Your search returned 7 results.

The onset of language / Nobuo MasatakaPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003Description: XI, 281 p.Availability:

Neurolinguistics : an introduction to spoken language processing and its disorders / John C. L. IngramPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007Description: 420 p.Availability:

Lenguage y habla / George A. MillerPublication: Madrid : Alianza Editorial, 1985Description: 202 pAvailability:

Handbook of psycholinguistics / ed. Matthew J Traxler, Morton A. GerbsbacherPiece-Analytic Level: Cognitive and linguistic issues in the study of children with specidic language impairment • Learning to read • Acquisition of syntax and semantics • Language learning in infancy • Psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic perspectives opn sign languages • Language processing in bilingual speakers • Comprehension disorders in aphasia : the case of sentences that require syntactic analysis • Perspective taking and the cordination of meaning in language use • Eye movement and spoken language comprehension • Figurative language • Comprehension ability in mature readers • neuroimaging contributions to the understanding of discourse processes • Discourse comprehension • Psycholinguistics electrified II (1994-2005) • Eye-movement control in reading • Constraint satisfaction accounts of lexical and sentence comprehension • The sintax-semantics interface : On-line composition of sentence meaning • Prosody • Syntactic parsing • Semantic memory • Lexival processing and sentence context effects • Visual word recognition : the journey from features to meaning (a travel update) • Properties of spoken language production • The perception of speech • Speech perception withuin a biologically realistic imformation-theorectic framework • Functional neuroimaging of speech production • Speech disorders • Syntax and production • Properties of spoken language production • Observations on the past and future of psycholinguisticsPublication: Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2006Description: 1184 p.Availability:

Gaguez : Contributo da psicossomática para a sua compreensão e tratamento / Helena Maria de Jesus GermanoPublication: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2001Description: 352 p.Availability:

Gagueira : origem e tratamento / Silvia FriedmanPublication: São Paulo : Plexus, 2004Description: 146 p.Availability:

Análise da sintonia interacional em díades mãe-filho em aquisição tipica e atípica de linguagem oral : repensando a clínica fonoaudiológica / Ana Paula Fadanell Ramos, et al.Set Level: Aletheia : Revista Do Curso De Psicologia, Nº 15 (2002), p. 47-62Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: R1 (1). :
