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A sua pesquisa recuperou 2 resultados.

The social mind : construction of the idea / Jaan Valsiner, René Van de VeerPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000Descrição: 488 p.Disponibilidade:

Comparisons in human development : understanding time and context / compil. Jonathan Tudge ; co-aut. Michael Shanahan ; co-aut. Jaan ValsinerNível de parte analítica: Integrating psychology into social science • Promise of comparative, longitudinal research for studies of productive-reproductive processes in children's lives • Problems of comparison : methodology, the art of storytelling, and implicit models • Ecological approach : when labels suggest similarities beyond shared basic concepts in psychology • Developmental science : a case of the bird flapping its wings or the wings flapping the bird? • Everyday experiences of north american preschoolers in two cultural communities : a cross-disciplinary and cross-level... • Sociocultural promotions constraining children's social activity : comparisons and variability in the development of ... • Co-development of identity, agency, and lived worlds • Implications from developmental cross-cultural research for the study of acculturation in western civilizations • Value of comparisons in developmental psychology • Nested comparisons in the study of historical change and individual adaptation • Ecological perspectives in human development : a comparison of gibson and bronfenbrenner • Developmental concepts across disciplines • Developmental research and comparative perspectives : applications to developmental • Comparisons in human development : to begin a conversationPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997Descrição: 368 p.Disponibilidade:
