A sua pesquisa recuperou 17 resultados.

Teacher's guides to inclusive practices : modifying schoolwork / Rachel Janney, co-aut. Martha SnellPublicação: Baltimore : Paul H Brooks, 2000Descrição: 93 p.Disponibilidade:

Social competence of young children with disabilities : issues and strategies for intervention / compil. Samuel Odom ; co-aut. Scott MacConnell ; co-aut. Mary MacEvoyNível de parte analítica: Context of social competence : relations, relationships and generalization • Implementation of social competence interventions in early childhood special education classes : current education class • Promoting children's social/survival skills as a strategy for transition to maistreamed kindergarten programs • Contributions of siblings to the development of social competence interventions for young children with disabilities • Strategies for promoting the social-communicative competence of young children with specific language impairment • Social functioning of children with visual impairments • Social competence intervention for young children with hearing impairments • Peer social competence intervention for young children disabilities • Classroom influences on the development of social competence in young children with disabilities • Parent-child social relationships and peer social competence of preschool children with disabilities • Hierarchical model for understanding children's peer-related social competence • Peer related social competence and its significance for young children with disabilitiesPublicação: Baltimore : Paul H. Brooks, 1992Descrição: 338 p.Disponibilidade:

Rethinking pull-out services in early intervention / compil. R. MacwilliamNível de parte analítica: Implications for the future of integrating specialized services • Collaborative consultation across seven disciplines : challenges and solutions • Occupational therapy • Physical therapy • Integrated early intervention practices in speech-language pathology • Early childhood special and general education • How to provide integrated therapy • Generalization issues in providing integrated services • Through their eyes : creating functional, child-sensitive individualized education programs • Family-professional partnerships and integrated services • Interdisciplinary collaboration in service delivery • Service delivery issues in center-based early interventionPublicação: Baltimore : Paul H. Brooks, 1996Descrição: 386 p.Disponibilidade:

Restructuring for caring and effective education : piecing the puzzle together / compil. Richard Villa ; co-aut. Jacqueline ThousandNível de parte analítica: Reflection : closing the circle • Epilogue : from the inside out and the outside in • Passing the torch • Universal design for promoting self-determination • From normalization to enrichment : a retrospective analysis of the transformation of special education principles • Preparing educators to implement inclusive practices • Spirituality in leadership : implications for inclusive schooling • Future directions and reflections : if i could dream : reflections on the future of education • Conversation with rachel holland's parents • New brunswick school districts 10, 12, and 13 - the story continued ... • You can teach an old dog new tricks • Swanton school district - franklin northwest supervisory union - a second look at an inclusive school • Chronicles of administrative leadership toward inclusive reform : we're on the train and we've left the station, but ... • Restructuring to create a high school community of learners • Examples of inclusive schooling in action : create inclusive schools • Collaboration for regular lives : an invitation to our children's teachers • Roles of related services personnel in inclusive schools • Maximizing the mindware of human resources • Problem-solving methods to facilitate inclusive education • Collaborative teaming : a powerful tool in school restructuring • Emerging collaborative and creative roles and processes in inclusive schools : collaborating to connect the inclusion... • In the mainstream : a confirmation experience • Standards, assessments, and individualized education programs : planning for success in the general education curriculum • Creating a community of learners with varied needs • Adaptations on general education classrooms • Achieving social justice through education for responsability • Curriculum, instruction, and assessment for inclusive schooling • Reflection : a credo for support • Framework for thinking about systems change • Rediscovering the right to belong • Reclaiming our youth • Inclusion and school restrcturing : a new sinergy • Setting the context : history of and rationales for inclusive schooling • Reexamining the purposes of schooling : working toward a common goalPublicação: Baltimore : Paul H. Brooks, 2000Descrição: 656 p.Disponibilidade:

Natural supports in school, at work, and in the community for people with severe disabilities / compil. Jan NisbetNível de parte analítica: Guiding principles for public policy on natural supports • Get me the hell out of here : supporting people with disabilities to live in their own homes • Job site training and natural supports • Perspectives of supportive coworkers : nothing special • Social interactions and job supports of supported employees • Natural supports in inclusive schools : curricular and teaching strategies • Struggle toward inclusion and the fulfillment of friendship • Supporting families • Natural beginnings - unnatural encounters : events at the outset for families of children with disabilities • Families, friends, and circles • Members of each other : perspectives on social support for people with severe disabilities • Natural supports on the fly : between flights in chicago • Natural supports in school, at work, and in the community for people with severe disabilities : introductionPublicação: Baltimore : Paul H. Brooks, 1992Descrição: 362 p.Disponibilidade:

Effectiveness of early intervention / compil. Michael GuralnickNível de parte analítica: Effectiveness of early intervention for children of parents with mental retardation • Effects of early intervention on maltreating parents and their children • Early intervention for children prenatally exposed to alcohol and other drugs • Early intervention for children at risk for neuromotor problems • Early intervention for low-birth-weight infants and the path to second-generation research • Earliest intervention for preterm infants in the newborn intensive care unit • Effectiveness of early intervention for disadventaged children • Second-generation research in the field of early intervention • Two generations of family research in early intervention • Designing early intervention programs to promote children's social competence • Parent-child interaction intervention when children have disabilities • Effectiveness of specific educational/developmental curricula for children with established disabilities • Influences of social support on children with disabilities and their families • Effectiveness of early intervention for children with visual impairments • Effectiveness of early intervention for deaf children and children with hearing loss • Early intervention for families of preschool children with conduct problems • Effectiveness of early intervention for children with communication disorders • Effectiveness of early intervention for children with cerebral palsy and related motor disabilities • Early intervention in autism • Effectiveness of early intervention for children with down syndrome • Influencing parent-child interactions for children at risk • Evaluating the effectiveness of curriculum alternatives for infants and preschoolers at high risks • Effectiveness of providing social support for families of children at risk • Early intervention for children with hiv infectionPublicação: Baltimore : Paul H. Brooks, 1997Descrição: 665 p.Disponibilidade:

Early childhood inclusion : focus on change / compil. Michael GuralnickNível de parte analítica: Agenda for change in early childhood inclusion • Instructional perspectives in inclusive preshool classrooms • Social competence with peers and early childhood inclusion : need for alternative approaches • Assistive technology and augmentative and alternative communication in inclusive early childhood programs • Inclusive practices for preschool-age children with specific language impairment • Impact of cultural and linguistic diversity in inclusive preschool environments • Inclusion of young children with complex health care needs • Educating deaf and hearing children together : confronting the challenges of inclusion • Inclusion of children with autism in early intervention environments : an examination of rationale, myths and procedures • Participation of young children with disabilities in community learning activities • Transition to inclusive environments for young children with disabilities : toward a seamless system of service delivery • Head start and the inclusion of children with disabilities • Inclusive preschool programs : classroom ecology and child outcomes • Inclusive child care for infants and toddlers : a natural environment for all children • Inclusion of infants and toddlers : outcomes and ecology • Innovations in professional development : creating communities of practice to support inclusion • Origins of young children's attitudes toward peers with disabilities • I wish it wouldn't all depend on me : research on families and early childhood inclusion • Legal considerations of inclusion for infants and toddlers and for preshool-age children • Public policy in early childhood inclusion : necessary but not sufficient • Education reform and early childhood inclusion • Framework for change in early childhood inclusionPublicação: Baltimore : Paul H. Brooks, 2001Descrição: 569 p.Disponibilidade:

The developmental systems approach to early intervention / ed. Michael J. GuralnickNível de parte analítica: Early intervention in Sweden : a developmental systems perspective • Early intervention in Spain : an overview of current practices • Early intervention for children with special needs : the Italian paradigm • Early childhood intervention in Israel • Early Intervention servives in Greece : present situation and future prospects • Early intervention in the United Kingdom : current policy and practice • The infant development program's early assessment and early intervention model in British Columbia • A developmental communications model within the early intervention system in Austria • Early intervention in Australia : the challenge of systems implemention • Ensuring effective transitions in early intervention • Monitoring and evaluation in early intervention programs • Developing and implementing early intervention programs for children with established disabilities • Developing and implementing preventive intervention programs for children at risk : poverty as a case in point • Assessing family characteristics relevant to early intervention • Assessing the resource needs of families in the context of early intervention • Assessing interpersonal and family distress and threats to confident parenting in the context of eary intervention • Assessing the information needs of families in early intervention • The role of comprehensive interdisciplinary assessments in the early intervention system • designing an integrated point of access in the early intervention system • Screening and surveillance in earlty intervention systems • Inclusion as a core principle in the early intervention system • Service corrdination and integration in a developmental systems approach to early intervention • An overview of the developmental systems model for early interventionPublicação: Baltimore : Paul H. Brooks, 2005Descrição: 655 p.Disponibilidade:

Cooperative learning and strategies for inclusion : celebrating diversity in the classroom. 2 ed / compil. Joanne PutnamNível de parte analítica: Inclusive school model : a framework and key strategies for success • School programs for sucessful inclusion of all students • Computers and cooperative learning in diverse classrooms • Teaching students to manage conflicts in diverse classrooms • Participatory action research : supporting social relationship in the cooperative classroom • New cooperative learning, multiple intelligences, and inclusion • Supporting young children's development through cooperative activities • Cultural diversity and cooperative learning • Curricular and instructional adptations for including students with disabilities in cooperative groups • Process of cooperative learning • Movement toward teaching and learning in inclusive classroomPublicação: Baltimore : Paul H. Brooks, 1998Descrição: 259 p.Disponibilidade:

Contexts of early intervention : systems and settings / compil. S. Thurman ; co-aut. Janet Cornwell ; co-aut. Sheryl GottwaldNível de parte analítica: Interrelationship contexts in early intervention • Public schools • Child care centers • Family child care • Home environment • Neonatal intensive care units • Family as a system and a context for early intervention • Resource-based approach to early intervention • Culture as a context for early intervention • Funding context of early intervention • System in a system : sociopolitical factors and early intervention • Systems, ecologies, and the context of early interventionPublicação: Baltimore : Paul H. Brooks, 1997Descrição: 249 p.Disponibilidade:

Carolina curriculum for infants and toddlers with special needs. 2 ed / e outros Nancy Johnson-Martin, co-aut. Kenneth Jens, co-aut. Susan Attermeier, co-aut. Bonnie KackerPublicação: Baltimore : Paul H. Brooks, 1996Descrição: 376 p.Disponibilidade:

Believe in my child with special needs : helping children achieve their potential in school / Mary A. FalveyPublicação: Baltimore : Paul H. Brooks, 2005Descrição: 167 p.Disponibilidade:

The art and practice of home visiting : early intervention for children with special needs & their families / Ruth E. Cook, Shirley N. SparksPublicação: Baltimore : Paul H. Brooks, 2008Descrição: 286 p.Disponibilidade:

Aeps measurement for three to six years. vol 3 / Diane Bricker, co-aut. Kristie Pretti-FrontczakPublicação: Baltimore : Paul H. Brooks, 1996Descrição: 379 p.Disponibilidade:

Aeps measurement for birth to three years. vol 1 / Diane BrickerPublicação: Baltimore : Paul H. Brooks, 1993Descrição: 342 p.Disponibilidade:

Aeps curriculum for birth to three years. vol 2 / compil. Juliann Cripe ; co-aut. Kristine Slentz ; co-aut. Diane BrickerNível de parte analítica: Social domain • Social-communication domain • Cognitive domain • Adaptative domain • Gross motor domain • Fine motor domainPublicação: Baltimore : Paul H. Brooks, 1993Descrição: 484 p.Disponibilidade:

Activity-based approach to early intervention. 2 ed / Diane Bricker, co-aut. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak, co-aut. Natalya MaccomasPublicação: Baltimore : Paul H. Brooks, 1998Descrição: 268 p.Disponibilidade:
