A sua pesquisa recuperou 4 resultados.

World seas : an environmental evaluation / ed. Charles SheppardNível de parte analítica: The mangrove ecosystem • Global status od coral reefs: in combination, disturbances and stressors become ratchets • Seabirds • New advances in benthic monitoring technology and methodology • Remote sensing for marine management • Salt marsches : their role in our society and threats posed to their existence • Status and trends for the world's kelp forests • Blooms of the Moon Jellyfish Aurelia : causes, consequences and controls • European protection of fisheries in the North East Atlantic • Ghost fishing • Far-Field and Near-field effects of marine aquaculture • The making of a global marine fisheries catch database for policy development • Ballast water : problems and management • Debris in deep water • Polychlorinated Biphenyls in the Global ocean • Microbial remediation of organic pollutants • Macroplastics pollution in the marine environment • Microplastics pollution in the marine environment • International instruments for the prevention of marine alien invasive species • Underwater noise : sources and effects of marine life • Marine Oil spills - oil pollution, sources and effects • Marine Oil spills - preparedness and countermeasures • Threats to seamount ecosystems and their management • Dead zones : oxygen depletion in coastal ecosystems • Marine protect areas : attempting the sustainability of the seas • Shoreline defenses • Collisions of vessels with cetaceans - the understimated threat • Marine protected areas • Marine spatial planning • The role of ports in a global economy, issues of relevance and environmental initiatives • Molecular approaches for an operational marine biodiversity observation network • Environmental effects of marine transportationPublicação: London : Academic Press, 2019Descrição: 650 p.Disponibilidade:

Rocky Shores / John Archer-Thomson ; Julian CremonaPublicação: London : Bloomsbury Wildlife, 2019Descrição: 368 p.Disponibilidade:

Management of marine protecte areas: a network perspective / ed. Paul D. GroriupNível de parte analítica: Marine protected areaas and offshore wind farms • Propects for marine protected areas in the turkish black sea • Black sea network of marine protected areas: european approaches and adaptation to expansion and monitoring in Ukraine • marine protected areas and marine spatial planning with special reference to the Black Sea • Eyes wide shut: managing bio-invasions in Mediterranean marine protected areas • Developing collaboration among marine protected area managers to strenghn network management • Ecosystem-based management for marine protected areas: a systematic approach • Multicriteria decision-making dor marine protecte area design and management • Socioeconomic impactys of networks of marine protected areas • Marine protected areas as spatial protection measures under the marine strategy framework directive • Marine protected area governance and effectiveness across networks • Typology , management and monitoring of marine protected area networks • Ecological effects and benefits of Mediterranean marine protected areas: management implications • From marine protected areas to MPA networksPublicação: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2017Descrição: 293 p.Disponibilidade:

Defying oceans's end: an agenda for action / eds. Linda K. Glover, Graeme KelleherNível de parte analítica: Time for a sea change • Technology support to conservation • Business plan • The unlnown ocean • Ocean governance: a new ethos through a world ocean public trust • Defying ocean's end through the power of communications • Restoring and maintaining marine ecosystem function • A global network for sustained governance of coastal ecosystems • Rationality or Chaos?: Global Fixheries and the crossroads • Lines on the water: ocean-use planning in large marine ecosystems • The Gulf of California: natural resource concerns and the pursuit of a vision • Coral triangle • The Southern ocean: a model system for conserving resources • Seamount biodiversity, exploitation and conservation • The caribbeanPublicação: Washington : Island Press, 2004Descrição: 283 p.Disponibilidade:
