When bad isn't all bad : strategic use of sample information in generalization and stereotyping / Bertjan Doosje, co-aut. Russell Spears, co-aut. Willem Koomen Set Level: Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology, Vol. 69, nº 4 (1995), p. 642-655Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: R6 (1). :
Strenght of identification and intergroup differentiation : the influence of group norms / Jolanda Jetten, co-aut. Russell Spears, co-aut. Antony Manstead Set Level: European Journal Of Social Psychology, Vol. 27, nº 5 (1997), p. 603-609Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: R6 (1). :
Sticking together or falling apart : in-group identifications as a psychological determinant of group commitment .... / Naomi Ellemers, co-aut. Russell Spears, co-aut. Bertjan Doosje Set Level: Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology, Vol. 72, nº 3 (1997), p. 617-626Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: R6 (1). :
Social context of stereotyping and differentiation / Russell Spears, co-aut. A. Manstead Set Level: European Journal Of Social Psychology, Vol. 19, nº 2 (1989), p. 101-121Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: R6 (1). :
A side view of social influence / Russell Spears, et al. Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: S1 FORG3 (1). :
self and social identity / Naomi Ellemers, Russell Spears, Bertjan Doosje Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: P1 ARP22 (1). :
Seeing one thing and doing another : contrast effects in automatic behavior / e outros Ap Dijksterhuis, co-aut. Russell Spears, co-aut. Tom Postmes, co-aut. Diederik Stapel, co-aut. Ad Van Knippenberg Set Level: Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology, Vol. 75, nº 4 (1998), p. 862-871Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: R6 (1). :
Religiosity and adolescents' premarital sexual attitudes and behavior : an empirical study of conceptual issues / e outros Paschal Sheeran, co-aut. Dominic Abrams, co-aut. Charles Abraham, co-aut. Russell Spears Set Level: European Journal Of Social Psychology, Vol. 23, nº 1 (1993), p. 39-52Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: R6 (1). :
Perceived group variability in intergroup relations : the distinctive role of social identity / e outros Bertjan Doosje, co-aut. Russell Spears, co-aut. Naomi Ellemers, co-aut. Willem Koomen Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: S1 ERSP10 (1). :
Negativity and positivity effects in person perception and inference : ability versus morality / e outros Carolien Martijn, co-aut. Russell Spears, co-aut. Joop Van Der Pligt, co-aut. Esther Jakobs Set Level: European Journal Of Social Psychology, Vol. 22, nº 5 (1992), p. 453-463Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: R6 (1). :
Local residents attitudes to oil and nuclear developments / e outros J. Eiser, co-aut. Russell Spears, co-aut. Paul Webley, co-aut. Joop Van Der Pligt Set Level: Social Behaviour, Vol. 3, nº 3 (1988), p. 237-253Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: R6 (1). :
Isolating the collective self / Russell Spears Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: E2 OOST2 (1). :
Intergroup norms and intergroup discrimination : distinctive self-categorization and social identity effects / Jolanda Jetten, co-aut. Russell Spears, co-aut. Antony Manstead Set Level: Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology, Vol. 71, nº 6 (1996), p. 1222-1233Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: R6 (1). :
Illusory correlation in the perception of group attitudes / Russell Spears, co-aut. Joop Van Der Pligt, co-aut. J. Eiser Set Level: Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology, Vol. 48, nº 4 (1985), p. 863-875Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: R6 (1). :