Your search returned 66 results.

Violência, bullying e delinquência : gestão de problemas de saúde em meio escolar / coord. Hilson cunha Filho, Carina Ferreira BorgesPiece-Analytic Level: Programas de prevenção e intervenções • Estratégias para prevenir • Populações em risco e tipos de intervenção • Definição do problema e caracterização do fenómenoPublication: Lisboa : Coisas de Ler, 2009Description: 170 p.Availability:

Vinculação e relação entre pares [Número temático] / Coordenação: Manuela Veríssimo, António J. SantosSet Level: Análise Psicológica. Vol. 24, nº 3, 2009Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: R1 (1). :

Understending early adolescence peer aggression, conflict and victimization [Número temático] / Guest editor: Adrienne Nishima and Amy BellmoreSet Level: Journal Of Early Adolescence. vol. 30, nº 1 (2010)Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: R3 (1). :

Understanding children and adolescents / Judith A. Schickedanz, David I. Schickedanz, Peggy D. Forsyth, G. Alfred ForsythPublication: Boston : Allyn and Bacon, 1998Description: 740 p.Availability:

Um esboço biográfico de um bebé / Charles DarwinAvailability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: D SLAT1 (1). :

Social development, social inequalities and social justice / ed. Cacilia Wainryb, Juduth G. Smetana, Elliot TurielPiece-Analytic Level: In Defense of universal values • Honor, truth, and justice • The development of stereotype threat: consequences for educational and social equality • Leaving LGBT (Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) students behind • The biology of social justice : linking social inequalities and health in adolescence • Affirmative action and ethnic minority university students: enlarging pipelines to support sucess • America's head start program : an effort for social justice • The moral judgment of the child reevaluated : heteronomy, early morality, and rasoning about social justice and inequalities • The trouble with the ways morality is used and how they impede social equality and social justicePublication: New York : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2008Description: 250 p.Availability:

Reputação social e auto-conceito [texto policopiado] / Inês Rodrigues MartinsPublication: Lisboa : Instituto Superior Psicologia Aplicada, 2004Description: 78 p.Availability:

The psychology of good and evil : why children, adults, and groups help and harm others / Ervin StaubPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003Description: XVI, 592 p. : il.Availability:

Psicologia do desenvolvimento : infância e adolescência / David R. ShafferPublication: São Paulo : Pioneira Thomson Learning, 2005Description: 627 p.Availability:

Problemas de comportamento na escola / Ana Montez CadimaPublication: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2004Description: 179 p.Availability:

Peer relations in early childhood education and care / Ed. Margaret Kernan, Elly SingerPiece-Analytic Level: Principles and practice in adult education in an early childhood • Training early years practitioners to support young children's social relationships • Including children with disabilities: promoting peer relationships and friendships • Fostering a sense of belonging in multicultural childcare settings • The importance of mixed age groups in Cameroon • Play and prescription : the impact of national developments in England • Rethinking young children's rights for participation in diverse cultural contexts • Children's and parents' perspectives on play and friendships • A model for studying socialization in early childhood education and care settings • IntroductionPublication: London : Routledge, 2011Description: 144 pAvailability:

Organização social de pré-adolescentes em contexto escolar / Maria de Jesus Silva FernandesPublication: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2001Description: 63 p.Availability:

Organização afiliativa num grupo de adolescentes em contexto escolar : relação com a mudança de conhecimentos e comportamentos face a prevenção da infecção pelo VIH / Magda Maria de Freitas Velosa FerreiraPublication: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2002Description: 158 p.Availability:

O papel do grupo de pares nas tarefas do desenvolvimento do adolescente [Texto policopiado] / Melvi Aranibar AvianaPublication: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2001Description: 84 p.Availability:

O desenvolvimento social da criança e do adolescente / Reymond-Rivier, BerthePublication: Lisboa : Aster, 1975Description: 205 p.Availability:

Nonverbal communication in human interaction / Mark L. Knapp, Judith A. HallPublication: Belmont : Thompson, 2006Description: 490 p.Availability:
