A sua pesquisa recuperou 13 resultados.

Writer and the psychoanalysis / Edmund BerglerPublicação: Madison : Iup, 1992Descrição: 295 p.Disponibilidade:

Technique and practice of psychoanalysis. vol 2 - a memorial volume to ralph r. greenson / compil. Alan Sugarman ; co-aut. Robert Nemiroff ; co-aut. Daniel GreensonNível de parte analítica: Screens, splits, frames, and keys : the analysis of an omnipotent man • About clinical issues in the treatment of primitive states : from gigolo to self-realization -the turning point • Problems of termination • Working alliance revisited : an intersubjective perspective • Transference, countertransference, and the real relationship : a study and reassessment of greeson's views of the ... • Countertransference • Acting out and its technical management • Acting out • Some defensive aspects of the masturbation fantasy and the necessity to work it through • Working through • Male genital in the manifest content of dreams • Basic technical suggestions for dream interpretation • Example of the reconstruction of trauma • Rule and role of abstinence in psychoanalysis • Evolution of the concept of interpretation • Interpretation • Treatment goals in psychoanalysis • Goals of psychoanalysis reconsidered • Assessment of analyzability • Beginnings : the preliminary contacts with the patientPublicação: Madison : Iup, 1992Descrição: 500 p.Disponibilidade:

Search for the self : selected writings of heinz kohut, 1978-1981 / compil. Paul OrnsteinPublicação: Madison : Iup, 1991Descrição: 848 p.Disponibilidade:

Search for the self : selected writings of heinz kohut, 1978-1981 / compil. Paul OrnsteinPublicação: Madison : Iup, 1990Descrição: 393 p.Disponibilidade:

Psycho analysis and the occult / compil. George DevereuxNível de parte analítica: Technique of analyzing occukt occurrences in analysis • Possible telephatic experience during analysis • Extrasensory elements in dream interpretation • Reanalysis of an alleged telephatic dream • Analysis of a presumptively telepathic dream • Letter to the editor of the psychiatric quarterly • Telepathy and psychoanalysis : comments on the discussants remarks • Telepathy and psychoanalysis : the fodor findings • Telepathy and psychoanalysis : the pederson-krag findings • Telepathy and psychoanalysis : the eisenbud findings • Telepathy and psychoanalysis : a critique of recent findings • Telephaty in analysis : a discussion of five dreams • Telepathy and repression • Dreams of two patients in analysis interpreted as a pelepathic reve a deux • Telepathy and problems of psychoanalysis • Psychoanalysis and telepathy • Psychopathology of everyday telephatic phenomena • Summary of istvan hollos theories • Telephatic sensitiveness as a neurotic symptom • Child analysis and the mother, an excerpt • Prophetic dreams • On the role of transference and countertransference in psychoanalysis • Telepathy in a dream • Occult processes occurring during psychoanalysis • Telepathy during psychoanalysis • Telepathy and psychoanalysis • Critique of clairvoyance • Dreams and the occult • Occult significance of dreams • Dreams and telepathy • Psychoanalysis and telepathy • Premonitions and chance, an excerpt • Premonitory dream fulfilled • Extrasensory perception and psychoanalytic epistemology • Psychiatric contributions to parapsychology : a reviewPublicação: New York : Iup, 1973Descrição: 432 p.Disponibilidade:

Power of form : psychoanalytic approach to aesthetic form / Gilbert RosePublicação: Madison : Iup, 1986Descrição: 234 p.Disponibilidade:

Personal myth in psychoanalytic theory / compil. Peter Hartocollis ; co-aut. Ian GrahamNível de parte analítica: Epilogue • Observations on the personal myth and on theoretical perspectives in psychoanalysis • Oedipus and the process of maturation in man and society • Prehistory of psychoanalysis in ancient greece • Fate of the personal myth in the psychosomatic patient • Integrative tasks of personal myths • Darker side of fatherhood : clinical and developmental ramifications of laius complex • Fate and the personal myth in medea's plight : filicide • Personal myth : points and counterpoints • Female oedipal complex • Oedipus and jacasta : a reexamination of freud's drama of destiny • Oedipus myth as freud's personal myth • Sophocles's king oedipus and self-analysis • Personal myth and the history of the self • On the constituents of the personal myth • Facts and fictions • Mythological in the psychoanalytic situation • Personal myth • Conceptual streaming in clinical theory : personal myth as a bridging conceptPublicação: Madison : Iup, 1991Descrição: 413 p.Disponibilidade:

Learning and education : psychoanalytic perspectives / compil. Kay Field ; co-aut. Bertram Cohler ; co-aut. Glorye WoolNível de parte analítica: Psychoanalytic contribution to education : the teacher education program of the institute for psychoanalysis in chicago.. • Some reflections on the teacher-student dialogue : a psychonalytic perspective • Reflections of early childhood family experiences in the educational situation • Effects of narcissistic transferences on the teaching-learning process • Teacher as learner, the learner as teacher • Teacher, the transference, and development • Relational aspects of learning : the learning alliance • Psychoanalysis and special education : the concept of exceptionality in physical disability • Marking time in the midst of the hardest movement : educational and clinical implications of adolescent borderline .... • Deficits in empathy in the learning-disable child • Inability to learn in school : the role of early developmental deficiences in learning disabilities • Implications of the infantile neurosis for learning problems in childhood • Some relationships between education and psychotherapy in the treatment of developmentally delayed infants and toddlers • Examination of work inhibitions in women : a special problem for the female teacher and student • Gender identity, cognitive development, and emotional conflict • Organization of resistances to new learning in psychoanalysis : a developmental perspective • Psychoanalytic self psychologist looks at learning • Child's mourning : can it be learned from the parent? • Making meaning together : motivation for learning to write • Patterns of internalization • Learning, knowing, and the self : a constructive developmental view • Curiosity and exploration in children : where affect and cognition meet • Emotional intelligence • Modes of learning and the analytic process • Supervision : a teaching-learning paradigm • Courage to try : self-esteem and learning • Psychologically informed education : historical foundations • Psychoanalytic approach to learning theory, with more than a passing reference to piaget • Love of learning to the love of teaching • Learning for love to love of learning • Psychoanalysis and education : motive, meaning, and self • ForewordPublicação: Madison : Iup, 1989Descrição: 1016 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of borderline disorders / compil. Daniel Silver ; co-aut. Michael RosenbluthNível de parte analítica: Alcoholism and the borderline patient • Eating disorders and borderline personality disorder • Aging borderline • Borderline personality disorder in adolescents : a critical overview, novel speculations, and suggested future directions • Inpatient treatment of borderline personality disorder • Psychobiology and psychopharmacology of borderline personality disorder • Family dynamics and borderline personality disorder • Group psychotherapy of the borderline patient • Behavior therapy, dialectics, and the treatment of borderline personality disorder • Medicolegal issues between the borderline patient and the therapist • Suicide in borderline personality disorder • Borderline patient : psychotherapeutic stalemates • Studies of borderline patients in psychotherapy • Borderline treatment dilemma : to solace or not to solace • Myth of the therapeutic alliance with borderline patients revisited • Psychological assessment of borderline personality • Assessment process • Borderline disorders : a british point of view • Borderline : an adjective still in search of a noun • Treatment of borderline states : an intersubjective approach • Borderline patient : shifts in theoretical emphasis and implications for treatment • Contribution of infant studies to undersantding borderline personality disorders • Longitudinal profile of borderline personality disorder : contributions from the chesnut lodge follow-up study • Validity of the borderline personality disorder • Borderline patient : diagnostic concepts and differential diagnosisPublicação: Madison : Iup, 1992Descrição: 744 p.Disponibilidade:

Hamlet's enemy : madness and myth in hamlet / Theodore LidzPublicação: Madison : Iup, 1975Descrição: 258 p.Disponibilidade:

Eternal ones of the dream : myth and ritual, dreams and fantasies -their role in the lives of primitive man / Geza RoheimPublicação: New York : Iup, 1971Descrição: 270 p.Disponibilidade:

Between hermeneutics and science : an essay on the epistemology of psychoanalysis / Carlo StrengerPublicação: Madison : Iup, 1991Descrição: 234 p.Disponibilidade:

Aspects of internalization / Roy SchaferPublicação: Madison : Iup, 1990Descrição: 254 p.Disponibilidade:
