Your search returned 3 results.

The psychology of problem solving / Edited by Janet E. Davidson , Robert J. SternbergPiece-Analytic Level: Problem solving - large / small, hard / easy, conscious / nonconscious, problem-space / problem-solver : the issue of dichotomization • Analogical transfer in problem solving • The fundamental computational biases of human cognition : heuristics that (sometimes) impair decision making and problem solving • Feeling and thinking : implications for problem solving • Motivating self-regulated problem solvers • Comprehension of text in problem solving • The role of wotking memory in problem solving • Insights about insightful problem solving • Creativity : a source of difficulty in problem solving • Is sucess or failure at solving complex problems related to intellectual ability? • The acquisition of expert performance as problem solving : construction and modiating mechanisms through deliberate practice • Recognizing, defining, and representing problemsPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003Description: XI, 394 p.Availability:

The psychology of abilities, competencies, and expertise / Edited by Robert J. Sternberg ; Elena L. GrigorenkoPiece-Analytic Level: What causes individual differences in cognitive performance? • Biological intelligence • Expertise, competence, and creative ability • The early progress of able young musicians • Expertise and mental disabilities : bridging the unbridgeable? • On abilities and domains • The search for general abilities and basic capacities : theoretical implications from the modifiablity and complexity of mechanisms mediating expert performance • Developing childhood proclivities into adult competencies : the overlooked multiplier effect • Intelligence as adaptative resource development and resource allocation : a new look through the lenses of SOC and expertise • Trait complexes, cognitive investment, and domain knowledgePublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003Description: XI, 280 p.Availability:

The nature of reasoning / Edited by Jacqueline P. Leighton ; Robert J. SternbergPiece-Analytic Level: What do we know about the nature of reasoning? • Teaching Reasoning • Individual differences in thinking reasoning and decision making • The evolution of reasoning • The development of deductive reasoning • The assessment of logical reasoning • Cognitive heuristics : reasoning the fast and frugal way • Heuristics and reasining I : making deduction simple • Mental-logic theory : what it proposes, and reasons to take this proposal seriously • Mental models and reasoning • Strategies and knowledge representation • Task understanding • The role of prior beliefs in reasoning • Working memory and reasoning • reasoning and brain function • Defining and describing reasonPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004Description: 470 p.Availability:
