A sua pesquisa recuperou 2 resultados.

Gestão de competências, do conhecimento e do talento / Ferreira CascãoNível de parte analítica: Cultura, competências e práticas de gestão de talentos: o caso Johnson & Johnson • Quando as organizações perdem bons colaboradores: e ganham maus chefes • A educação corporativa na criação e gestão de conhecimento: o caso IPAM - Corporate Education • Transfrência de conhecimento através da expatriação • A gestão do conhecimento numa organização pública • Competências de gestão: contributo para um instrumento de avaliação • Competências para a empregabilidade em Portugal: Um estudo exploratório • Avaliação do desempenho: desenvolvimento da componente comportamental relativa aos directores de obra numa empresa de construção • Diagnóstico de necessidades de formação: apresentação do caso de uma associação profissional • Gestão de e por competências na companhia CARRIS de Ferro de Lisboa, SAPublicação: Lisboa : Sílabo, 2014Descrição: 390 p.Disponibilidade:

APA handbook of giftedness and talent / ed. Steven I. Pfeiffer; Elizabeth Shaunessy-Dedrick, Megan Foley-NicponNível de parte analítica: Bullying and the gifted • Perfectionism and the gifted • Career counseling and the gifted indicidual: applying social cognitive career theory to the career decision making of gifted individuals • beyond trait ttheory accounts of giftedness • Suicide among students with gifts and talents • Emotional intelligence and giftedness • attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorders in gifted students • Underachievement and the gifted child • Psychological interventions for twice-exceptional youth • Policy, legal issues, and trends in the education of gifted students • Counseling gifted children and teens • Psychological issues unique to the gifted student • Three crucial dimensions for students with intellectual gifts: it is time to stop talking and start thinking • The role of the family in talent development • Social and emotional considerations for gifted students • Examining gifted students´mental health through the lens of positive psychology • Identifying and educating underrepresented fifted students • Developing talents in girls and young women • Research-guided programs and strategies for nurturing creativity • Teaching strategies to support the education of gifted learners • Condiderations in curriculum for gifted students • Acceleration and the talent search model: transforming the school culture • Methods to increase the identification rate of students from traditionally underrepresented populations for gifted services • Identification of strensghs and talents in young children • Creativity • From giftedness to eminence developmental landmarks across the lifespan • Expertise: individual differences, human abilities, and nonability traits • talent development: a path toward eminence • talent development as the most promising focus of giftedness as gifted education • Flow theory: optmizing elite performance in the creative realm • The role of motivation • The three-ring conception giftedness: a developmental approach for promoting creative productivity in young people • Academic talent development: theory and best practices • Theories of intelligence • Gifted education in Africa • Gifted education in the middle east • Challenges on the identification and development of gidtedness in South America • Gifted education in Australia and New Zealand • Gifted education in Asia • Gifted in Europe: implications for polymakers and educators • A historical overview of instructional theory and practice in the United Staes and Canada: the double slinky phenomenon in giftide and general education • International perspectives and trends in research on giftedness and talent development • A history of gifttedness: a century of quest for indentityPublicação: Washington : American Psychological Association, 2018Descrição: 691 p.Disponibilidade:
