A sua pesquisa recuperou 70 resultados.

Youth and the campus. the search for social conscience / Albert SolnitDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C2 PSC23 (1). :

Sibling experience. introduction / Albert SolnitDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C2 PSC34 (1). :

Seymour l. lustman, 1920-1971 / Albert SolnitNível de conjunto: International Journal Of Psycho-analysis, Vol. 53, nº 3 (1972), p. 327-329Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R9 (1). :

Seymour l. lustman / Albert +olnitDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C2 PSC23 (1). :

Relationship of early ego identifications to superego formation / Samuel Ritvo, co-aut. Albert SolnitNível de conjunto: International Journal Of Psycho-analysis, Vol. 41, nº 4/5 (1960), p. 295-300Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R9 (1). :

Recovery and adaptation / Albert SolnitDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C2 PSC52 (1). :

Psychological reactions to facial and hand burns in young men. can i see myself through your eyes? / Albert Solnit, co-aut. Beatrice PrielDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C2 PSC26 (1). :

Psychoanalytic view of play / Albert SolnitDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C2 PSC38 (1). :

Psychoanalytic view of child abuse / Albert SolnitDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C8 SUGA1 (1). :

Psychoanalytic study on the child. vol 53 / compil. Albert Solnit ; co-aut. Peter Neubauer ; co-aut. Samuel Abrams ; co-aut. A. DowlingNível de parte analítica: Boundaries of self and subject : the aesthetic consequences of engulfment and separation anxiety in two artists • Splintered holding environment and the vulnerable ego : a case study • Dyslexia and self-control : an ego psychoanalytic perspective • Parapraxis in hamlet : a note on the aesthetic genius of william shakespeare • Parents of autistic children : some thoughts about trauma, dislocation, and tragedy • Group, a disorder of the anal phase of development : a contribution to our understanding of the psychosexual .... • Conflict and compromise in gender identity formation : a longitudinal study • Use of dream analysis in the treatment of a nine-year-old obsessional boy • We all need our tails to lean on : an analysis of a latency-age girl with a gender identity disorder • Psychoanalytic study of aggression • Etiology of narcissistic personality disorder • Developmental line of time sense : in late adulthood and throughout the life cycle • Beyond play and playfulness • Play and therapeutic action : multiple perspectives • Play, dreams, and creativity • Play and the metaphors of the body • Importance of play in adulthood : an interview with joan m. erikson • Evelyn k. oremland's contributions to the child life profession • Eric erikson's dream specimen paper : a classic revisited • Kohut and glover : the role of subjectivity in psychoanalytic theory and controversyPublicação: New Haven : Yale University Press, 1998Descrição: 371 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of the child. vol 55 / compil. Albert Solnit ; co-aut. Peter Neubauer ; co-aut. Samuel Abrams ; co-aut. A. DowlingPublicação: New Haven : Yale University Press, 2000Descrição: 406 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of the child. vol 54 / compil. Albert Solnit ; co-aut. Peter Naubauer ; co-aut. Samuel Abrams ; co-aut. A. DowlingNível de parte analítica: Use of insight in child analysis • Adolescents and popular culture : a psychodynamic overview • Dread of integration : integrative processes in a chrnically ill borderline patient • Ego erection : regressive perceptual phenomena in relation to psychic growth • Narrative performance mode, npm, of discourse • Obsessional manifestations in children • Interaction between self and others : a different perspecytive on narcissism • Clocks, engines, and quarks - love, dreams, and genes : what makes the development happen? • Therapeutic functions of the real relationship in psychoanalysis • Constant mental change and unknowability in psychoanalysis • Coordinating the developmental and psychoanalytic processes : three case reports • Psychoanalytic treatment of a child with deviational development • Detours in adolescent development : implications for technique • Treatment of a boy with atypical ego development • Coordinating the developmental and psychoanalytic processes : three case reports • Creative collaborations : writers and editorsPublicação: New Haven : Yale University Press, 1999Descrição: 366 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of the child. vol 52 / compil. Albert Solnit ; co-aut. Peter Neubauer ; co-aut. Samuel Abrams ; co-aut. A. DowlingNível de parte analítica: Personal origins of attchment theory : an interview with mary salter ainsworth • Youth in residential care : from war nursery to therapeutic milieu • One body for two : the problem of boundaries between chronically ill adolescents and their mothers • Huston's and joyce's the dead • Cubism, freud, and the image of wit • Symbolic participation : the role of projective drawings in a case of child abuse • Attachment as the basis of psychopathological development and residential treatment • Dynamic underspinnings of father hunger as illuminated in the analysis of an adolescent boy • Anniversary reactions in a five-year-old boy : unresolved conflict, guilt, and self identifications • Technical issues in adolescent analysis • Analysis of a pre-homosexual child with a twelve-year developmental follow up • Aesthetic pleasure and the rhythms of infancy • Boys envy of mother and the consequences of this narcissistic mortification • Developmental considerations in female latency : a discussion of kidnapping fantasies in nine-year-old girls • Psychological consequences of physical illness or defect and their relationship to the concept of deficit • In the land of counterpane : travels in the realm of play • Reflections on the concept the patient's psychic reality • Mental economics and psychoanalytic theories of psychotic phenomena • Exceptions : structural and dynamic aspects • Active neutraklity and loewald's metaphor of theaterPublicação: New Haven : Yale University Press, 1997Descrição: 415 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of the child. vol 51 / compil. Albert Solnit ; co-aut. Peter Neubauer ; co-aut. Samuel Abrams ; co-aut. A. DowlingNível de parte analítica: Lie as narrative truth in abused adopted adolescents • Eternal triangle across cultures, oedipus, hsueh, and ganesa • States of overstimulation in early childhood • Psychoanalysis on the beat : children, police, and urban trauma • Psychoanalyst of the adolescent • Psychoanalytic perspectives on adolescent suicide • Mother's milk : a psychoanalyst looks at breastfeeding • Psychological complications of short stature in childhood : some implications of the role of visual comparisons in .... • Oedipal themes in latency : analysis of the farmer's daughter joke • Bereavement process in children of parents with aids • Complicating the theory : the application of psychoanalytic concepts and undertsnading to family preservation • Good boy syndrome and malignant academic failure in early adolescence • Observations on the long-term effects of child analisys : implications for technique • Role of passivity in the relationship to the body during adolescence • Oedipal and preoedipal transference transformations : comments on the analysis of a latency-age boy • Concept of penis envy revisited : a child analyst listens to adult women • Trauma and the developmental process : excerpts from an analysis of an adopted child • Psychoanalytic legacy of anna freud • Developing developmental lines • Analytic resolution of a developmental imbalance • Anna freud : observation and development • Diagnosis in clinical practice : its relationship to psychoanalytic theory • Object relations, affect management, and psychic structure formation : the concept of object formation • Anna freud : a historical look at her theory and technique of child psychoanalysis • Anna freud and developmental psychoanalytic psychology • Dread of the strength of the instincts : a psychoanalytic contribution to the understanding of violence • Undoing the lag in the technique of conflict and defense analysis • Offerings and acceptances : technique and therapeutic action • Anna freud as a historian of psychoanalysis • Put yourself in the skin of the child, she said • Current issues in psychoanalytic child development • Differentiation and integration • Anna freud's contributions to our knowledge of child development : an overviewPublicação: New Haven : Yale University Press, 1996Descrição: 613 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of the child. vol 50 / compil. Albert Solnit ; co-aut. Peter Neubauer ; co-aut. Samuel Abrams ; co-aut. A. DowlingNível de parte analítica: Examination dream revisited : a clinical note • Lazarus stand forth : h. d. encounters freud • Child is father of the man : wordworth's ode : intimations of immortality and his secret sharers • Models of reflexive recognition : wallon's origines du caractere and lacan's mirror stage • Traumatic memory and the intergenerational transmission of holocaust narratives • Silent eulogy : elective mutism in a six-year-old hispanic girl • Helping foster children to mourn past relationships • Post-traumatic stress and coping in an inner-city child : traumatogenic witnessing of interparental violence and murder • Enactment and play following medical trauma : an analytic study • Analysis of an overstimulated child • Termination in child analysis : a child-led process? • Daughters and mothers : aspects of the representational world during adolescence • Erotic transference in the male adolescent-female analyst dyad • Role of free movement in separation-individuation • Trauma in the preverbal period : symptoms, memories, and developmental impact • Follow-up of child analysis : the analyst as a real person • Childhood gender identity disorder : analysis, preoedipal determinants, and therapy in adolescence • Loewald's positive neutrality and the affirmative potential of psychoanalytic interventions • Resistance analysis and psychic reality • Freud's psychology : can it survive?Publicação: New Haven : Yale University Press, 1995Descrição: 435 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of the child. vol 48 / compil. Albert Solnit ; co-aut. Peter Neubauer ; co-aut. Samuel Abrams ; co-aut. A. DowlingNível de parte analítica: Family romance fantasy resolution in george eliot's daniel deronda • Reflections on a year's psychotherapy with a psychotic man • Portraits of survival : a twenty-year follow-up of the children of buffalo creek • Telling and enacting stories in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy : implications for teaching psychotherapy • Reaction of an early latency boy to the sudden death of his baby brother • Preventive intervention with the children of depressed parents • Play in adulthood :a developmental consideration • Impact of divorce on a preadolescents girl • Problems in female development : comments on the analysis of an early latency-age girl • Social matrix of aggression : enactments and representations of loving and hating in the first years of life • Temporal framework and lacan's concept of the unfixed psychoanalytic hour • Theoretical controbutions of hans w. loewald • Insights into struggle of creativity : a rereading of anna freud's beating fantasies and daydreams • Play and therapeutic action • Roles of mental representations and mental processes in therapeutic action • How people get betterPublicação: New Haven : Yale University Press, 1993Descrição: 408 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of the child. vol 46 / compil. Albert Solnit ; co-aut. Peter Neubauer ; co-aut. Samuel Abrams ; co-aut. A. DowlingNível de parte analítica: Divorce : a gordian knot • Note on the nature of prejudice • Adoption and identity : a case study • Jointeness as integration of merging and separateness in object relations and narcissism • Narcissism and object love as separate but dependent developmental lines • Grandiosity in children with narcissistic and borderline disorders : a comparative analysis • Looking at anf looking away : etiology of proedipal splitting in a deaf girl • Little riddle maker : a case presentation • Early abortion of a pseudocyesis : some observations from the analysis of an adolescent girl • Fantasies of self-creation • Homosexual analyst : clinical considerations • Reflections on the aim of child analysis • Trauma and war : a fragment of an analysis with a vietnam veteran • Development of time sense in young adulthood • Sexual integration in female adolescence : anne frank's diary as a study in health development • Pathogenic factors in the experience of early and late adopted children • Maternal representation : a comparison of caregiver- and mother-reared toddlers • Analysis of gender differences in separation-individuation • Object loss, aggression, and gender identity • Exploring internal and external worlds : reflections on being curiousPublicação: New Haven : Yale University Press, 1991Descrição: 403 p.Disponibilidade:

The psychoanalytic study of the child / Ed. Albert J. Solnit, Peter B. Neubauer, Samuel Abrams, A. Scott DowlingPublicação: New Haven : Yale University Press, 2002Descrição: 488 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of the child : vol.56 - 2001 / compil. Albert Solnit ; co-aut. Peter Neubauer ; co-aut. Samuel Abrams ; co-aut. A. DowlingNível de parte analítica: Psychological insights in shakespeare's final play, the two noble kinsmen • Hamlet's delay • Robert frost's the road not taken : childhood, psychoanalytic symbolism and creativity • Father and son : the origins of strange case of dr jekyll boy • I want to know, too : psychotherapy with a visually impaired boy • Effcts of medication on the psychoanalytic process : the case of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors • Body self : development, psychopathologies, and psychoanalytic significance • Mother-daughter love affair across the generations • On the ethical and evaluative nature of developmental models in psychoanalysis • In search of winnicott's aggression • Twin poles of order and chaos : development as a dynamic, self-ordering system • Exceptions reviewed : the formation and deformation of the privileged character • Summation : unrealized possibilities : comments on anna freud's normality and pathology in childhood • Remarks of moderator : recognizing mood regulation in psychoanalytic therapy • Discussion of anna freud and the evolution of psychoanalytic technique • Anna freud and the evolution of psychoanalytic technique • Discussion of early object relations into new objects • Early object relations into new objects • Work of transformation : changes in technique since anna freud's normality and pathology in childhood • Emerging issues : some observations about changes in technique in child analysis • Opening of discussion • Introduction and historical perspectivePublicação: Chichester : Yale University Press, 2001Descrição: 419 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of the child / compil. Albert Solnit ; co-aut. Ruth Eissler ; co-aut. Anna Freud ; co-aut. Peter NeubauerPublicação: New Haven : Yale University Press, 1982Descrição: 568 p.Disponibilidade:
