A sua pesquisa recuperou 29 resultados.

Viver com a diabetes / Associação Protectora dos Diabéticos de PortugalPublicação: Lisboa : Climepsi, 2004Descrição: 233 p. : il.Disponibilidade:

Signifying bodies : biosemiosis, interaction and health / Eds. Stephen J. Cowley; João C. Major; Sune V. Steffensen; Alfredo DinisNível de parte analítica: Signifying bodies and health : a non-local aftermath • Enkinaesthesia, biosemiotics, and the ethiosphere • Distributed meaning and interaction in health care • Towards dialogical health care practices : human errors as a result of cultural affordances • Living in the soacial meshwork : the case of health interaction • When life hangs on biosemiosis : tracking expertize in a medical simulation centre • Going backstage : drug adherence in rheumatoid arthritis • Suffering, education and health • States of becoming • From my-self to our-selves : the debate on the relational turn in contemporary culture • From signal to sign... the facts • A biosemiotic approach to healthPublicação: Braga : Faculty of Philosophy of Braga, 2010Descrição: 361 p.Disponibilidade:

Saúde e estilos de vida / Coord. Conceição Calhau ; Coord. Jaime C. BrancoPublicação: Parede : Principia, 2022Descrição: 292 p.Disponibilidade:

Psycho-oncology / ed. Jimmie C. Holland, William Breitbart, Paul B. Jacobsen et. alNível de parte analítica: Depressive disorders • Lung cancer • Genetic counseling for the oncology patient • Bridging the gap between research, clinical practice, and policy • International psycho-oncology • Pain and physical symptom assessments • Quality of life • Understanding the interface between psychiatry and ethics • Global issues of resource allocation in health care • Ethics of treatment : palliative and terminal care • Truth telling and informed consent • Principles of training medical staff in psychosocial and communication skills • Education of nurses in psycho-oncology • Principles of training social workers in oncology • Training psychiatrics and psychologists in psycho-oncology • Establishing a psycho-oncology unit in a cancer center • Oncology staff stress and related interventions • Bereavement : a special issue in oncology • Palliative home care : impact on families • Family therapy : a systems approach to cancer care • The family of the cancer patient • Behavioral interventions in pediatric oncology • Pediatric psychopharmacology • Psychotherapy • Cognitive sequelae of treatment in children • Psychosexual sequelae • Long-term adaptation, psychiatric sequelae, and PTSD • Pediatric palliative care and pain management • Psychological problems of curative cancer treatment • Biology of childhood cancers • Psychosocial sequelae of perceived environmental exposures • The patient from a different culture • Underserved patients • The older patient • Rehabilitation • Alternative and complementary therapies • Bedside interventions • Spiritual assessment, screening, and intervention • Religion and spiritual beliefs • Meditation • Telephone counseling • Art psychotherapy • Studies of life-extending psychosocial interventions • Cognitive-behavioral interventions • Group therapies • Psychotherapeutic issues • Psychoeducational interventions • Brief crisis counseling • Screening procedures for psychosocial distress • Metabolic disorders and neuropsychiatric symptoms • Chemotherapeutic agents and neuropsychiatric side effects • Personality disorders • Schizophrenia • Somatoform and factitious disorders and cancer • Posttraumatic stress disorder • Alcoholism and cancer • Substance abuse disorders • Delirium • Anxiety disorders • Depressive disorders • Adjustment disorders • Neuropsychological impact of cancer and cancer treatments • Sexual dysfunction • Fatigue • Nausea and vomiting • Cancer cachexia • Pain • Palliative and terminal care • Tumors of unknown primary site • HIV infection and AIDS-associated neoplasms • Hematopoietic dyscrasias • Sarcoma • Breast cancer • Skin neoplasms and malignant melanoma • Gynecologic cancer • Genitourinary malignancies • Gastrointestinal cancer • Head and neck cancer • Central nervous system tumors • Bone Marrow Transplantation • Chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, and immunotherapy • Radiotherapy • Surgery • Psychosocial adaptation of cancer survivors • Psychological and social factors in adaptation • Psychological, social, and ethical issues in gene testing • Genetics for the psycho-oncologist • Psychosocial issues in cancer screening • Psychological responses to tumor markers • Psychoneuroendocrinology and cancer • Psychoneuroimmunology : implications for psycho-oncology • Psychosocial factors in cancer incidence and prognosis • Social ties and cancer • Personality and coping • Social class socioeconomic factors • Compliance with cancer treatment • Sun exposure and cancer risk • Diet and cancer • Alcohol and cancer • Smoking cessation and cancer prevention • Biology of cancer for the psycho-oncologist • Societal views of cancer and the emergence of psycho-oncologyPublicação: New York : Oxford : Oxford University, 1998Descrição: XXIV, 1189 p. ; quadros, gráficosDisponibilidade:

Psicologia nos cuidados de saúde primários / org. Isabel trindade, José A. Carvalho TeixeiraPublicação: Lisboa : Climepsi, 2007Descrição: 203 p.Disponibilidade:

Psicologia da saúde : contextos e áreas de intervenção / org. José A. Carvalho TeixeiraNível de parte analítica: Família, saúde e doença : teoria, prática e investigação • Psicologia da saúde e pessoas idosas • Psicologia da saúde e anorexia nervosa • Psicologia pediátrica e promação da saúde • A importância do toque e da massagem do bebé... alguns apontamentos • Psicologia nos cuidados de saúde primários • Contribuições da psicologia para os processos preventivos e de promoção da saúde • Psicologia e educação para a saúde em contexto escolar • Psicologia da saúde e saúde pública • Psicologia da saúdePublicação: Lisboa : Climepsi, 2007Descrição: 271 p.Disponibilidade:

Perder la piel / Marta AlluéPublicação: Barcelona : Editorial Seix Barral, 1996Descrição: 236 p.Disponibilidade:

Pânico : da compreensão ao tratamento / José Pinto Gouveia, Serafim Carvalho, Lígia FonsecaPublicação: Lisboa : Climepsi, 2004Descrição: 282 p.Disponibilidade:

Os pombos da senhora Alice : envelhecer em Portugal / Ana Catarina AndréPublicação: Lisboa : Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, 2020Descrição: 80 p.Disponibilidade:

Medicamentos, que realidade? : passado, presente e futuro / António Hipólito de AguiarPublicação: Lisboa : Climepsi, 2004Descrição: 192 p. : il.Disponibilidade:

Introdução aos cuidados gerontopsiquiátricos / Pierre CharazacPublicação: Lisboa : Climepsi, 2004Descrição: 156 p.Disponibilidade:

The heart & soul of change : delivering what works in therapy / eds. Barry L. Duncan, Scott D. Miller, Bruce E. Wampold, Mark A. HubbleNível de parte analítica: Delivering what works • What works in substance abuse and dependence treatment • Common factors in couple and family therapy: must all have prizes? • Evidence-based treatments and common factors in youth psychotherapy • Transforming public behavioral health care: a case example of consumer-directed services, recovery, and the common factors • Outcomes management, reimbursement, and the future of psychotherapy • Yes, it is time for clinicians to routinely monitor treatment outcome • Psychiatric drugs and common factors: an evaluation of risks and benefits for clinical practice • Evidence-based practice: evidence or orthodoxy? • Putting models and techniques in context • The therapeutic relationship • Clients: the neglected common factor in psychotherapy • The research evidence for the common factors models: a hostorically situated perspective • Prologue: Saul Rosenzweig: the founder of the common factorsPublicação: Washington, DC : American Psychological Association, 2010Descrição: 455 p.Disponibilidade:

Health Psychology: a textbook / Jane OgdenPublicação: London : Open University Press, 2015Descrição: 565 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of social justice in counseling psychology : leadership, vision, and action / eds. Rebecca L. Toporek ; Lawrence H. Gerstein ; Nadya A. Fouad ; Gargi Roysircar ; Tania IsraelNível de parte analítica: Social justice and conselling psychology in context • Ethics and professional issues related to the practice of social justice in counseling psychology • Social justice training in counseling psychology • Incorporating social justice in counselor training programs • Empowering undergraduate students to be agents of social change • Prevention work in schools and with youth : promoting competence and reducing risks • Prevention and outreach with underserved populations • Transformative endeavors : implementing Helm's Racial identity theory to a school-based heritage project • Promoting social justice through preventive interventions in schools • A theorectical and practice framework for universal school-based prevention • Marginalized communities in the United States : oppression, social justice, and the role of counseling psychologists • Seeking social justice for victims of intimate partner violence : real-world struggles in pursuit of systemic change • Achieving social justice for college women with disabilities : a model for inclusion • Environmental racism : a call to the profession for community intervention and social action • The unwarranted pathologizing of homeless mothers : implications for research and social policy • Diving into the hornet's nest : situating counseling psychologists il LGB social justice work • Toward a radical feminist muiticultural therapy : renewing a commitement to activism • Social justice in career and vocational aspects of counseling psychology : an overview • Social justice through self-sufficiency : vocational psychology and the transition from welfare to work • Counseling health psychology's collaborative role in the community • Working for social justice from within the health care system : the role of social class in psychology • Community health promotion curriculum : a case study on souteast asian refugees • Social justice related to working with HIV / AIDS from a counseling health psychology perspective • Counseling psychologists as international social architects • A social justice approach to international collaborative consultation • Couples helping couples : consultation and training in Peñalolén, Chile • Bringing social justice to international practices of counsling psychology • Counseling psychology and nonviolente activism : independence for Tibet! • Moving from contact to change : the act of becoming aware • Social action in policy and legislation : individuals ansd alliances • Extending the parsons legacy : applications fo counseling psychology in pursuit of social justice trough the development of public policy • Confessions of an abiding counseling psychologist • Future directions for counseling psychology : enhancing leadership, vision, and action in social justice • Tools for remodeling the master's house : advocacy and social justice in education and work • Individual, programmatic, and entrepreneurial approaches to social justicePublicação: Thousand Oaks : SAGE, 2006Descrição: 617 p.Disponibilidade:

The handbook of rational & social choice / ed. Paul Anand, Prasanta K. Pattanaik, Clemens PuppeNível de parte analítica: The capabilities approach • Social choice in health care • Distributive justice : an overview of experimental evidence • Population ethics • Judgment aggregation • Rawlsian justice • Equality and priority • Responsability • Freedom of choice • Consequentalism and non-consequentialism : the axiomatic approach • Limits of utilizarianism as the ethical basis of public action • Diversity • Imitation and learning • Choice over time • State-dependent utility • Experimental tests of rationality • Dutch book arguments • Rationality and intransitive preference : foundations for the moden view • The normative status of the independence principle • Ambiguity • Applications of non-espected utility • Rank-dependent utility • Expected utility theoryPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009Descrição: 581 p.Disponibilidade:

Gravidez e maternidade : representações e tarefas de desenvolvimento / Maria Cristina CanavarroDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C7 CANA/M1A (2). :

Families living with drugs and HIV: intervention and treatment strategies / eds. Richard P. Barth, Jeanne Pietrzak, Malia RamlerNível de parte analítica: Toward more effective and efficient programs for drug- and AIDS-affected families • Pediatric HIV infection and perinatal drug or alcohol exposure: legal issues and legal advocacy • Shared family care: child protection without parent-child separation • Drug-exposed infants and their families: a coordinated services approach • Family support services for drug- AIDS-affected families • Today's challenge: teaching strategies for working with young children at risk due to prenatal substance exposure • The child's developmental path: working with the family • Grug and alcohol misuse: treatment outcomes and services for women • Health care services for children and families • The role of prenatal care services in assisting families affected by drugs, alcohol, and AIDS • Perinatl alcohol and drug use: community-based preventions strategies • Developmental considerations fro drug- and AIDS-affected infants • Women, addiction, and the childbearing family: social context, and recovery support • Rationale and conceptual frameworkPublicação: New York : The Guilford Press, 1993Descrição: 368 p.Disponibilidade:

Factores de stress na unidade de cuidados intensivos : percepção dos utentes, familiares e equipa de cuidados de saúde / Maria Teresa MourãoPublicação: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2008Descrição: 69 p.Disponibilidade:
