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A sua pesquisa recuperou 5906 resultados.

Animal behavior : a reader / ed. Johan J. Bolhuis, Jerry A. HoganNível de parte analítica: Structure and development of behavior systems • Mother-infant separation and the nature of inter-individual relationships : experiments with Rhesus monkeys • Social deprivation in monkeys • Omtogeny of social behaviour in Burmese Red Junglefowl (gallus gallus spadiceus) (excerpt) • Suckling isn't feeding, or is it? : a search for develomental continuities • Motor patterns in development (excerpt) • Aspects of learning in the ontogeny of bird song : where, from whom, when, how many, which, and how accurately? • Sensory templates in species-specific behavior • Development of perceptual mechanisms in birds : predispositions and imprinting • The companion in the bird's world (excerpt) • Development of species identification in Ducklings - VI : specific mbryonic experience required to maisntain species-typical perception in Peking Ducklings • The developing brain • semantic and conceptual issues in the nature-nurture problem • Evolution and modification of behavior (excerpt) • Heredity and environment in mammalian behavior • A Critique of Konrad Lorenz's theory of instinctive behavior (excerpt) • Behavioral development : toward understanding processes • Development changes in sensivity to experience • From watsonnoan behaviorism to behaviour epigenetics • Ontogenetic adaptations and retrogressive processes in the development of the nervous system and baheviour ; a neuroembryological perspective • Principles of development and diferentiation (excerpt)Publicação: Oxford : Blackwell Publishers, 1999Descrição: 322 p.Disponibilidade:

Organizações positivas / Miguel Pina e Cunha, Arménio Rego, Rita Campos e CunhaPublicação: Lisboa : Dom Quixote, 2007Descrição: 531 p.Disponibilidade:

Gestão ética e socialmente responsável : teoria e prática / Arménio Rego, et al.Publicação: Lisboa : Editora Rh, 2007Descrição: 547 p.Disponibilidade:

Funcionamento sexual e ciclo-de-vida em mulheres portuguesas / Pedro Fernandes dos Santos PechorroPublicação: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2006Descrição: 137 p.Disponibilidade:

Neuroscience : exploring the brain / Mark F. Bear, Barry W. Connors, Michael A. ParadisoPublicação: Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007Descrição: 857 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoneuroimmunology / ed. Robert AderNível de parte analítica: Stress-induced modulation in innate resistance and adaptative immunity to influenza viral infection • Stress-induced modulation of the immune response to herpes simplex virus infections • Psychobiology of HIV infections • Cold-restraint-induced immune and biochemical changes inhibit host resistance to listeria • Endogenous extracellular Hsp72 release is an adatative feature of the acute stress response • Obesity and immunity • Endocrine and immune responses to stress in chronic inflammatory skin disorder (atopic dermamtitis) • Psychosocial factors and coronary heart disease : the role pf psychoneuroimmunological processes • Psychoneuroimmunilogy and pathophysiology • Stress-assoaciated immune dysregulation can affect antibody and t-cell responses to vaccines • Psychosocial influences in oncology : an expanded model of biobehavioral mechanisms • Reactivation of latent herpes visuses in astronauts • Stress and wound healing : animal models • Stress, neuroendocrine hormones, and wound healing : human models • Stress and allergic diseases • Close relationships and immunity • Positive affect and immune function • Bi-directional effects of stress on immune function : possible explanations for salubrius as well as harmful effects • Stress : a system of the whole • Stress and immunity • Behavioral interventions : immunologic mediators and disease outcome • Exercise and immunity : clinical studies • Behaviorally conditioned enhancement of immune responses • Emotuions and the immune system • Sleep and the immune system • Schizophrenia and immunity • Psychoneuroimmunologic aspects of alcohol and substance abuse • Psychoneuroimmunologic aspects of alcohol and substance abuse • Immune and neuroendocrine alterations in post-traumatic stress disorder • Psychoneuroimmunology of depressive disorder : mechanisms and clinical implications • Social context as an individual difference in psychoneuroimmunology • Social dominance and immunity in animals • Mother-infant interactions and the development of immunity from conception trough weaning • The interaction between brain inflammation and systemic infection • Cytokines and non-immune brain injury • Neuroimmune interactions and pain : the role of immune and glial cells • Aging, neuroinflammation, and behavior • The role of pro-inflammatory cytokines in memory processes and neural plasticity • The differential role of prostagladin E2 receptors in the CNS response to systemic immune challenge • Cytokines, sickness behavior, and depression • Expression and action of cytokines in brain : mechanisms and pathophysiological implications • Immune system effects on neural and endocrine processesm and behavior • Neuroendocrine regulation of cancer progression : II. Immunological mechanisms, clinical relevance, and prophylactic measures • Neuroendocrine regulation of cancer progression : I. Biological mechanisms and clinicar relevance • Emerging concepts for the pathogenesis of chronic disabling inflammatory diseases : neuroendocrine-immune interactions and evolutionary biology • Sex steroids and immunity • The neuroendocrine system and rheumatoid arthritis : focus on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis • Exploring the phylogenetic history of neural-immune system interactions : an update • Immune-derived opioids : droduction and function in inflamatory pain • Casoactive intestinal peptide : an anti-inflammatory neuropeptide • Sgnificance of sensory neuropeptides and the immune response • Cholinergic regulation of inflammation • Adrenergic regulation of immunity • Glucocorticoides and immunity : mechanisms of regulation • Neural and endocrine effects on immunity • Exploring the phylogenetic history of neural-immune system interactions : an updatePublicação: Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2007Descrição: 2 vol.Disponibilidade:

Human sexuality / Simon Levay, Sharon M. ValentePublicação: Sunderland : Sinauer Associates, 2006Descrição: 651 p.Disponibilidade:

Manual de comportamentos organizacional e gestão / Miguel Pina e Cunha, Arménio Rego, Rita Campos e Cunha, Carlos Cabral CardosoPublicação: Lisboa : Editora RH, 2006Descrição: 1038 p.Disponibilidade:

Developmental contexts in middle childhood : bridges to adolescence and adulthood / ed. Aletha C. Huston, Marika N. RipkeNível de parte analítica: Experiences in middle childhood and children's development : a summary and integration of research • Effects of a family poverty intervention program last from middle childhood to adolescence • Effects of welfare and employment policies on middle-childhood school performance : do they vary by race/ethnicity and, if so, why? • Mandatory welfare-to-work programs and preschool-age children : do impacts persists into middle childhood • Continuity and discontinuity in middle childhood : implications for adult outcames in the UK 1970 Birth Cohort • Healthy mind, healthy habits : the influence of activity involvement in middle childhood • Low-income children's activity participation as a predictor of psychosocial and academic outcomes in middle childhood and adolescence • Out-of-school time use during middle childhood in a low-income sample : do combinations of activities affect achievement and behavior? • The relations of classroom contexts in the early elementary years to children's classroom and social behavior • School environments and the diverging pathways of students living in poverty • Educational tracking within and between schools : from first grade through middle school and beyond • The contribution of middle childhood contexts to adolescent achievement and behavior • Middle childhood life course trajectories : links between family dysfunction and children's behavioral development • Reciprocal effects of mother depression and children's problem behaviors from middle childhood to early adolescence • Genetic and environment influences on continuity and change in reading achievement in the Colorado Adoption Project • Middle childhood family-contextual and personal factors as predictors of adult outcomes • The significance of middle childhood peer competence for qork and relationships in early adulthood • Aggression and insecurity in late adolecent romantic relationships : antecedents and developmental pathways • Middle childhood : contexts of developmentPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Descrição: 455 p.Disponibilidade:

A expressão das emoções no homem e nos animais / Charles DarwinPublicação: Lisboa : Relógio D'Água, 2006Descrição: 347 p.Disponibilidade:

Research in organizational behavior : an annual series of analytical essays and critical reviews / ed. Barry M. Staw, Roderick M KramerPublicação: Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2005Descrição: 371 p.Disponibilidade:

Advances in the study of behavior / ed. Peter J. B. Slater, Charles T. Snowdown, H. Jane Brockman, Marc NaguibPublicação: Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2005Descrição: 397 p.Disponibilidade:

A indisciplina e a escola [Texto Policopiado] : estudo exploratório das variáveis que podem influenciar o comportamento dos alunos / Paula Cristina de Moura SecoPublicação: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2004Descrição: 158 p.Disponibilidade: Não há exemplares disponíveis :
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: DM SECO1 (1).

Contemporary human resource management : text and cases / ed. Tom Redman, Adrian WilkinsonPublicação: Harlow : London : New York et. al. : Prentice Hall, 2006Descrição: XVI, 528 p.Disponibilidade:

International review of industrial and organizational psychology : 2005 / ed. Gerard P. Hodgkinson, J. Kevin FordNível de parte analítica: Burnout and health review : current knowledge and future research directions • Emotion in organizations : a neglected topic in I/O psychology, but with a bright future • contributions of industrial / organizational psychology to safety in commercial aircraft • Organizational justice across human resource management decisions • Personality in industrial / organizational psychology : not much more than cheese • Social identuty in industrial and organizational psychology : concepts, controversies and contributions • Mergers and acquisitions : an update and appraisalPublicação: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2005Descrição: 332 p.Disponibilidade:

Bergin and Garfield's handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change / ed. Michael J. LambertPublicação: New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2004Descrição: 854 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of research methods in industrial and organizational psychology / Steven G. RogelbergNível de parte analítica: Securing our collective future : challenges facing those designing and doing research in industrial and organizational psychology • Writing research articles : update on the article review checklist • Modeling nonlinear relationship : neural networks and catastrophe analysis • Longitudinal modeling • Modeling complex data structures : the general linear model and beyond • Basic and advanced measurement models for confrmatory factor analysis • Method variance and method bias in industrial and organizational psychology • Coping with missing data • Outliers and influential cases ; handling those discordante contaminated Maverick rogues • Beyond online surveys : internet research opportunities for industrial-organizational psychology • Issues im multilevel research : theory, development, ameasurement, and analysis • Methodological issues in cross-cultural organizational research • Reserach perspectives on meta-analysis • Computational modeling • Qualitative data collection and analysis • Organizational survey research • Using power analysis to evaluate and improve research • An introduction to qualitative research : its potential for industrial and organizational psychology • The relative validity and usefulness of various empirical research designs • Vlidity and reliability • Ethics in research • History of research methods in industrial and organizational psychology : measurement, design, analysisPublicação: Malden : Blackwell Publishing, 2004Descrição: 520 p.Disponibilidade:
