A sua pesquisa recuperou 9 resultados.

Theories of self-regulated learning and academic achievement : an overview and analysis / Barry J. ZimmermanDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: E2 ZIMM1 (1). :

Self-regulated learning and academic achievement : theorectical perspectives / Edited by Barry J. Zimmerman ; Dale H. SchunkNível de parte analítica: Reflections on theories of self-regulated learning and academic achievement • Constructing theories, identities, and actions of self-regulated learners • Self-regulated learning and academic achievement : a Vygotskian view • Volitional aspects of self-regulated learning • Self-regulated learning viewed from models of information processing • Social cognitive theory and self-regulated learning • Self-regulated learning and academic achievement : a phenomenological view • Operant theory and research on self-regulation • Theories of self-regulated learning and academic achievement : an overview and analysisPublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001Descrição: X, 322 p.Disponibilidade:

Psicologia do desenvolvimento e educação de jovens / Coord. de Bártolo Paiva CamposPublicação: Lisboa : Universidade Aberta, 1989Descrição: 2 Vol.Disponibilidade:

O mito das meninas de ouro [Texto policopiado] : o rendimento escolar em estudantes do 2º grau com padrão alimentar anormal na cidade de Porto Alegre / Carlos Alberto Sampaio Martins de BarrosPublicação: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 1998Descrição: 173 p.Disponibilidade:

Motivation for achievement : possiblilities for teaching and learning / M. Kay AldermanPublicação: Mahmah : Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004Disponibilidade:

Methods for studying goals, goal structures, and patterns of adaptative learning / Eric M. Anderman, Carol MidgleyDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: E2 MIDG1 (1). :

Handbook of psychological & educational assessment of children : personality, behavior, and context / ed. Cecil R. Reynolds, Randy W. KamphausPublicação: New York : Guilford Press, 2003Descrição: 539 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of psychological and educational assessment of children : intelligence, aptitude, and achievement / Cecil R. Reynolds, Randy W. KamphausNível de parte analítica: Assessment of children for intervention planning following traumatic brain injury • Assessing the psychological and educational needs of children with moderate and severe mental retardation • Computerized Assessment • Cognitive abilities and assessment of children with language impairment • Assessment of creativity in children and adolescents • Assessment of culturally and linguistic diverse children • Bias in assessment of aptitude • Visual-motor assessment of children • Conceptual and technical problems in learning disability diagnosis • Clinical assessment of children's academin achievement • Assessing the witing abilities and instructional needs of students • Diagnostic achievement testing in reading • Advances in criterion-referenced testing methods and practices • Mutifactored and cross-battery ability assessments : are they worth the effort? • Biological approaches to the assessment of human intelligence • Neuropsychological perspectives on the assessment of children • Comprehensive assessment and adoelscent memory : the wide range assessment of memory and learning, the test of memory and learning, and the California verbal learning test - children's version • Assessing diverse populations with nonverbal tests of general intelligence • Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale : fourth edition (SB4) : evaluating the empirical bases for interpretations • Clinical assessment practice with the Kaufman assessment battery for children (K-ABC) • Preschool intellectual assessment • assessing the intelligence of adolescents with the Kaufman adolescent and adult intelligence test (KAIT) • Assessing the intelligence of adolescents with the Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale - Third Edition (WAIS-III) • Clinical interpretation of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Third Edition (WISC-III) index scores • Legal and ethical issues in the assessment of children • A practical model for etst development • A history of the development of psychological and educational testingPublicação: New York : Guilford Press, 2003Descrição: 718 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of competence and motivation / ed. Andrew J. Elliott, Carol S. DweckNível de parte analítica: Fantasies and the self-regulation of competence • Automaticity in goal pursuit • Motivation, competence, and creativity • Flow • The concept of conmpetence : a starting place for understanding intrinsic motivation and self-dtermined extrinsic motivation • Social comparison and self-evaluations of competence • Defensive strategies,motivation, and the self : a elf-regulatory process view • Engagement, disengagement, coping, and catastrophe • The hidden dimension of personal competence : self-regulated learning and practice • Cultural competence : dynamic processes • The inside story : a cultural-historical analysis of being smart amd motivated, american style • Stereotypes and the fragility of academic competence, motivation, and self-concept • Children's competence and socioeconomic status in the family and neighborhood • Race and ethnicity in the study of motivation and competence • Gender, competence, and motivation • Legislation competence : high-stakes testing policies and their relations with psychological theories and research • Work competence : a person-oriented perspective • Motivation in sport : the relevance of competence and achievement goals • Competence motivation in the classroom • Peer relationships, motivation, and academic performance at school • The role of parents in how children approach achievement : a dynamic process perspective • Competence and motivation in adulthood and old age : making the most of changing capacities and resources • Competence, motivation, and identity development during adolescence • Competence assessment, competence, and motivation between early and middle childhood • The development of self-conscious emotions • Temperament and the development of competence and motivation • Evaluation anxiety : current theory and research • Self-theories : their impact on competence motivation and acquisition • Subjective task value and the Eccles et al. model of achievement-related choices • Competence perceptions and academic functioning • Motivation from a attribution perspective and the social psychology of peceived competence • A conceptual history of the achievement goal construct • An implicit motive perspective on competence • Intelligence, competence, and expertise • Competence and motivation : competence as the core of achievement motivationPublicação: New York : The Guilford Press, 2007Descrição: 704 p.Disponibilidade:
