Miscues not mistakes : reading assessment in the classroom / M. Ruth Davenport Publicação: Portsmouth : Heinemann, 2002Descrição: XIX, 268 p. :
Metacognition in learning and instruction: theory, research and practice / Hope J. Hartman Nível de parte analítica: Metacognition, abilities, and developing expertise: what makes an expert student? • Matacognition and EFL / ESL reading • Enhancing self-monitoring durind self-regulated learning of speech • Metacognition in science teaching and learning • teaching metacognitively • Mathematics teaching as problem solving: a framework for studying teacher metacognition underlying instructional practice in mathematics • Contextual differences in student motivation and self-regulated learning in mathematics, english and social studies classrooms • Cognitive, metacogtive, and motivational aspects of problem solving • The ability to estimate knowledge and performance in college: a metacognitive analysis • Developing student's metacogtive knowledge and skills • Metacognition in basic skills instruction • Promoting general metacognitive awarenessPublicação: Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002Descrição: 287 p.Disponibilidade:
Manual de desenvolvimento curricular para a educação de infância / Coord. de Iram Siraj-Blatchford Nível de parte analítica: Pensando em mim mesmo e nos outros : desenvolvimento pessoal e social • Encorajando o desenvolvimento da criatividade • Humanidades : deselvolvendo uma noção de lugar e de tempo nas crianças mais pequenas • Design, tcnologia e o uso de computadores na educação de infância • Desenvolvimento físico na educação de infância • A ciência na educação de infância • Ensinando matemática a crianças pequenas • Curiosidade e comunicação : língua e literacia na educação de infância • A relação entre o planeamento e a avaliação • Critérios para determinar a qualidade na aprensizagem das crianças entre os três e os seis anosPublicação: Lisboa : Texto Editoras, 2004Descrição: 160 p.Disponibilidade:
Maîtriser la lecture : poursuivre l'apprentissage de la lecture de 8 à 11 ans / Michel Fayol, Jacques David, Daniel Dubois, Martine Rémond Publicação: Paris : Editions Odile Jacob, 2000Descrição: 355 p.Disponibilidade:
Les chemins de la lecture / G. Chauveau, E. Rogovas-Chauveau Publicação: Tournai : Magnard, 1994Descrição: 120 p.Disponibilidade: Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamente (1).
Learning together : children and adults in a school community / ed. Barbara Rogoff, Carolyn Goodman Turkanis, Leslee Bartlett Nível de parte analítica: Never-ending learning • OC teachers take their learning to other schools • Decision making in a learning community • Teachers learning together in forming a learning community • A teacher learning about adult learning • A new teacher learning to share responsability with parents • Qualifying to help people learn : becoming a beginner • Becoming an adult member in a community of learners • parents' learning about children's learning • Kindergarten, again • Becoming a cooperative parent in a parent co-operative • Teaching by learning from children • helping children learn to make responsible choices • Learning to manage time • What about sharing? • Respect from respect • Caring Conversations • Creating curriculum with children • The classrrom community in control • Setting the scene : coordinating a classroom community • Coming home to school • A home and school community • Seeing the big picture • An orientation to principles-in-action • Constructing ourselves : the beginning of and evolving philosophy • Lessons about learning as a communityPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2001Descrição: 249 p.Disponibilidade: