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Your search returned 3 results.

The social mind : construction of the idea / Jaan Valsiner, René Van de VeerPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000Description: 488 p.Availability:

Lifespan development and the brain : the perspective of biocultural co-constructivism / ed. Paul B. Baltes, Patricia A. Reuter-Lorenz, Frank RoslerPiece-Analytic Level: Letters on nature and nurture • Co-constructing hhuman engineering technologies in old age : lifespan psychology as a conceptual foundation • The influence if organized violence and terror on brain and mind : a co-constructive perspective • The influence of work and occupation on brain development • Characteristics of illeterate and literate cognitive processing : implications of brain-behavior co-constructivism • Influences of biological and self-initiated factors on brain and cognition in adulthood and aging • The musical m ind : neural tuning and the aesthetic experience • Reading, writing, and arithmetic in the brain : neural specialization for acquired functions • Language acquisition : biological versus cultural implications for brain structure • Blindness : a source and case of neuronal plasticity • Sensory input-based adaptation and brain architecture • Adult neurogenesis • Adult neurogenesis • Neurobehavioral development in the context of biocultural co-constructivismPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Description: 427 p.Availability:

Child care and culture : lessons from Africa / Robert A. LeVine, et al.Publication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1994Description: 346 p.Availability:
