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Reasoning : studies of human inference and its foundations / ed. Jonathan E. Adler

Ligado a: The emotional dog and its rational tail : a social intuistionist approach to moral judgmentLigado a: Distinct brain loci in deductive versus probabilistic reasoningLigado a: Logic and biology : emotional inference and emotions in reasoningLigado a: The truth in relativismLigado a: On the very idea of a conceptual schemeLigado a: Culture and systems of thought : holistic versus analytic cognitionLigado a: Rasoning across culturesLigado a: Evolution of inferenceLigado a: CommitmentLigado a: The modularity of mind :an essay on faculty psychologyLigado a: Why we are so good at catching cheatersLigado a: Use or misuse of the selction task? : rejoinder to Fiddick, Cosmides, and ToobyLigado a: Beyond intuition and instinct blindeness : toward and evolutionary rigorous cognitive scienceLigado a: Pragmatic reasoning schemasLigado a: Domain-specific knowledge and conceptual changeLigado a: The sopcial context of reasoning : conversational inference and rational judgmentLigado a: Further notes on logic and conversationLigado a: Presupposition, attention, and why-questionsLigado a: Reasoning and pragmaticsLigado a: Reasoning and conversationLigado a: THe skills of argumentLigado a: The layout of argumentsLigado a: Propensies and counterfactuals : the loser that almost wonLigado a: CausationLigado a: Causal thinkingLigado a: belief change as propositional updateLigado a: Reflections on conscious reflection : mechanisms of impairment by reasons analysisLigado a: Belief, doubt, and evidentialismLigado a: Belief revisionLigado a: Explanatory coherenceLigado a: Defeasible reasoningLigado a: Reasoning, decision making, and rationalityLigado a: Individual differences in reasonning and the algotithmic / intentional level distinction in cognitive scienceLigado a: Human reasoning and argumentation : the probabilistic approachLigado a: Properties of inductive reasoningLigado a: When explanations compete : the role of explanatory coherence on judgments of likelihoodLigado a: Category-based inductionLigado a: Reasoning in conceptual spacesLigado a: Inductive logic and inductive reasoningLigado a: Patterns, rules, and inferencesLigado a: The problem of deductionLigado a: reasoning with quantifiersLigado a: Interpretation, representation, and deductive reasoningLigado a: mental models and deductive reasoningLigado a: Logical approaches to human deductive reasoningLigado a: Breakdown of willLigado a: Can human irrationality be experimentally demonstrated?Ligado a: Extensional versus intuitive reasoning : the conjunction fallacy in probability judgmentLigado a: Falalcies and rationalityLigado a: ParadoxesLigado a: Internal and external reasonsLigado a: belief and the willLigado a: Introduction : philosophical foundationsLigado a: Change in view : principles of reasoningLigado a: Introduction : philosophical foundationsAutor secundário: Adler, Jonathan E., ed.;Rips, Lance J., ed.Idioma: Inglês.País: Reino Unido.Publicação: New York : Cambridge University Press, 2008Descrição: 1056 p.ISBN: 9780521612746.Assunto - Nome comum: Psicologia Cognitiva | Filosofia | Racíocínio | Racionalidade | Racíocínio Dedutivo | Lógica | Racíocínio Contrafactual | Cultura | Emoções | Pragmática | Causalidade | Biologia | Moralidade Classificação: 2340 - Processos Cognitivos Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:
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Livro Livro Biblioteca ISPA P2 ADLE1 Disponível 18068

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