A sua pesquisa recuperou 6 resultados.

The Oxford handbook of criminology / ed. Mike Maguire, Rod Morgan, Robert ReinerNível de parte analítica: Community penalties : probation, punishment, and what works • Imprisonment : a brief histort, the contemporary scene, and likely prospects • Sentencing • From suspect to trial • Policing and the police • Crime reduction • Drugs, alcohol, and crime • The organization of serious crimes • White-collar crime • Violent crime • Mentally disordered offenders, mental health, and crime • Crime and the life course • Developmental criminology and risk-focused prevention • Environmentall criminology • Racism, ethnicity, crime, and criminal justice • Young people, crime, and youth justice • Gender and crime • Crime and social exclusion • Victims • Media made criminality : the representation of crime in mass media • Crime statistics : the data explosion and its implications • The skeletons in the cupboard : the politics of law and order at the tirn of the millenium • Legal constructions of crime • Punishment and control • The history of crime and crime control institutions • Com+paring criminal justice • Criminologia psychology • Feminism and criminology • Contemporary landscapes of crime, order, and control : governance, risk, and globalization • Sociological theories of crime • Of Crimes and criminals : the development of criminology in BritainPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2002Descrição: 1227 p.Disponibilidade:

Offending behaviour programmes : development, application, and controversies / ed. Clive R. Hollin, Emma J. PalmerPublicação: West Sussex : John Wiley & Sons, 2006Descrição: 293 p.Disponibilidade:

A maldade humana : fatalidade ou educação? / org. Armanda Matos, et al.Nível de parte analítica: Prevenção da delinquência e do comportamento anti-social • Promoçãop do bem-estar com um programa de enriquecimento emocional • O papel da familia no desenvolvimento dos compartamentos pró-social e agressivo • Maldade ou transtorno? tratamento dos problemas mais dificeis de saúde mental do adolescente com a terapia funcional familiar • Ética e deontologia na avaliação neuropsicologica de adultos idosos : problemas, novos delemas, algumas respostas • O desenvolvimento do comportamento criminoso e anti-social da infância à idade adulta • O desenvolvimento do comportamento criminoso e anti-social da infância à idade adulta • Maldades da juventude : dados de um estudo português • Contributos para a comprensão das bases neurobiologicas dos disturbios de personalidade anto-social, incluindo a psicopatia • Influências genéticas na aggressaõ e nos comportamentos pró-sociais em crianças e adolescentes • Maltrato infantil : entre um destino e uma historia • Deficiência, castigo divino :repercussões educativos • O triunfo de caim : a ética como um desafio à naturesa humana? • A normalização da maldade : uma nova perspectiva acerca das raizes psicológicas do ódio colectivo • A libertação do malPublicação: Coimbra : Almedina, 2008Descrição: 360 p.Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para empréstimo: Biblioteca ISPACota: C2 MATO/A1 (1).

Great pretenders : pursuits and careers of persistent thieves / Neal ShoverPublicação: Boulder : Westview Press, 1996Descrição: 219 p.Disponibilidade:

Encyclopedia of criminology and deviant behavior / ed. Clifton D. BryantPublicação: Philadelphia : Brunner-Routledge, 2001Descrição: 4 vol.Disponibilidade:

Criminological perspectives essential readings / ed. Eugene McLaughlin, John Muncie, Gordon HughesNível de parte analítica: Cultural criminology • The risk society an age of anxiety : situating fear of crime • The exclusive society : social exclusion, crime and difference in late modernity • Human rights and crimes of the state : the culture of denial • Beyond blade runner : urban control : the ecology of fear • The global criminal economy • Different ways of conceptualizing sex : gender in feminist theory and their implications for criminology • Feminist approaches to criminology or postmodern woman meets atavistic man • Spatial governmentality and the new urban social order : controlling gender violence through law • Governmentality and the problem of crime : Foucault, criminology, sociology • Risk, power and crime prevention • Governmentality • The new penology • From the panoption to disney world : the development of discipline • The carceral • Broken windows : the police and neighborhood safety • Reintegrative shaming • Abolitionism and crime control • Social crime prevention strategies in a market society • Situational crime prevention : theory and practice • The value of rehabilitation • Giving criminals their just deserts • On deterrence • The need for a radical realism • Critical criminology and the concept of crime • The theoretical and political priorities of critical criminology • Race and criminalization : black americans and the punishment industry • Crime, power and ideological mystification • The new criminology • Toward a political economy of crime • Outsiders • Techniques of neutralization • Explaining male violence • The etiology of female crime • Seductions and repulsions of crime • The routine activity approach as a general crime theory • The generality of deviance • Relative deprivation • The underclass • Explanations of crime and place • Personality theory and the problem of criminality • Genetic factors in the etiology of criminal behavior • Law and authority • The normal and the pathological • Criminality and economic conditions • Causes of criminal behavior • The criminal type in women and its atavistic origin • Of the development of the propensity to crime • Panopticon, or, the inspection-house • On crimes and punishmentsPublicação: London : Thousand Oaks : New Delhi : Sage, 2003Descrição: XII, 612 p. : quadros, gráficosDisponibilidade:
