research on teaching. third ed / compil. Merlin WittrockNível de parte analítica: Research in teaching in the armed forces • Research on professional education • Research on teaching social studies • Moral education and values education : the discourse perspective • Research on teaching arts and aesthetics • Research on natural sciences • Research on teaching and learning mathematics : two disciplines of scientific inquiry • Research on teaching reading • Research on written composition • Research on teaching in higher education • Research on early childhood and elementary school teaching programs • Special education research on mildly handicapped learners • Teaching bilingual learners • Teaching creative and gifted learners • Adapting teaching to individual differences among learners • School effects • Research on teacher education • Cultures of teaching • Philosophy and teaching • Media in teaching • Classroom discourse • Classroom organization and management • Teaching functions • Teacher behavior and student achievement • Teaching of learning strategies • Students' thought processes • Teachers' thought processes • Theory, methods, knowledge, and research on teaching • Syntheses of research on teaching • Observation as inquiry and method • Qualitative methods in research on teaching • Quantitative methods in research on teaching • Measurement of teaching • Philosophy of research on teaching : three aspects • Paradigms and research programs in the study of teaching : a contemporary perspectivePublicação: New York : Macmillan Publishing Company, 1986Descrição: 1037 p.Disponibilidade:

Developmental perspectives on motivation / compil. Janis JacobsNível de parte analítica: Commentary of frotieth nebraska symposium on motivation • Motivation for social contact across the life span : a theory of socioemotional selectivity • School and family effects on the ontogeny of childrens interests, self-perceptions, and activity choices • Visions of self : beyond the me in the mirror • Measurement of flow in everyday life : toward a theory of emergent motivation • Agency and organization : intrinsic motivation, autonomy, and the self in psychological developmentPublicação: Lincoln : Univ Nebraska Press, 1993Descrição: 299 p.Disponibilidade:

Children's understanding of mathematics : 11-16 / Kathleen HartPublicação: London : John Murray, 1981Descrição: 231 p.Disponibilidade:

Ecoles et quartiers : des dynamiques educatives locales / compil. G. Chauveau ; co-aut. L. Duro-CourdessesNível de parte analítica: Ecriture au coeur du quartier • Animatrices a la croisee des chemins • Recherche du developpement local • Heurs et malheurs d'un projet de college • Ecole et monde du travail : quelle ouverture? • Apprendre a l'ecole et autour de l'ecole • Enseignants et parents : changement de perspective • Enfant, le milieu local et les savoirs scolaires • Echec scolaire au quotidien • Mort et renaissance de l'etat-educateur • Ecoles et les quartiers populairesPublicação: Paris : Harmattan, 1989Descrição: 190 p.Disponibilidade:

Ethnicisation des rapports sociaux. vol 3 - racismes, nationalismes, ethnicismes et culturalismes / compil. M. Fourier ; co-aut. G. VermesNível de parte analítica: Rejet de l'autre : purete, descendance, valeurs • Ethnicite et democratie • Termes du debat sur l'integration et le refus de la diversite culturelle en france • Quelques considerations sur le terme culture • Apprehension de l'habitat dans une situation interculturelle : une recherche en geographie urbaine • Territoire immigre et ses reseaux • Pratiques au projet interculturel, les mouvements sociaux des jeunes d'origine maghrebine en banlieue • Pour une pratique pedagogique interculturelle en milieu scolaire centree sur les images et les attitudes • Ethnicite et civilites dans l'espace scolaire • Vers une approche interculturelle de l'ecriture scolaire • Multiculturalisme, interculturalisme et production de la nation • Quelques reflexions sur la question des identites collectives en france aujourd'hui • Nationalisme, racisme et limites de l'etat-nation : le cas britannique • Nationalisme et racismePublicação: Paris : Harmattan, 1994Descrição: 241 p.Disponibilidade:

Children's writing in the primary school / Roger BeardPublicação: London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1984Descrição: 158 p.Disponibilidade:

Guide du formateur / e outros Jean-Marie De Ketele, co-aut. Maurice Chastrette, co-aut. Daniele Cros, co-aut. Pierre Mettelin, co-aut. Jacques ThomasPublicação: Bruxelles : De Boeck, 1989Descrição: 254 p.Disponibilidade:

Self-system : developmental changes between and within self-concepts / Annerieke OosterwegelPublicação: Hillsdale : Lawrence Erlbaum, 1993Descrição: 185 p.Disponibilidade:

Self-concept / John HattiePublicação: Hillsdale : Lawrence Erlbaum, 1992Descrição: 307 p.Disponibilidade:

Family school & society / compil. Martin Woodhead ; co-aut. Andrea MaccgreathNível de parte analítica: Look, jane, look : anti-sexist initiatives in primary schools anti-sexist working party • Child resource policy : moving beyond dependence on school and family • Parent-teacher liaison : a minimum programme and a signed understanding • Working with parents : working with the lea • Listening school : parents and the public • Parental involvement and reading attainment : implications of research in dagenham and haringey • Didn't know then what we know now • Education can compensate • Language development in and out of school • Language and social class : is verbal deprivation a myth? • Black girls speak for themselves • Structural racism or cultural difference : schooling for asian girls • School processes : an ethnographic study • Ideological construction of black underachievement frank reeves and mel chevannes • Classroom dynamics • Initial fronts • Small schools : the latest evidence • Open plan schooling : last stand of the progressive? • Systematic observation study of children's behaviour at infant school pedagogy • Mother made conscious : the historical development of a primary school pedagogy • Need for national nurseries • Face-to-face interactions • Socialization and the family : change and diversityPublicação: London : Open University, 1988Descrição: 343 p.Disponibilidade:

Formacao de professores / Gaston MialaretPublicação: Coimbra : Almedina, 1991Descrição: 157 p.Disponibilidade:

Awakening to literacy / compil. Hillel Goelman ; co-aut. Antoinette ObergNível de parte analítica: Symposium : what it meant • Discussion : what was said • Language, mind, and reading • See! jumping! some oral language antecedents of literacy • Speech and writing and modes of learning • Underlying logic of literacy development • Creative achievement of literacy • Run trilogy : can tommy read? • Literacy at home and at school : insights from a study of young fluent readers • Development of initial literacy • Child as teacher • Learning literacy through play : puerto rican kindergarten children • Achievement of preschool literacy for mother and child • Families as environments for literacy • Social and institutional influences on the development and practice of literacy • Learning to read culturally : literacy before schooling • Awakening to literacy : introductionPublicação: Portsmouth : H.E.B., 1984Descrição: 240 p.Disponibilidade:

Achievement and motivation : a social-developmental perspective / ed. Ann Boggiano ; Thane PittmanNível de parte analítica: Divergent approaches to the study of motivation and achievement : the central role of extrinsic/intrinsic orientations • Self-handicapping and achievement • On being psyched up but not psyched out : an optimal pressure model of achievement motivation • Children's achievement-related behaviors : the role of extrinsic and intrinsic motivational orientations • Achievement is not intrinsically motivated : a theory of internalization and self-regulation in school • Developmental changes in competence assessment • Competence processes and achievement motivation : implications for intrinsic motivation • Relationship between perceived competence, affect, and motivational orientation within the classroom : processes and .... • Motivation for creativity in children • Intrinsic and extrinsic motivational orientations in peer interactions • Initiation and regulation of intrinsically motivated learning and achievement • Psychological perspective on motivation and achievementPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1992Descrição: 291 p.Disponibilidade:

Culture ecrite et inegalites scolaires : sociologie de l'echec scolaire a l'ecole primaire / Bernard LahirePublicação: Lyon : PUL, 1993Descrição: 310 p.Disponibilidade:

Imaginaire dans la relation pedagogique / Marcel PosticPublicação: Paris : Puf, 1989Descrição: 161 p.Disponibilidade:

Formar criancas leitoras / Josette JolibertPublicação: Rio Tinto : Asa, 1991Descrição: 150 p.Disponibilidade:

Psicologia na formacao continua / Universidade EvoraNível de parte analítica: Estudos das estrategias de coping utilizadas pelos professores • Teorias e formacao psicologica de professores : uma experiencia em analise • Psicologia na formacao de professor : opcoes, programaticas e metodologicas • Lendas, computadores, caricaturas e outras historias na formacao continua de professores. reflexoes sobre uma ..... • Obra de autor a disseminacao de autorias : a experiencia narrativa da professora • Promocao do desenvolvimento pessoal : experiencia grupal de formacao psicologica de professores • Criatividade na formacao continua de professores • Formacao continua e desenvolvimento do adulto • Familia do professor • Contributos da psicologia da educaco para a formacao continua dos professores • Contributos da psicologia do desenvolvimento • Psicologia social de la educacion y formacion del profesorado • Lugar da psicologia na formacao continua de professores • Possibilidades abertas pelo sistema de formacao continua a formacao psicologica de professoresPublicação: Evora : Apport, 1994Descrição: 282 p.Disponibilidade:

Self-regulation of learning and performance. issues and educational applications / compil. Dale Schunk ; co-aut. Barry ZimmmermanNível de parte analítica: Self-regulation in education : retrospect and prospect • Adaptive help seeking : a strategy of self-regulated learning • Creating interactive sociocultural environments for self-regulated learning • Student volition and education : outcomes, influences, and practices • Role and development of self-regulation in the writing process • Self-regulating academic study time : a strategy approach • Self-regulated reading and getting meaning from text : the transactional strategies instruction model and its ongoing ... • Regulating motivation cognition in the classroom : the role of self-schemas and self-regulatory strategies • Role of children's achievement values in the self-regulation of their learning outcomes • Self-regulation of self-efficacy and attributions in academic settings • Self-regulation and motivation : a life-span perspective on underachievement • Role of motivation in self-regulated learning • Dimensions of academic self-regulation : a conceptual framework for educationPublicação: Hillsdale : Lawrence Erlbaum, 1994Descrição: 329 p.Disponibilidade:
