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Top predators in marine ecosystems : their role in monitoring and management / ed. I. L. Boyd, S. Wanless, C. J. Camphuysen
Ligado a: Marine management : can objectives be set for marine top predatorsLigado a: Marine reserves and higher predatorsLigado a: Setting management goals using information from predatorsLigado a: The scenario Barents Sea study : a case of minimal realistic modelling to campare management strategies for marine ecosystemsLigado a: Modelling the behaviour of individuals and groups of animals foraging in heterogeneous environmentsLigado a: The method of multiple hypotheses and the decline of Steller sea lions in Western AlaskaLigado a: The functional response of generalist predators and its implications for the monitoring of marine ecosystemsLigado a: Population dynamics of Antarctic krill Euphasia superba at South Georgia : sampling with predators provides new insightsLigado a: Use of gannets to monitor prey availability in Northern Atlantic Ocean : colony size, diet and foraging behaviourLigado a: Does the prohibition of industrial fishing for sandeels have any impact on local gadoid populations?Ligado a: How many fish should we leave in the sea for seabirds and marine mammals?Ligado a: Foraging energetics of North Sea birds confronted with fluctuating prey availabilityLigado a: Impacts of oceanography on the foraging dynamics of seabirds in the North SeaLigado a: Monitoring predator-prey intearctions using multiple predator species : the South Georgia experienceLigado a: Identifying drivers of change, did fisheries play a role in the spread of north Atlantic fulmars?Ligado a: Consequences of prey distribution for the foraging behavior of top predatorsLigado a: Biophysical influences on seabird trophic assessmentsLigado a: Spatial and temporal variation in the diets of polar bears across the Canadian Artic : indicators of changes in prey populations and environmentLigado a: Distribution and foraging interaction of seabirds and marine mammals in the North Sea : multispecies foraging assemblages and habitat-specific feeding strategiesLigado a: Linking predator foraging behaviour and diet with variability in continental shelf ecosystems : grey seals of eastern CanadaLigado a: The use of biologically meaningful oceanographic indices to separate the effects of climate and fisheries on seabird breeding successLigado a: Physical forcing in the southwest Atlantic : ecosystem controlLigado a: Effects of sisheries on ecosystems : just another top predator?Idioma: Inglês.País: Estados Unidos.Publicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Descrição: 378 p.ISBN: 052161256X.Assunto - Nome comum: Biologia | Ecosistema | Riscos | Comportamento dos Animais Predadores | Ecologia | Comportamento Animal Classificação: 6000 - Ciências Biológicas | 2400 - Psicologia Experimental Animal / Psicologia Comparativa Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:Tipo de documento | Biblioteca | Coleção | Cota | Estado | Data de devolução | Código de barras | |
Livro | Biblioteca ISPA | UIEE | B BOYD1 | Disponível | 18038 |
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