A sua pesquisa recuperou 96 resultados.

Zoo Animal Welfare / Terry L. Maple, Bonnie M. PerduePublicação: New York : Springer, 2013Descrição: 209 p.Disponibilidade:

Young children's knowledge of relational terms. some ifs, and buts / Luria French, co-aut. Katherine NelsonPublicação: Berlin : Springer-verlag, 1985Descrição: 130 p.Disponibilidade:

The unified learning model : how motivational, cognitive, and neurobiological sciences inform best teaching practices / Duane F. Shell, et al.Publicação: Dordrecht : Springer, 2010Descrição: 212 p.Disponibilidade:

Theory of multivariate statistics / Martin Bilodeau, David BrennerPublicação: New York : Springer, 1999Descrição: XIV, 288 p.Disponibilidade:

test anxiety: the state of the art / Moshe ZeidnerPublicação: New York : Springer Science, 1998Descrição: 440 p.Disponibilidade:

Sustainable development, career counselling and career education / Laura Nota, et al.Publicação: Cham : Springer, 2020Descrição: 117 p.Disponibilidade: :

Sustainable development, career counselling and career education / Laura Nota, et al.Publicação: Cham : Springer, 2020Descrição: 117 p.Disponibilidade:

Stress ecology : environmental stress as ecological driving force and key player in evolution / Christian E. W. SteinbergPublicação: Dordrecht : Springer, 2012Descrição: 480 p.Disponibilidade:

Stress, appraisal and coping / Richard Lazarus, co-aut. Susan FolkmanPublicação: New York : Springer Publishing Company, 1984Descrição: 445 p.Disponibilidade:

Stereptyping and prejudice : changing conceptions / Daniel Bar-Tal, et al.Nível de parte analítica: Enhancing intergroup relations in Israel : a differential approach • can leaders change followers stereotypes • Changing stereotypes with disconfirming information • Discriminatory speech acts : a functional approach • Delegitimization : the extreme case of steretyping and prejudice • Values, stereotypes, and intergroup antagonism • Stereotypes and dispositional judgment • Stereotypes of groups, group members, and individuals in categories : a differential analysis • Category-based and individuation processes as a function of information and motivation : evidence from our laboratory • Illusory correlations : implicatications for stereotype theory and research • Stereotype, prejudice, and discrimination : changing conceptions in theory and research • A cognitive approach to sterotyping • Stereotype, prejudice, and discrimination : changing conceptions in theory and researchPublicação: New York : Springer-Verlag, 1989Descrição: 273 p.Disponibilidade:

Statistical methods in molecular evolution / ed. Rasmus NielsenNível de parte analítica: Assessing the uncertainty in phylogenetic inference • Posterior mapping and posterior predictive distributions • Estimating substitution matrices • Statistical alignmnet : recent progress, new applications, and challenges • The evolutionary causes and consequences of base composition variation • Phylogenetic hidden Markov models • Genome rearragement • Models of microsatellite evolution • Markov models of protein sequence evolution • Estimation of divergence times from molecular sequence data • Bayesian analysis of molecular evolution using MrBayes • HyPhy : hyphotesis testing using phylogenies • Maximumlikelihood methods for detecting adaptative protein evolution • Population genetics of molecular evolution • Introduction to Markov chain Monte Carlos methodsin molecular evolution • Introduction to aplications of the likelihood fonction in molecular evolution • Makov models in molecular evolutionPublicação: New York : Springer, 2005Descrição: 504 P.Disponibilidade:

Sonar of dolphins / Whitlow AuPublicação: New York : Springer-verlag, 1993Descrição: 277 p.Disponibilidade: :
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: ET AU1 (1).

Senses and communication / Tim HallidayPublicação: Berlin : Springer, 1998Descrição: 236 p.Disponibilidade:

Self-regulated learning and academic achievement : theory, research, and practice / ed.. Barry J. Zimmerman ; ed. Dale H. SchunkPublicação: New York : Springer-verlag, 1989Descrição: 212 p.Disponibilidade:

Schizophrenia and common sense : explaining the relation between madness and social values / eds. Ines Hipolito, Jorge Gonçalves, Joao G. PereiraNível de parte analítica: Schizophrenia social practices and cultural values: a conceptual introduction • Inhabiting the shared world: phenomenological considerations on sensus communis, social space and schizophrenia • Schizophrenia and common sense : a phenomenological perspective • A second-person model to anomalous social cognition • Negative symptoms, common sense, and cultural disembedding in the modern age • Conscious experience and experience externalization • Rethinking the Ipseity disturbance theory of schizophrenia through predictive processing • Mind and madness : Louis Sass and the horizontal conception of experience • What can schizophrenia teach us about emotions? • Why are delusions pathological? • The doxastic status of delusion and the limits of folk psychology • An integrative-relational approach in schizophrenia : from philisophical principles to metalization-based practice • Common-sense, philosophy, ands mental disturbance : a Wittegensteinian outlook • Is a therapy for fostering common sense possible? • Understanding schizophrenia through Wittgenstein : empathy, explanartion, and philosophical clarificationPublicação: Cham : Springer, 2018Descrição: 254 p.Disponibilidade:

Resilience in education: concepts, contexts and connections / Marold Wosnitza, et al.Nível de parte analítica: Resilience in education: emerging trends in recent research • Promoting resilience: a european curriculum for students, teachers and families • Making it real and making in last!: sustainability of teacher implementation of a whole-school resilience programme • Enhancing teacher resilience: from self-refelction to professional development • Enhancing teacher resilience through face-to-face training: insights from the ENTREE project • Using online modules to build capacity for teacher resilience • Finding a place for resilience in teacher preparation • Teacher championship of resilience: lessons from the pathways to resilience study, South Africa • An exploratory interview study of university teacher resilience • Teacher resilience in adverse contexts: issues of professionalism and professional identity • Teachers narratives of resilience: responding effectively to challenging behavior • Early career teachers in rural schools: plotlines of resilience • Exploring canadian early career teachers' resilience from an evolutionary perspective • The interplay between the motivation to teach and resilience of student teachers and trainee teachers • A multidimensional view of pre-service teacher resilience in Germany, Ireland, Malta and Portugal • Great southern lands: making space for teacher resilience in South Africa and Australia • How does apprentice resilience work? • (Re)conceptualising teacher resilience: a social-ecological approach to understand teachers' professional worlds • Resilience in education: an introductionPublicação: Cham : Springer, 2018Descrição: 340 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychology of shame : theory and treatment of shame-based syndromes / Gershen KaufmanPublicação: New York : Springer, 1989Descrição: 299 p.Disponibilidade:

The psychological & social impact of disability / ed. Robert P. Marinelli ; Arthur E. Dell OrtoPublicação: New York : Springer, 1991Descrição: 368 p.Disponibilidade:

Promoting exercise and behavior change in older adults : interventions with the transtheoretical model / Patricia M. Burbank, Deborah RiebeNível de parte analítica: Future directions and resources • Applying the transtheoretical model : behavior change among family caregivers and nursing staff • Applying the transtheorectical model : challenges with older adults from diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds • Applyinh the transtheorectical mdoel : challenges with older adults across the health / illness continuum • Applying the transtheorectical model : tailoring interventions to stages of change • The transtheorectical model : research review of exercise • application of the transtheorectical model to several problem behaviors • Overview of the transtheorectical model • The challenges of exercise in older adults • Setting the stage for active older aultsPublicação: New York : Springer Publishing, 2002Descrição: 317 p.Disponibilidade:
