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A sua pesquisa recuperou 2677 resultados.

Animal navigation / Talbot WatermanPublicação: New York : Scietific Amer Libr, 1989Descrição: 243 p.Disponibilidade:

Behavioural ecology : an evolutionary approach. third ed / compil. J. Krebs ; co-aut. N. DaviesPublicação: Oxford : Blackwell Scientific, 1991Descrição: 482 p.Disponibilidade:

Acoustic communication in birds. vol 1 - production, perception, and design features of sounds / Donald Kroodsma, co-aut. Edward MillerNível de parte analítica: Evolution of bird sounds in relation to mating and spacing behavior • Character and variance shift in acoustic signals of birds • Coding of species-specific characteristics in bird sounds • Grading, discreteness, redundancy, and motivation-structural rules • Adaptations for acoustic communication in birds : sound transmission and signal detection • Neural control of passerine song • Structural basis of voice production and its relationship to sound characteristics • Factors to consider in recording avian soundsPublicação: New York : Academic Press, 1982Descrição: 370 p.Disponibilidade:

Acoustic communication in birds. vol 2 - song learning and its consequences / compil. Donald Kroodsma ; co-aut. Edward MillerNível de parte analítica: World survey of evidence for vocal learning in birds • Conceptual issues in the study of communication • Individual recognition by sounds in birds • Genetic population structure and vocal dialects in zonotrichia, emberizidae • Microgeographic and macrogeographic variation in the acquired vocalizations of birds • Song repertoires : problems in their definition and use • Ecological and social significance of duetting • Avian vocal mimicry : its function and evolution • Subsong and plastic song : their role in the vocal learning process • Learning and the ontogeny of sound signals in birds • Auditory perception in birdsPublicação: New York : Academic Press, 1982Descrição: 388 p.Disponibilidade:

Ecology of vision / J. LythgoePublicação: Oxford : Clarendon, 1979Descrição: 244 p.Disponibilidade:

An introduction to animal behaviour / Aubrey Manning, Marian Stamp DawkinsPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1992Descrição: 196 p.Disponibilidade:

Ethology and human development / John ArcherPublicação: New York : Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992Descrição: 273 p.Disponibilidade:

Human reproductive behaviour : a darwinian perspective / ed. Laura Betzig ; Monique Borgerhoff Mulder ; Paul TurkeNível de parte analítica: Evolutionary approaches to human behavior : what does the future hold? • Parental behavior in humans • Tradeoffs in male and female reproductive strategies among the ache : part 2 • Tradeoffs in male and female reproductive strategies among the ache : part 1 • Sexual selection and paternal investment among aka pygmies • Differential infant and child mortality in evolutionary perspective : data from late 17th to 19th century ostfriesland • Allocation of parental care among the ye'kwana • 70 million years hath wrought : sexual histories and reproductive sucess of a random sample of american women • Parental investment, social subordinations, and population processes among the 15th and 16th century portuguese nobility • Parent-offspring interactions in caribbean village : daughter guarding • Helpers at the nest : chilcare networks on ifaluk • Darwinizing man : a commentary • Prescriptively monogamous societies effectively monogamous? • Evolution and development of sex differences in spatial ability • Pathogen stress and lopygyny in humans • Tibetan polyandry : problems of adaptation and fitness • K'ekchi' horticultural labor exchange : productive and reproductive implications • Kipsigis bridewealth payments • Redistribution : equity of exploitation • Male yanomamo manipulations of kinship classifications of female kin for reproductive advantage • Mating and parenting in darwinian perspectivePublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1988Descrição: 363 p.Disponibilidade:

Animal conflict / Felicity Huntingford, co-aut. Angela TurnerPublicação: London : Chapman & Hall, 1987Descrição: 448 p.Disponibilidade:

Animal behaviour : a system approach / Frederick TatesPublicação: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 1980Descrição: 299 p.Disponibilidade:

Introduction to behavioural ecology. 3 ed / J. Krebs, co-aut. N. DaviesPublicação: London : Blackwell, 1993Descrição: 420 p.Disponibilidade:

Behavioural ecology : an evolutionary approach / compil. J. Krebs ; co-aut. N. DaviesNível de parte analítica: Communication • Cooperation and conflict in social insects • Evolution of cooperative breeding in birds and mammals • Mating systems • Parental investment • Sexual selection • Interactions between predators and prey • Competition for resources • Decision-making • Human behavioural ecology • Evolution of life histories • Modelling in behavioural ecologyPublicação: London : Blackwell, 1991Descrição: 482 p.Disponibilidade:

Animal behavior : an evolutionary approach / John AlcockPublicação: Sunderland : Sinauer Associates, Inc, 1993Descrição: 625 p.Disponibilidade:

Comparative method in evolutionary biology / Paul Harvey, co-aut. Mark PagelPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1991Descrição: 239 p.Disponibilidade:

Development and integration of behaviour : essays in honour of robert hinde / compil. Patrick BatesonNível de parte analítica: Robert hinde in africa • Some personal remarks • Evolutionary perspective human aggression • Individual and the environment in human behavioural development • Relationships and behaviour : the significance of robert hinde's work for developmental psychology • Fresh look at maternal deprivation • Temperament and attachment : an eclectic approach • Ethological light on psychoanalytical problems • On declaring commitment to a partner • What can we say about social structure? • Evolution of sex differences and the consequences of polygyny in mammals • Psychobiological approach to maternal behaviour among the primates • Testoterone, attention and memory • How does the environment influence the behavioural action of hormones? • Cerebral function and behaviour investigated through a study of filial imprinting • Analytical ethology and synthetic neuroscience • Differences in behavioural development in closely related species : birdsong • Are there principles of behavioural development? • Levels and processesPublicação: Cambridge : Cabridge, 1991Descrição: 506 p.Disponibilidade:

Advances in the study of behavior / compil. Peter Slater ; co-aut. Jay Rosenblatt ; co-aut. Charles Snowdon ; co-aut. Manfred MilinskiPublicação: San Diego : Academic Press, 1993Descrição: 330 p.Disponibilidade:

Cambridge encyclopedia of human evolution / Steve Jones, co-aut. Robert Martin, co-aut. David PilbeamPublicação: New York : Cambridge, 1992Descrição: 506 p.Disponibilidade:
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamente (1).

The behavior of domestic animals / Benjamin L. HartPublicação: New York : W. H. Freeman, 1991Descrição: 390 p.Disponibilidade:

Hormones and behaviour in higher vertebrates / eds. J. Balthazart ; E. Prove ; R. GillesNível de parte analítica: Reproductive behaviour in hens • Specific short-latency effects of oestradiol, testosterone on distractibility, memory formation in young domestic chick • Biparental care in birds : mechanisms controlling incubation bout duration • Reproductive physioloogy and the defence of genetic paternity in the ring dove, streptopelia risoria • Hormones and brain mechanisms of vocal behaviour in non-vocal learning birds • Behavioural self-feedback control of endocrine states • Control of male sexual behaviour in the canadian red-sided garter snake • Population endocrinology of the female pied flycatcher, ficedula hypoleuca • Prolactin in avian reproductive cycles • Hormonal correlates of behavioural development in male zebra finches • Sexual behaviour and endocrine changes during reproductive maturation and aging in the avian male • Social factors controlling puberty in the female mouse • Control of sexual behaviour in the female hamster • Male-female interaction in the hamster : seasonal and hormonal effects • Exposure to odour during development and hypothalamic of testosterone • Hormones and different tests for aggression with particular reference to the effects of testosterone metabolites • Hormonal specificity and activation of social behaviour in the male zebra finch • Hormone-mediated behavioural transitions : a role for brain aromatase • Testosterone metabolism and sexual differentiation in quail • Brain testosterone metabolism and sexual behaviour in birds • Sex steroids and the differentiation and activation of avian reproductive behaviour • Hormone-dependent brain development and behaviour • Hormonal influence on sexual differentiation of rat brain anatomy • Reproductive neuroendocrine rhytms • Interaction of circulating oestrogens and androgens in regulating mammalian sexual deifferentiation • Genetic determinants of sexual deifferentiation • Acth and grooming behaviour in the rat • Endorphin-monoamine interaction and steroid-dependent behaviour • Potency and fertility : hormonal and mechanical causes and effects of penile actions in rats • Brain mechanisms of maternal behaviour in rat • Cholinergic regulation of feminine sexual behaviour in laboratory rats • Catechol oestrogens : their contraceptive effects and possible involvement in some reproductive processes of the rat • Diurnal variations in thye sensitivity of the brain to oestrogens : behavioural and biochemical studies • Mechanisms of oestrogen-progestin interactions in the regulation of lordosis in female guinea piggs • Sites of action of ovarian hormones in the regulation of oestrous responsiveness in ratsPublicação: Berlin : Springer-verlag, 1983Descrição: 489 p.Disponibilidade:

Managing the behaviour of animals / compil. Pat Monaghan ; co-aut. David Wood-GushPublicação: London : Chapman & Hall, 1990Descrição: 257 p.Disponibilidade:
