Tres pies al gato : significado, sentido y cultura cotidiana en en la educacion / Pablo Del Rio, co-aut. Amelia Alvarez Set Level: Infancia Y Aprendizage, Vol. 59/60, nº (1992), p. 43-61Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: R3 (1). :
Tossing, praying, and reasoning : the changing architectures of mind and agency / Pablo del Rio, Amelia Alvarez Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: D WERT5 (1). :
Sociocultural studies of mind / ed. James V, Wertsch, Pablo del Río, Amelia Alvarez Piece-Analytic Level: Tossing, praying, and reasoning : the changing architectures of mind and agency • Socio-cultural-historical psychology : some general remarks and a proposal for a new king of cultural-genetic methodology • The constitution of the subject : a persistent question • Observibg sociocultural activity in three planes : participatory appro+riation, guided participationm and apprenticeship • An approach to an integrated sensoriomotor system in the human central brain and a subconscious computer • Writing and the mind • The need for action in sociocultural research • Cultural-historical psychology and the psychological theory of activity : retrospect and prospect • Sociocultural studies : history, action, and mediationPublication: New York : Cambridge University Press, 1995Description: 252 pAvailability:
Passez-moi la boussole! : methodologie historico-culturelle pour enseigner les mathématiques / Pablo del Rio Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: E2 MORO1 (1). :
Nino y el contexto sociocultural / Pablo Del Rio Set Level: Anuario De Psicologia, Vol. 53, nº (1992), p. 61-69Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: DR (1). :
Educacao e desenvolvimento : a teoria de vigotsky e a zona de desenvolvimento proximo / Amelia Alvarez, co-aut. Pablo Del Rio Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: E2 COLL2A (1). :
Cenarios educativos e atividade : uma proposta integradora para o estudo e projecto do contexto escolar / Amelia Alvarez, co-aut. Pablo Del Rio Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: E2 COLL2A (1). :