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A sua pesquisa recuperou 3 resultados.

Reasoning and emotion in the body / Isabelle Blachette , Jean-Noel AmatoPublicação: London : Psychology Press, 2014Disponibilidade:

Emotion and reasoning / ed. Isabelle BlanchetteNível de parte analítica: Does emotion affect reasoning?: yes, in multiple ways • Better safe than sorry: threat-confirming reasining bias in anxiety disorders • Emotion, reasoning, and psychopathology • Emotions, beliefs, and psychopathology • Conflict, arousal, and logical gut feelings • Emotion as an argumentative strategy : how induced mood affects the evaluation of neutral and inflamatory slippery slope arguments • Reasoning and emotion in the body • Pupil size reflects cognition emotion interactions in analogical reasoning • What is the role of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex in emotional influences on reason?Publicação: London : Psychology Press, 2014Descrição: 178 p.Disponibilidade:
