A sua pesquisa recuperou 25 resultados.

Young children's knowledge of relational terms. some ifs, and buts / Luria French, co-aut. Katherine NelsonPublicação: Berlin : Springer-verlag, 1985Descrição: 130 p.Disponibilidade:

Stereptyping and prejudice : changing conceptions / Daniel Bar-Tal, et al.Nível de parte analítica: Enhancing intergroup relations in Israel : a differential approach • can leaders change followers stereotypes • Changing stereotypes with disconfirming information • Discriminatory speech acts : a functional approach • Delegitimization : the extreme case of steretyping and prejudice • Values, stereotypes, and intergroup antagonism • Stereotypes and dispositional judgment • Stereotypes of groups, group members, and individuals in categories : a differential analysis • Category-based and individuation processes as a function of information and motivation : evidence from our laboratory • Illusory correlations : implicatications for stereotype theory and research • Stereotype, prejudice, and discrimination : changing conceptions in theory and research • A cognitive approach to sterotyping • Stereotype, prejudice, and discrimination : changing conceptions in theory and researchPublicação: New York : Springer-Verlag, 1989Descrição: 273 p.Disponibilidade:

Sonar of dolphins / Whitlow AuPublicação: New York : Springer-verlag, 1993Descrição: 277 p.Disponibilidade: :
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: ET AU1 (1).

Self-regulated learning and academic achievement : theory, research, and practice / ed.. Barry J. Zimmerman ; ed. Dale H. SchunkPublicação: New York : Springer-verlag, 1989Descrição: 212 p.Disponibilidade:

Permutation tests : a practical guide to resampling methods for testing hypothesis / Phillip GoodPublicação: New York : Springer-verlag, 1994Descrição: 226 p.Disponibilidade:

Neuropsychological and behavioral aspects of diabetes / ed. Clarissa S. HolmesNível de parte analítica: Affective disorders and diabetes mellitus • Cognitive function in non-insulin-dependent diabetes • Behavioral strategies for improving weight loss in obese type ii diabetic patients • Stress, behavior, and the autonomic nervous system in type ii diabetes mellitus • Non-insulin dependent, type ii, diabetes : medical overview • Symptom perception and blood glucose feedback in the self-treatment of iddm • Neuropsychological sequelae and acute and and chronic blood glucose disruption in adults with insulin-dependent diabetes • Eating disorders and diabetes • Diabetes and adaptations in family systems • Neuropsychological consequences and correlates of diabetes in chilhood • Adherence behaviors and health status in chilhood diabetes • Adaptation of children to newly diagnosed diabetes • Insulin-dependent, type i, diabetes mellitus : medical overviewPublicação: New York : Springer-Verlag, 1990Descrição: 283 p.Disponibilidade:

Motivation and action / Heinz HeckhausenPublicação: Berlin : Springer-verlag, 1991Descrição: 504 p.Disponibilidade:

Language awareness and learning to read / compil. John Downing ; co-aut. Renate ValtinPublicação: New York : Springer-verlag, 1984Descrição: 304 p.Disponibilidade:

Language awareness and learning to read / compil. John DowningPublicação: Berlin : Springer-verlag, 1984Descrição: 304 p.Disponibilidade: Não há exemplares disponíveis :
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: SEM COTA (1).

Knowledge frontier : essays in the representation of knowledge / compil. Nick Cercone ; co-aut. Gordon MaccallaNível de parte analítica: Representational aspects of vlsi-cadt systems • Representing and using knowledge of the visual world • Analogical modes of reasoning and process modeling • Representing and solving temporal planning problems • Theorist : a logical reasonning system for defaults and diagnosis • Representing virtual knowledge though logic programming • Sneps considered as a fully intensional propositional semantic network • Knowledge organization and its role in temporal and causal signal understanding : the alven and caa projects • Accelerating deductive inference : special methods for taxonomies, colours and times • Admissible state semantics for representational systems • First order logic and knowledge representation : some problems of incomplete systems • Basic properties of knowledge base systems • Commonsense and fuzzy logic • Logic and natural language • Some remarks on the place of logic in knowledge representation • Knowledge representation : what's important about it? • What is knowledge representation?Publicação: New York : Springer-verlag, 1987Descrição: 512 p.Disponibilidade:

Human psychophysis / compil. William Yost ; co-aut. Arthur Popper ; co-aut. Richard FayNível de parte analítica: Auditory perception • Sound localization • Time analysis • Frequency analysis and pitch perception • Auditory intensity discrimination • Overview : psychoacousticsPublicação: New York : Springer-verlag, 1993Descrição: 243 p.Disponibilidade:

Hormones and behaviour in higher vertebrates / eds. J. Balthazart ; E. Prove ; R. GillesNível de parte analítica: Reproductive behaviour in hens • Specific short-latency effects of oestradiol, testosterone on distractibility, memory formation in young domestic chick • Biparental care in birds : mechanisms controlling incubation bout duration • Reproductive physioloogy and the defence of genetic paternity in the ring dove, streptopelia risoria • Hormones and brain mechanisms of vocal behaviour in non-vocal learning birds • Behavioural self-feedback control of endocrine states • Control of male sexual behaviour in the canadian red-sided garter snake • Population endocrinology of the female pied flycatcher, ficedula hypoleuca • Prolactin in avian reproductive cycles • Hormonal correlates of behavioural development in male zebra finches • Sexual behaviour and endocrine changes during reproductive maturation and aging in the avian male • Social factors controlling puberty in the female mouse • Control of sexual behaviour in the female hamster • Male-female interaction in the hamster : seasonal and hormonal effects • Exposure to odour during development and hypothalamic of testosterone • Hormones and different tests for aggression with particular reference to the effects of testosterone metabolites • Hormonal specificity and activation of social behaviour in the male zebra finch • Hormone-mediated behavioural transitions : a role for brain aromatase • Testosterone metabolism and sexual differentiation in quail • Brain testosterone metabolism and sexual behaviour in birds • Sex steroids and the differentiation and activation of avian reproductive behaviour • Hormone-dependent brain development and behaviour • Hormonal influence on sexual differentiation of rat brain anatomy • Reproductive neuroendocrine rhytms • Interaction of circulating oestrogens and androgens in regulating mammalian sexual deifferentiation • Genetic determinants of sexual deifferentiation • Acth and grooming behaviour in the rat • Endorphin-monoamine interaction and steroid-dependent behaviour • Potency and fertility : hormonal and mechanical causes and effects of penile actions in rats • Brain mechanisms of maternal behaviour in rat • Cholinergic regulation of feminine sexual behaviour in laboratory rats • Catechol oestrogens : their contraceptive effects and possible involvement in some reproductive processes of the rat • Diurnal variations in thye sensitivity of the brain to oestrogens : behavioural and biochemical studies • Mechanisms of oestrogen-progestin interactions in the regulation of lordosis in female guinea piggs • Sites of action of ovarian hormones in the regulation of oestrous responsiveness in ratsPublicação: Berlin : Springer-verlag, 1983Descrição: 489 p.Disponibilidade:

Facet theory. approaches to social research / David CanterNível de parte analítica: Partial-order scalogram analysis by base coordinates and lattice mapping of the items by their scalogram roles • How to be a facet researcher • Reasons for slimming and weight loss • Replication of guttman's structure of intelligence • Multidimensional structure of self-esteem : facet analysis of rosenberg's self-esteem scale • Faceted cross-cultural analysis of some core social values • Cylindrex of place evaluation • Some uses of the facet approach in child development • Monmetric multivariate models for behavioral action systems • Lawful roles of facets in social theories • Introduction to the uses of facet theory • Editor's introduction : the road to jerusalemPublicação: Berlin : Springer-verlag, 1985Descrição: 306 p.Disponibilidade:

Experimental psychology, cognition, and human aging. second edition / Donald KauslerPublicação: Berlin : Springer-verlag, 1990Descrição: 856 p.Disponibilidade:

Development of metalinguistic abilities in children / David HakesPublicação: Berlin : Springer-verlag, 1980Descrição: 119 p.Disponibilidade:

Development as action in context / Rainer Silbereisen, co-aut. K. Eyferth, co-aut. G. RudingerNível de parte analítica: Recent advances in research on the ecology of human development • Structural modeling with large data sets and non-normal continuous variables • Adolescent problem drinking : psychosocial aspects and developmental outcomes • Coping function of adolescent alcohol and drug use • Processes of peer influences in adolescence • Adolescents changing values in a changing society • Resourceful and vulnerable children : family influence in hard times • Prosocial motives from 12 to 18 : a comparison of adolescents from berlin -west- and warsaw • Future time orientation and its relevance for development as action • Children's and adolescents conceptions of adulthood : the changing view of a crucial developmental task • Place for development : adolescents, leisure settings and developmental tasks • Social behavior problems in adolescence • Puzzles in the study of daily hassles • Problem identification and definition as important aspects of adolescents coping with normative life-tasks • Development as action in context • PrefacePublicação: Berlin : Springer-verlag, 1986Descrição: 322 p.Disponibilidade:

Computer supported collaborative learning / compil. Claire O'malleyNível de parte analítica: Designing computer support for collaborative learning • Issues in computer supported collaborative learning • Designing human-computer collaborative learning • Computational modelling of constructive interaction : relaxing the mutuality hypothesis • Negotiation of dialogue focus : an investigation of dialogue processes in joint planning in a computer based task • Technology's role in restructuring for collaborative learning • Educational practice within two local computer networks • Distance learning and computer-mediated communication : interactive, quasi-interactive or monologue? • Computer supported collaborative learning in a multi-media distance education environment • Learning network design : coordinating group interactions in formal learning environments over time and distance • Construction of shared knowledge in collaborative problem solving • Computer support for the collaborative learning of physics concepts • Peer interaction and writing : the process of revision • Small group collaborative discovery learning from hypertext • Collaborative problem solving with hypercard : the influence of peer interaction on planning and information handling ...Publicação: Berlin : Springer-verlag, 1995Descrição: 303 p.Disponibilidade:

Communication and persuasion : central and peripheral routes to attitude change / Richard E. Petty, John T. CacioppoPublicação: New York : Springer-Verlag, 1986Descrição: XVI, 262 p.Disponibilidade:

Cognitive learning and memory in children. progress in cognitive development research / compil. Michael PressleyNível de parte analítica: Some methodological and statistical bugs in research on children's learning • Studying student cognition during classroom learning • Figure and fantasy in children's language • Memory development in cultural context • Social contexts and functions of children's remembering • Memory in very young children • Children's use of cognitive strategies, how to teach strategies, and what to do if they can't bePublicação: Berlin : Springer-verlag, 1985Descrição: 250 p.Disponibilidade:
