A sua pesquisa recuperou 16 resultados.

Statistical methods in molecular evolution / ed. Rasmus NielsenNível de parte analítica: Assessing the uncertainty in phylogenetic inference • Posterior mapping and posterior predictive distributions • Estimating substitution matrices • Statistical alignmnet : recent progress, new applications, and challenges • The evolutionary causes and consequences of base composition variation • Phylogenetic hidden Markov models • Genome rearragement • Models of microsatellite evolution • Markov models of protein sequence evolution • Estimation of divergence times from molecular sequence data • Bayesian analysis of molecular evolution using MrBayes • HyPhy : hyphotesis testing using phylogenies • Maximumlikelihood methods for detecting adaptative protein evolution • Population genetics of molecular evolution • Introduction to Markov chain Monte Carlos methodsin molecular evolution • Introduction to aplications of the likelihood fonction in molecular evolution • Makov models in molecular evolutionPublicação: New York : Springer, 2005Descrição: 504 P.Disponibilidade:

Planeta SIDA: diversidade, políticas e respostas sociais / orgs. Octávio Sacramento, Fernando Bessa RibeiroNível de parte analítica: Patrulhando as periferias: trabalho sexual, protocolos sobre tráfico humano e prevenção do VIH no pacífico • Impacto da condição familiar no diagnóstico do VIH em crianças marroquinas: leitura antropologica de um filtro epidemiologico • Mulheres que vivem com p VIH no Camboja: lidar com normas reprodutivas, tecnologias e ciscunstâncias quotidianas • Estigma e agência na experiência da doença entre mulheres seropositivas em Chennai, na Índia • SIDA e estigmatização: o caso dos refugiados em África • Experiências e representações do VIH entre trabalhadores agrícolas do leste dos Estados Unidos da América • Os migrantes Tajiques e o VIH / SIDA na Russia: representações. riscos e respostas sociais • VIH / SIDA, pânico e economia moral do cuidado entre os Yoruba do Sudoeste da Nigéria • SIDA, estado e sociedade civil: contornos da epidemia, politicas e intervencao social em Portugal • Politica, identidades e cidadania: a sociogênese e os impasses do ativismo biosocial de HIV / AIDS no Brasil • Políticas públicas e respostas sociais face ao VIH / SIDA na china pós-socialista • Um modelo para outros países?: confiança e parceria como pedras angulares da resposta da Austrália ao VIH / SIDA • Planeta SIDA, uma introduçãoPublicação: Vila Nova de Famalicão : Húmus, 2016Descrição: 306 p.Disponibilidade:

o Jogo dos possíveis : ensaio sobre a diversidade do mundo vivo / Francois JacobPublicação: Lisboa : Gradiva, 1982Descrição: 141 p.Disponibilidade:

Methods in community-based participatory research for health / ed. Barbara A. Israel et al.Nível de parte analítica: Citizens, Science, and data judo : leveraging secondary data analysis to build a community-academic collaborative for environmental justice in Southern California • Policy analysis and advocacy : an approach to community-based participatory research • Photovoice as a community-based participatory research method : a case study with african american brest cancer survivors in rural Eaastern North Carolina • Creating understanding and action through group dialogue • Developing and implementing guidelines for dissemination : the experience of the community action against asthma project • Documentation and evaluation of CBPR partnerships : in-deph interviews and closed-ended questionnaires • What's with the wheezing? Methods used by the Seattler-King County healthy homes project to assess exposure to indoor asthma triggers • Community-based participatory research and ethnography : the perfect union • Mapping social and environmental influences on health : a community perspective • Application of CBPR in the design of an obervational tool : the neighborhood observational checklist • The aplication of focus group methodologies to community-based participatory research • Using a CBPR approach to develop an interviewer training manual with members of the Apsáalooke nation • CBPR approach to survey design and implementation : the healthy environments partnership survey • Insiders and outsiders assess who is the community : participant observation, key informant interview, focus group interview, and community forum • Strategies and techniques for effective group process in CBPR partnerships • Developing and maintaining partnerships with communities • Introduction to methods in community-based participatory research for healthPublicação: SAn Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2005Descrição: 479 p.Disponibilidade:

Integrated principles of Zoology / Cleveland P. Hickman Jr., et al.Publicação: Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2008Descrição: 910 p.Disponibilidade:

Identity, diversity and intercultural dialogue / ed. Susana GonçalvesNível de parte analítica: The EU-Mercosur trade relations • The music in me foundation in the middle east music as a mean of developmental aid, fostering intercultural dialogue • Cooperation for development : education and culture • Dialogue between identities in a multicultural society : the case of israel • Human rights and citizenship education in teacher training • It's hard fun : identity, diversity and intercultural dialogue in the educational game the europeam house • Developing teacher competences in facilitationg content as language learning among bilingual students in the Danish mainstream classroom • a new impetus to intercultural learning : questioning concepts and practices • Advestisemnet as cultural product : values, practises and cultural symbols reproduced in the japanese commercials • Tourists guideboooks : tackiling cultural identities in translator training pedagogy : a polish-portuguese case study • Hungarian studies and intercultural communications studies • Cultures are always intercultural • The Asian hunter, the graduate junkie and the foolish dominator : three stories on cultural biases • talking about identity : who er we? what do we inherit? what do we cultivate? who are we becoming in integrated Europe? • The catholic as the other : forging British national identity • (Re)searching for social justice : revolution, evaluation, and solutions • The meaning of intercultural dialoguePublicação: Coimbra : Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra, 2008Descrição: 185 p.Disponibilidade:

Human diversity / Richard LewontinPublicação: New York : Scientific American Library, 1995Descrição: 175 p.Disponibilidade:

Ethics in applied developmental psychology : emerging issues in an emerging field / ed. Celia B. Fisher, Warren W. TryonNível de parte analítica: Developmental psychology in the real world : a perspective on its ethical issues • Cultural forces leading to scientific developmental psychology • The ethics of research and intervention with ethnic minority parents and their children • Bias and social responsability in the study of maternal employment • Population generalizability, cultural sensivity, and ethical dilemmas • Practicing applied developmental psychology : playing the game you can't win • Predictive paralles between clinical and applied developmental psychology • Ethical issues in parent education • Ethical considerations of psychologists working in the media • Ethical dilemmas in playing by the rules : applied developmental research and the law • Ethical concerns for the use of research findings in applied settings • Plasticity in development : ethical implications for developmental interventions • Ethical considerations in the design, implementation, and evaluation of developmental interventions • Assessing social intervention : scientific and social implication • How to be ethical in applied developmental psychology : examples from research on adolescent drinking behavior • Psychological risks and remedies of research participation • Ethical dilemmas in recent research : a personal saga • Doing good well • Emerging ethical issues in an emerging fieldPublicação: Norwood : Ablex Publishing, 1990Descrição: 324 p.Disponibilidade:

Educação em contextos formais de crise, diversidade e autonomia [Número Temático] / Helena C. AraújoNível de conjunto: Educação, Sociedade & Culturas. Vol. 32 (2011)Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R4 (1). :

A crítica da gestâo da diversidade nas organizaçõesNível de conjunto: RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas, Vol. 44, nº 3, 2004, 20-29Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R7 (1). :

Biology : concepts & connections / Neil A. Campbell, Jane B. Reece, Martha R. Taylor, Eric J SimonPublicação: San Francisco : Benjamin Cummings, 2006Descrição: 783 p. + 1 cd\romDisponibilidade:
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: B CAMP/N2 (1).

Biologia vegetal / Peter H. Raven, Ray F. Evert, Susan E. EichhornPublicação: Rio de Janeiro : Guanabara Koogan, 2007Descrição: 830 p.Disponibilidade:

APA handbook of community psychology / Meg A. Bond, et al.Publicação: Washington, DC : American Psychological Association, 2017Descrição: 521 p.Disponibilidade: :

Ageing and mental health: global perspectives / Wendy Wen Li, et al.Nível de parte analítica: Conclusion: ageing and mental helath in the global community • Old age mental health in Uganda • Gerontologia mental health in India • Aged care and mental health in China • Ageing and mental health in Portugal • Social care for older adults with mental disorder in Japan • Ageing and mental health in South Korea • Ageing and mental health: challenges and innovations in Hong Kong • Ageing and mental health in diversity: a New Zealand experience • Mental health and ageing: the United States • Switzerland: towards an incrising awareness of older people's mental health • Ageing and mental health in Australia • Introduction: mental health in a ageing worldPublicação: New York : Nova Publishers, 2016Descrição: 230 p.Disponibilidade:

Adaption-innovation : in the context of diversity and change / M. J. KirtonPublicação: London : Routledge, 2003Descrição: XV, 391 p. : il.Disponibilidade:
