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A sua pesquisa recuperou 6 resultados.

Promoting patient engagement and participation for effective healthcare reform / ed. Guendalina GraffignaNível de parte analítica: Engagement in health and safety at the workplace: a new role for the occupational health physician • Could patient engagement promote a health system free from malpractice litigation risk? • Accountability and public reporting: publication of performance to improve quality • The value of measuring patient engagement in healthcare: new frontiers for healthcare quality • prohibitions and violations in organizational spaces across the patient-staff interface in hospital • The patient centered organizational model in italian hospitals: practical challenges for patient engagement • Why do patients prtest?: collective action processes in people with chronic illnesses: a psychosocial perspective • The light of preterm behavioral epigenetics: an epigenetic perspective on caregiver engagement • A relational perspective on patient engagement: suggestions from couple-based research and intervention • Barriers to and facilitators of older adult's adherence to health recommendations: towards and engaging two-way health communication • Individual, institutional, and environmental factors promotion patient retention and dropout • The patient-centered medicine as the theorectical framework for patient engagement • Habilitation, healthy agency, and patient-partcipationPublicação: Hershey : Medical Information Science Reference, 2016Descrição: 357 p.Disponibilidade:

Numerical reasoning in judgments and decision making about health / Ed. Britta L. Anderson, Jay SchulkinNível de parte analítica: Conclusion • Do the numbers help patients decide?: ethical and emprirical challenges for evaluating the impact of quantitative information • A review of theories of numeracy: psychological mechanisms and implications for medical decision making • Rational healthcare • Anticipating barriers to the communication of critical information • Using visual aids to help people with low numeracy make better decisions • Numeracy and genetic screening • Application of numeracy in diabetes mellitus chronic disease care • Patient numeracy: what do patients need to recogniza, think, or do with health numbers • Physicians understanding and use of numeric information • Collective statistical illiteracy in health • Measuring numeracyPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014Descrição: 313 p.Disponibilidade:

Health literacy: past, present, and future - worshop summary / Joe AlperPublicação: Washington : National Academies Press, 2015Descrição: 112 p.Disponibilidade:

The health literacy instructional model / Patrick Dunn, Vasileios Margaritis, Scott ConardPublicação: Balti : Lambert Academic Publishing, 2017Descrição: 93 p.Disponibilidade:

5. Livro
77 vozes pela nossa saúde : Um debate plural por um direito fundamental / Francisco Camacho ; coord. de João Pombeiro, Mónica BelloPublicação: Alfragide : Oficina do Livro : ISCTE - Executive Education, 2023Descrição: 688 p.Disponibilidade:
