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A sua pesquisa recuperou 3 resultados.

Exercise psychology : the influence of physical exercise on psychological processes / compil. Peter SeraganianNível de parte analítica: Current status and future directions in the field of exercise psychology • Aerobic exercise in prevention and treatment of psychopathology • Cognitive perspective on the stress-reducing effects of physical exercise • Developmental aspects of exercise psychology • Social-psychological aspects of fitness promotion • Psychological effects of exercise among the elderly • Experimental versus observational research methodologies • Sympathetic response to acute psychosocial stressors in humans : linkage to physical exercise and training • Alternative psychological models and methodologies for the study of exercise and affect • Meta-analytic techniques in exercise psychology • On the effective benefits of acute aerobic exercise : taking stok after twenty years of research • Conceptualization and quantification of aerobic fitness and physical activity • Aerobic fitness and the response to psychological stress • Historical and conceptual roots of exercise psychologyPublicação: New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1993Descrição: 416 p.Disponibilidade:

Current status and future directions in the field of exercise psychology / Peter SeraganianDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: S5 SERA/P1 (1). :

Blocking the development of stimulus control when stimuli indicate periods of nonreinforcement / Peter Seraganian, co-aut. Walter SaalNível de conjunto: Journal Of The Experimental Analysis Behaviour, Vol. 12, nº 5 (1969), p. 767-772Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: DR (1). :
