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A sua pesquisa recuperou 2 resultados.

Fit in sports: self-regulation and athletics performances / Christian Unkerlbach, henning Plessner, Daniel MemmertDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: E2 FORG1 (1). :

The experience of thinking: how the fluency of mental processes influences cognition and bahavior / ed. Christian Unkerlbach, Rainer GreifenederNível de parte analítica: Thinking about experiences of thinking • Fluency and behavior regulation: adaptative and maladaptative consequences of a good feeling • About swift defaulys and sophisticated safety nets: a process prospective on fluency's validity in judgment • The ecological validity of fluency • Critical feeling: the strategic use of precessing fluency • Almost everything you always wanted to know about ease-of-retrieval effects • When good blends go bad: how fluency can explain when we like and dislike ambiguity • Assimilation or contrast?: how fluency channels comparison processing • ease and persuasuin: multiple processes, meanings, and effects • Disfluency sleeper effect: disfluency today promotes fluency tomorrow • Fluency in context: discrepancy makes processing experiences informative • Once more with feeling!: famililiarity and positivity as integral consequences of previous exposure • The sources of fluency: identifying the underlying mechanisms of fluency effects • A general model of fluency effects in judgment and decision making • Experiencing thinkingPublicação: Hove : Psychology Press, 2013Descrição: 275 p.Disponibilidade:
