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A sua pesquisa recuperou 14994 resultados.

Development of the nervous system / Dan H. Sanes, Thomas A. Reh, William A. HarrisPublicação: San Diego : Academic Press, 2000Descrição: 300 p.Disponibilidade:

Neuroimaging: a companion to ADAMS and VICTOR'S principles of neurology / ed. Jack O. GreenbergPublicação: New York : Mcgraw-hill, 1999Descrição: 821 p.Disponibilidade:

Fiften thousand hours: secondary schools and their effects on children / Michael Rutter, et al.Publicação: Somerset : Open Books, 1982Descrição: 279 p.Disponibilidade:

Integrated developmental & life-course theories of offending / ed. David P. FarringtonNível de parte analítica: Conclusions about developmental and life-course theories • The social origins of pathways in crime: towards a developmental ecological action theory of crime involvement and its changes • Applying interactional theory to the explanation of continuity and change in antisocial behavior • A general age-graded theory of crime: lessons learned and the future of life-course criminology • An integrative personal control theory of deviant behavior: answers to contemporary empirical and theorectical developmental criminology issues • Mediating the effects of poverty, gender, individual characteristics, and external constraints on antisocial behavior: a test of the social development model and implications for developmental life-course theory • The integrated cognitive antisocial potential (ICAO) theory • Explaning the facts of crime: how the developmental taxonomy replies to Farrington's invitation • A developmental model of the propensy to offend during childhood and adolescence • Introduction to integrated developmental and life-course theories of offendingPublicação: New Brunswick : Transaction Publishers, 2005Descrição: 270 p.Disponibilidade: :

Brain development and cognition: a reader / eds. Mark H. Johnson, Yuko Munakata, Rick O. GilmorePublicação: Oxford : Blackwell Publishing, 2002Descrição: 544 p.Disponibilidade:

inteligência natural: integração corpo-mente e desenvolvimento humano / Susan AposhyanPublicação: São Paulo : Manola, 2001Descrição: 229 p.Disponibilidade:

The Oxford handbook of causal reasoning / ed. Michael R. WaldmannNível de parte analítica: Causal cognition and culture • causal reasoning nin non-human animals • The development of causal reasoning • Social attribution and explanation • Causality and causal reasoning in natural language • The role of causal knowledge in reasoning about mental disorders • Causation in legal and moral reasoning • Space, time, and causality • Intuitive theories • causality in decision-making • Causal argument • Inferring causal relations by analogy • Diagnostic reasoning • Causal explanation • Concepts as causal models: induction • Concepts as causal models: categarozation • Causal models and conditional reasoning • Causation and probability of causal conditionals • reinforcement learning and causal models • Planning and control • Goal-directed actions • Visual impressions of causality • Cognitive neuroscience of causal reasoning • Singular causation • Pseudocontingencies • Mental models and causation • Force dynamics • Formalizing prior knowledge in causal induction • The aquisition ands use of causal structure knowledge • causal invaraince as an essential constraint for creating a causal representation of the world: generalizing the invariance of causal power • The inferential resoning theory of causal learning: toward a multi-process propositional account • Rules of causal judgment: mapping statistival information onto causal beliefs • Associative accounts of causal cognition • Causal reasoning: an introductionPublicação: New York : Oxford University Press, 2017Descrição: 751 p.Disponibilidade:

The study of behavior: organization, methods, and principles / Jerry A. HoganPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017Descrição: 371 p.Disponibilidade:

Neuroscience / A. LongstaffPublicação: Oxford : BIOS, 2000Descrição: 436 p.Disponibilidade:

O tornar-se adolescente através do Rorschach / Isabel Gonzalez DuartePublicação: Lisboa : Chiado Editora, 2017Descrição: 460 p.Disponibilidade:

APA handbook of giftedness and talent / ed. Steven I. Pfeiffer; Elizabeth Shaunessy-Dedrick, Megan Foley-NicponNível de parte analítica: Bullying and the gifted • Perfectionism and the gifted • Career counseling and the gifted indicidual: applying social cognitive career theory to the career decision making of gifted individuals • beyond trait ttheory accounts of giftedness • Suicide among students with gifts and talents • Emotional intelligence and giftedness • attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorders in gifted students • Underachievement and the gifted child • Psychological interventions for twice-exceptional youth • Policy, legal issues, and trends in the education of gifted students • Counseling gifted children and teens • Psychological issues unique to the gifted student • Three crucial dimensions for students with intellectual gifts: it is time to stop talking and start thinking • The role of the family in talent development • Social and emotional considerations for gifted students • Examining gifted students´mental health through the lens of positive psychology • Identifying and educating underrepresented fifted students • Developing talents in girls and young women • Research-guided programs and strategies for nurturing creativity • Teaching strategies to support the education of gifted learners • Condiderations in curriculum for gifted students • Acceleration and the talent search model: transforming the school culture • Methods to increase the identification rate of students from traditionally underrepresented populations for gifted services • Identification of strensghs and talents in young children • Creativity • From giftedness to eminence developmental landmarks across the lifespan • Expertise: individual differences, human abilities, and nonability traits • talent development: a path toward eminence • talent development as the most promising focus of giftedness as gifted education • Flow theory: optmizing elite performance in the creative realm • The role of motivation • The three-ring conception giftedness: a developmental approach for promoting creative productivity in young people • Academic talent development: theory and best practices • Theories of intelligence • Gifted education in Africa • Gifted education in the middle east • Challenges on the identification and development of gidtedness in South America • Gifted education in Australia and New Zealand • Gifted education in Asia • Gifted in Europe: implications for polymakers and educators • A historical overview of instructional theory and practice in the United Staes and Canada: the double slinky phenomenon in giftide and general education • International perspectives and trends in research on giftedness and talent development • A history of gifttedness: a century of quest for indentityPublicação: Washington : American Psychological Association, 2018Descrição: 691 p.Disponibilidade:

Diverse careers in community psychology / Eds. Judah J. Viola, Olya GlantsmanNível de parte analítica: From preparation p practice: how to find trainig in community psychology • Doing community psychology intenationally: lessons learned in the field • International community psychology development: a case example in Nigeria • Writing grants to fund research and programs • The road to scholarly riches: preparing and applying for the academic market • preparing and applying for a teaching-focused faculty position • Roles beyond faculty in academia • Community colleges: a place for community psychology in action • a crossroad of disciplines: a funny thing happened on the way to the academy • Going solo: community psychology as asmall business • Nonprrofit support: can you profit from working with nonprofits? • Practicing community psychology in a small evaluation and consulting firm • Five years as a hired gun: working in for-profit evaluation consulting • Practicing community psychology in a large nonprofit reaearch and evaluation organization • Putting your training to work • Supporting community agencies: the non-academic side of university work • Leading of community psychology in nonprofits • The world of foundations: an ideal setting for a community psychologist • Accidental community psychologist: from dthe classroom to the State Capitol • Federal careers for applied community psychologists: pathways and roles • Federal careers for applied community psychologists • Answers to all questions about careers in community psychologyPublicação: New York : Oxford University Press, 2017Descrição: 321 p.Disponibilidade:

Developmental biology / Scott F. Gilbert, Michael J. F. BarresiPublicação: Sunderland : Sinauer Associates, 2016Descrição: 810 p.Disponibilidade:

Influencing social policy: applied psychology serving the public interest / Kenneth I. MatonPublicação: Oxford University Press : New York, 2017Descrição: 385 p.Disponibilidade:

Origins on individual differences in infancy: the Colorado Adoption Project / Robert Plomin, John C. DeFriesPublicação: Orlando : Academic Press, 1985Descrição: 407 p.Disponibilidade:

Stress, coping, and development in children / Norman Garmezy, Michael RutterNível de parte analítica: Some methodological problems and research directions in the study of the effects of stress on children • Utilizing of stress and coping research: issues of public education and public policy • Children of dicorce: stress and developmental tasks • Stress: a change agent for family process • Social-emotional development and response to stressors • Stress and coping in early development • Stress in enfancy: toward understanding the origins of coping behavior • Social ecology and childbirth: the newborn nursery as environmental stressor • A psychobiological approach to the ontogeny of coping • Neurochemical aspects of stress • Stressors of childhood • Stress, coping and development: some issues and some questionsPublicação: Baltimore : The John Hopkins University Press, 1988Descrição: 364 p.Disponibilidade:
